
4 Decks, 23 Comments, 1 Reputation

May as well toss in a tolarian academy or two. Just for the giggles.

Posted 23 September 2010 at 20:54 as a comment on Darksteel


I would run Preordain over the wisps. The scrying can help ensure that you draw what you need, and the additional abilities on the two wisps are irrelevant to your deck.

Posted 21 September 2010 at 14:59 as a comment on Bone Bashing


You need more blue permanents for Mirror-Sigil Sergeant to be effective. Clone copies another creature, and there are no other blue creatures, so Clone will never be blue. That only leaves 2 Followed Footsteps and 1 Day of the Dragons, and theres a good chance you won't even draw one, let alone get one to stick on the battlefield with only 3, not to mention the expensive casting cost on the Day of the Dragons. I recommend finding at least one cheap blue permanent to include to increase the effectiveness of the Sergeant.

Posted 21 September 2010 at 14:56 as a comment on WUG Exponential Growth


Leyline of the Void is an absolute must in the sideboard. If you go up against a graveyard deck, i.e, Dredgevine or Pyromancer Ascension, you'll only be feeding the graveyard and helping them early game. With Leyline of the Void, you can punish the graveyard decks instead of helping them.

Posted 21 September 2010 at 14:50 as a comment on Discard 101 - please comment!!!


9 cards short of a full deck, i would recommend 4 Gemhide Sliver, 4 crystalline sliver, and probably a 2nd Nicol Bolas

Posted 11 September 2010 at 17:39 as a comment on Slivering Bolas


I would push acidic slime into the sideboard. Also, I'm not an enormous fan of omnath. With the extra 6 slots, I would do a 3rd Nissa Revane, 2 Garruks, and a 4th Eldrazi Monument. If you can get a monument to stick, youll win 99% of the time. Nissa helps keep up against opposing rushes, shuts RDW down, and can feed a monument. Garruk accels your mana, pumps out 3/3s, and can be an alternate finisher if you cant get a hydra or monument to stick.

Posted 03 September 2010 at 16:49 as a comment on Elves T2 (plz comment)


If you were to run lotus cobra and fetchlands, you could, in theory, have two titans up and running on turn 3.

Turn 1: Land, Llanowar Elves
Turn 2: Lotus Cobra, Fetchland, Lotus Cobra
Turn 3: Fetchland, tap 2, Titan, get 2 fetches, tap 2, Titan, with mana leftover if you have a card or two left in hand.

Posted 26 July 2010 at 00:26 as a comment on Primeval Titan


I would drop unholy strength for either Vampire Nighthawk or Vampire Nocturnus. The Nocturnus essentially gives all of your vampires Unholy Strength and the Nighthawk is a great card with deathtouch and lifelink, and also gives your deck a second card to work with sanguine bond. 30 lands is also a bit too high and increases the risk of a land flood. I would take out 4-6 lands, potentially just the dark depths, since a deck like this should never go late enough to bring all of the counters off of it.

Posted 24 July 2010 at 20:34 as a comment on Multi-Win Condition Vampires


I would find a way to run 4 gemhide slivers. It would add a huge layer of consistency to your mana base, plus would help limit games that run slowly due to removal.

Posted 24 July 2010 at 20:31 as a comment on My oldest sliver deck


Well, this one doesn't because it seems to be totally standard legal. If you want to go ahead and make it legacy, dark ritual is a must, as well as thrumming stones. Thrumming stone is absolutely freaking hilarious in relentless rats decks.

Posted 21 July 2010 at 19:20 in reply to #75090 on Relentless Rats


Also, muderous redcap.

Posted 18 July 2010 at 18:13 in reply to #74431 on Quillspike Combos


Deity of Scars would go well here also.

Posted 18 July 2010 at 18:02 as a comment on Quillspike Combos


My main comment is that to do 4 colors you really need dual/tri lands... with only basics and terramorphic expanses, 4 colors isnt very workable. In fact, U/W levelers can be fairly powerful, if you want to cut it down to only 2 colors... If you do, 4 students of warfare is a must.

Posted 18 July 2010 at 18:00 as a comment on Levellers


In a deck where so many creatures are useful at so many different points, Fauna Shaman is essential. Also, I highly recommend Dauntless Escort, which will not only protect your Sovereign from Novablast, but your entire board.

Posted 18 July 2010 at 16:58 as a comment on Life Blast


Find more room for It That Betrays, and run All is Dusts. Wipe your opponents board and steal it all in one!

Posted 18 July 2010 at 16:24 as a comment on Eldrazi Theme Deck


Chain lightning, rift bolt, fireblast, and lava dart are 4 of burn's best cards. I would go ahead and drop the enchants, sol ring, chandra's outrages, and flame bursts. Stick with the simple burn cards that you can cast for 1-2, maybe 3 mana plus ones you can cast for sacrificing mountains at the end to finish it, and you can win by turn 3-4 incredibly regularly.

Posted 15 July 2010 at 20:50 as a comment on Burning Repercussion


I would run into the roil for some extra card draw, control, and combo with venerated teacher. Also, i would find room main deck for transcendant master, because thats just about the best leveler even against non-red decks.

Posted 15 July 2010 at 20:42 as a comment on Max Level


If you want to maintain mono black, i suggest some main board removal. mono color decks don't necessarily need 24 lands like 2-3 color decks absolutely need to run. Try to move duress and doom blade to main deck. I would lose mire toll from the sideboard and replace it with inquisition of kozilek. Also possible in the sideboard are pithing needle, deathmark, and consume the meek.

Posted 15 July 2010 at 20:13 as a comment on Black Ally Discard/Kill M11


Its a common misconception that summoning trap is limited to control decks. The six mana hard cast is incredibly easy to pay by turn 4, and it puts it into play instead of into your hand. that means, when a bloodbraid elf is swinging at me on turn 4, i can instant speed an ulamog into play, block it, then attack with it without the other player ever having a chance to remove it. Between being instant speed and placing the creature into play, (plus its not only colorless, i can place a pelakka wurm or primeval titan or iona into play also), AND it being the top 7 cards instead of top 7, i much prefer the trap. mana is no issue for this deck.

Posted 15 July 2010 at 20:07 in reply to #73868 on G/W Eldrazi


No problem man, this deck is looking pretty sick

Posted 15 July 2010 at 17:04 in reply to #73854 on Eldrazi Elves CHANGES MADE!


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