
11 Decks, 38 Comments, 0 Reputation

freddfu :P

Posted 02 March 2009 at 19:09 as a comment on Member Database


Deck has been fixed up. Plays well as mono-black. Fun, especially with millstones. Will post the updated version soon.

Posted 06 February 2008 at 04:46 as a comment on Infinite Mana Fun


I lack time at the moment, but will be working on an adequate switch to BG. In the meantime, i would like to make it as best as possible in a mono-black environment. Thank you all for your useful reviews. Decklists for the BG switch would provide useful :)

Posted 09 January 2008 at 03:24 as a comment on Infinite Mana Fun


Currently I have 5 win conditions, 7 if you count the tutors. There is nothing worse than infinite mana at your disposal and no win condition in hand. I would like to guarantee I draw it. Plus, Consume Spirit can serve as @ss-saving or creature removal as well. I included Whetwheels because i find it amusing to mill your opponent's entire deck at once. I am sorry if i have left comments on your decks that you find to be stupid. I simply wish to help the community.

Posted 09 January 2008 at 03:23 as a comment on Infinite Mana Fun


Jasmon1 (cont.): I was thinking about adding artifact-aided acceleration: Will add 2 Mind Stone. Will add 2 swamp with your recommendations. I frown upon Type two, I want to keep it as recent as possible (well, as long as i keep my combo, that is).
-1 Recover, +1 Call to the netherworld for mana-friendliness.
joande: Cabal Coffers is hard to get, and I like playing for fun: Getting the oldest yet more powerful card would take away from my playstyle.

Posted 09 January 2008 at 03:17 as a comment on Infinite Mana Fun


konda: i was thinking about making it a BG deck too, thanks for reinforcement. Will see what i can do with mono black, and if the crowd doesn't like it, it shall be made BG Infinite Mana Fun.
Jasmon1: The reason I have Terror's in because they are cheaper. I will add Endings to the sidedeck, and will swap accordingly. Dash hopes adds counters to my deck. I will switch out the Dash Hopes with your recommendations, however. Dash Hopes will be sideboarded.

Posted 09 January 2008 at 03:04 as a comment on Infinite Mana Fun


Nice deck, similar to mine. Definitely need those Dolmen gates; i have a white weenie deck too, and dang, the Gate just kicks @ss in combination with the heir and Militias Pride. A agree with you, baron_ws, kithkin sorta got shafted, and i can't wait for their glory day in Morningtide. *Here's hoping :) I would take out the Hail of arrrows too, and kill some Surges. please help me with my decks! Latest one can be found here:

Posted 08 January 2008 at 04:09 as a comment on


Looks very effective in massacring your own lands... but where is the win condition? Unless you are going to attack with llanowar elves, this deck has no way of winning. Mana? sure. land destruction? check. Win condition? <major flaw> Unless i missed something here (and if i did i apologize with embarassment), there is no way to win with your deck. If you found this review helpful, please help me with my decks! Latest one can be found here:

Posted 08 January 2008 at 04:02 as a comment on Crucible Land Kill


Wow, expensive deck. Looks good, redundant, but good. You have your counterspells and WoG's, only thing to consider is that if you don't get your (A) Opalescence, or (B) Replenish, or they get countered without you having another counter, you're screwed. Kinds low chance for that though, hehe. If you found this review helpful, please help me with my decks! Latest one can be found here:
happy deckbuilding!

Posted 08 January 2008 at 03:56 as a comment on


If i were you I'd put in some some Cloudgoat rangers, Thoughweft Trio's, put Ajani actually into the deck, put in some Dolmen Gates, and maybe even some harbingers to fetch Militia's pride. I would definitely have 4 Wizened Cenn's in a kithkin deck. Plover Knights can be replaced by Galepowder mages. Just some thoughts :) If you found this review helpful, please help me with my decks! Latest one can be found here:
happy deckbuilding!

Posted 08 January 2008 at 03:52 as a comment on Divinity


i really stress more Forced Fruitions. They (1) keep opponent's hand size fat (2) forced them to discard, (3) lock them down. Its the perfect card! And its cheap! [personal success story(ies): As soon as 2 fruitions hit the table its all over. I had three out once. Everyone died. Hahaha!]

Posted 07 January 2008 at 08:10 as a comment on Megrim


sorry for the late respond redwolf. Looks nice, could use more Forced Fruitions :D (personal favorite card, it's just so powerful. and cheap, too! powerful budget cards, yum!) . Might want to put in some Underworld Dreams what with all the drawing you have here. I would take out Nightmare void, it just sorta sticks out. Plus, there are better cards to do the job. Another careful consideration? Please comment back on my deck; it has been updated. happy deckbuilding

Posted 07 January 2008 at 08:07 as a comment on Megrim


Ajani rocks.

Posted 07 January 2008 at 07:57 as a comment on Standard White Control


I had my deck sorted out, will post updated version soon. The updated version is still a bit tricky to get that combo off, but once it goes off, its fun. I've gotten 16-20 damage off with Wistful Thinking enough to consider this s fun deck :) Don't stop commenting! its helping! (really!)

*Will have another of my decks up soon if interested in being a good samaritan

Posted 05 January 2008 at 03:05 as a comment on Discard Fest


*I don't have my orzhov deck online yet, bogged down with school. Sorry, my fellow Orzhov enthusiast. (not to be confused with Euthanist, hehe)

P.S. Debtor's Knell ROCKS!!!

Posted 05 January 2008 at 02:59 as a comment on


*I don't have my orzhov deck online yet, bogged down with school. Sorry, my fellow Orzhov enthusiast. (not to be confused with Euthanist, hehe)

Posted 05 January 2008 at 02:59 as a comment on


YES!!! I was looking through Orzhov decks, because, quite frankly, Orzhov rules, and I came across this one: its almost identical to my Orzhov deck! (that is, after i switched to control... It's fun to mess with your opponent's hand an deck, WHILE your draining life :D ) Nice job, good overall deck, cept maybe take out a few high-mana creatures to lower your curve, while simultaneously reducing your deck to 60 cards. Drop me some comments! i like your play style, matches mine! :)

Posted 05 January 2008 at 02:58 as a comment on


sorry my friend, as much as i, too, enjoy a nice healthy deck of 70, you really need to cut it down to 60. Take out the Nocturnus, is completely useless in this deck, along with the Ornithopter (awesome card, i know! but not in this deck...). Kill the ostiary and Absolver thrulls; they're kinda pointless. Get rid of Cryptwailing; it doesn't work out in this deck. You must have a driving theme for a working deck; life drain? control? Creature-based? If you do not, your deck will not be successful.

Posted 05 January 2008 at 02:54 as a comment on Orzhov Code


Well, can't really help you on this deck, mate. Seems pretty polished. I agree on the land part; 20 in a deck with such low mana costs is plenty. Counters are in there to kill burn spells, and bounce to get rid of problem creatures... seems A-OK to me. Plus, nothing is better to judge a deck than playing with it repeatedly. If you usually win on turn 7, then that's as good as you're gonna get.

people! please comment on my deck!

Posted 02 November 2007 at 02:32 as a comment on Cant Touch This


please elaborate. I want as much information as possible, and would like to make this deck pwn as much face as possible. Thank you for your input, all of you.

- oh yeah, my deck has problems with creatures (no way!?). If you guys can suggest cards to take out to make room for like Shriekmaw's, or Sages, or whatever, I'd appreciate it :)
-Happy belated Halloween!

Posted 02 November 2007 at 02:25 as a comment on Discard Fest


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