
44 Decks, 77 Comments, 0 Reputation

1 thing to say. becus u hav no blue permanents ur mirror-sigil is completely pointless in a deck like this, and u hav way to many 6 drops if u keep him

Posted 14 August 2009 at 02:07 as a comment on Tokens in a different form


ya sorry ur right to bad though, i need to read that card into more detail, i just thought it was when they come into play, owell i can still do a similar thing but it wont b standard...

Posted 03 August 2009 at 12:51 as a comment on Enchanted Evening


u need to add spawnbroker to help change control of homarid for one of their creatures and win lol

Posted 03 August 2009 at 12:32 as a comment on `You Have Crabs AGAIN


for shame no boros swiftblades and no lightning helix, helix beats lightning bolt, also way to many enchantments and not enough lands, if ur going to pacify u might as well just us oblivion rings to remove their enchants or artifacts instead

Posted 29 July 2009 at 23:43 as a comment on Red/White


congrats u can steal this deck from another person... watch the following video


Posted 17 July 2009 at 23:35 as a comment on Turn 0 Win


um 1 maelstrom is not gg becus of lifeline and 2 i see how little of a life ppl hav ha they can go and make multiple logins and spam 9 down thumbs in the last few hours

Posted 16 July 2009 at 17:02 as a comment on Rat Race


y does everyone lack the understanding of prot everything, even if he can move stuff onto the progenitus it will fizzle off of him and go to the graveyard becus of the prot everything, only way to truly make progenitus betr is to use clone/progenitus/mirror gallery/ and serra's blessing, that way u hav multiple progenitus on the field with vigilance, also remember to always use dramatic entrance and elvish pipers

Posted 16 July 2009 at 12:49 as a comment on Progenithus Nightmare


followed footstep doesnt work in this situation becus progenitus has prot everything so u cant target it with the enchant, also use dramatic entrance instead of pipers becus it gets blown up easy, also y the bloom tenders if u hav lack of multi permanents and y the random backing of artifacts???

Posted 15 July 2009 at 22:57 as a comment on Progenitus Copies(Work in progress)


not a bad deck but don't know where ur getting this being a not very expensive deck from, the reflecting pools r $26 a piece, wilt-leaf lieges $13 a piece, windbrisk heights $14 a piece, brush lands/glorious/kitchen finks/path to exile r all around $4-5 and wooded bastions r $10, so cheap no, decent deck yes though it needs springjack shepherd's

Posted 14 July 2009 at 10:07 as a comment on GW Token overrun


only real problem with this is the lack of red permanents to trigger parasites ability

Posted 13 July 2009 at 21:04 as a comment on font of howling megrim mythos mine


sorry to ruin ur idea with druid's call but the swan prevents all damage to itself therefore the druid will not work, 1 thing though is that all ur spells can b replaced with a new equip in 2010 that givs +2/+4 prevents all noncombat damage and removes flying. only thing other then that would b to add forced fruitions and more counters/mana generation

Posted 10 July 2009 at 23:43 as a comment on Swans of Spawning


i like the bogardans becus theyr a big creature for latr and if i cant target the player for somereason i can target stuffy

Posted 02 July 2009 at 16:35 as a comment on Stuffy Doll Attempt


first off this is an old combo that most experienced players know because its been restricted, and in response to counter spell, unless u played first u wont hav any mana to spend to play counter

Posted 02 July 2009 at 08:23 as a comment on First Turn Kill Combo


ok lets start with the basics of any good deck, a solid founding. first for a naya deck i would recommend good control, mana accel, and big creatures. for control i would suggest a few things for all around oblivion rings, for creature path to exile/incinerate/souls fire/naya charm, and for enchant/artifact qasali pridemage. next mana accel for naya decks u hav alot of choice but this goes for all green decks, a few possibilities r birds of paradise/noble hierarch/llanowar elves for creature based and rampant growth/trace of abundance for spells. last we get into the damage area, this is tricky since naya has a wide range of creatures to choose from, the thing to think of though is filling your mana slots properly, i would suggest u use 4 first turn mana accel creatures, control or more mana accel turn 2, turn 3 is where u will hav the most flexibility becus u will hav up to 5 mana to use either put into play some bigger creatures like uril the miststalker or combo with woolly thoctar and naya hushblades. creatures r really up to u but make sure to consolidate ur creatures to about 26 creatures, 24 lands, 8 control cards, and then 2 finishers if u come to that situation that u need them, titanic works well here. once u revise this a bit i can add more comments

Posted 30 June 2009 at 00:36 as a comment on help plus 5


my major concerns with this deck r the lack of mana acceleration combined with the low amount of tokens to actually sac the only ways u hav r dragon fodder and broodmother really

Posted 23 June 2009 at 00:22 as a comment on mono red when magic 2010 comes out


first off nice idea, only thing i think is that u need to drop the whole tutor thing becus no one likes playing restricted vintage cards and also it takes alot of cards just to do the combo in the first place

Posted 23 June 2009 at 00:20 as a comment on reverse heroism


megrim would b pointless unless they discard anything and since this is only removal from top of library it would do nothing

Posted 19 June 2009 at 00:59 as a comment on Mega Mill Madness


first off putting vamps and demonic in a deck with 4 a piece is crap, whos going to play someone with a set of 2 restricted cards, also u do realize ur combo of quietus and final doesn't work becus final punishment deals damage equal to the combat damage already dealt this turn, quietus causes life loss so therefore it will not cause the person to die becus the most u will do is 2 unblocked damage then half the opponents life total then 2 more damage so if u did this with them at 20 health u put them to 7 not kill them

Posted 16 June 2009 at 10:54 as a comment on crescent decay


first off u can only hav 4 gemstones since they arent basic, second the same goes with teferi's plus it has phasing so it will leave play at end of turn then re enter to it will never untap unless u hv other things to do that, also never use gaea in a deck like this, u first wont hav many creatures in play an without 1 in play it givs 0 mana plus its a $24 card so waste of cash

Posted 14 June 2009 at 12:50 as a comment on my b-day deck


since when did u think that lightning bolt was type 2 also hissing iguanars is pointless in this deck becus u lack any tokens to sac

Posted 07 June 2009 at 23:39 as a comment on Burnt with a little Jund (v2)


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