
213 Decks, 1,749 Comments, 482 Reputation

Trying to out race the control deck is about card advantage, considering the number of counterspells, you get outclassed by their Silumgar's Scorn/Dragon package, so if I were you, I'd slam it full of dragons and Scorn so you can match them, but also outpace them when you need to. Secure the Wastes is an awesome card, Andrew Cuneo uses it to great effect in his match in the feature match area

Posted 17 May 2015 at 07:34 in reply to #549863 on Jeskai Control


Why? It is a pretty weak card?

Posted 17 May 2015 at 07:23 in reply to #549838 on Jeskai Control


I'd actually keep the Vault over the other stuff, having watched Adrian Sullivan use it, it takes out Walkers, who are such an issue for decks like this

Posted 17 May 2015 at 07:22 in reply to #549835 on Jeskai Control


Elspeth, Secure the Wastes and Sarkhan are all win conditions

Posted 17 May 2015 at 07:20 in reply to #549868 on Jeskai Control


I actually don't really like EDH but I'll consider it

Posted 16 May 2015 at 18:43 in reply to #549805 on Brainstorming:Time of Control


Looked at your creatures and I was like "Whats this guy on? He doesn't need my help, this is fine" then I saw non-creature spells... they simply don't fit in the deck. You want to centre in on your creatures, the only non-creature stuff you want main board is burn and stubborn denial (especially Crater's Claws). You essentially need to be Temur Dragons, cut those enchantments, add Icefall regent and the new Sarkhan. Both Surraks would suit here, the newer one being better in a deck like this, also something to consider is Outpost siege because, well, digging is awesome! Then you want a tonne of burn, Atarka's command, Draconic Roar and Wild Slash with Crater's Claws as your end game. A 1 of Dig through Time wouldn't be bad if you can fit it in as well.

Posted 16 May 2015 at 16:31 as a comment on Temur Midrange


Done it, hopefully it helps

Posted 16 May 2015 at 16:22 in reply to #549782 on Brainstorming: Here be Dragons


If I were you, I'd have Dragonlord Ouj and a mixture of thunderbreak and icefall regent because then you can use draconic roar (little bits of damage might help to close it out when you need to!) un-conterable Dragonlord's prerogative and Silumgar's Scorn, which should give you the speed you need vs esper/abzan whilst keeping fundamentally control- great deck though! Vault needs more good standard decks like this

Posted 16 May 2015 at 13:12 as a comment on Jeskai Control


It might be tough on the mana, but they are too good to pass up, they are the best removal spells in standard and control has enough fixing between Dismal Backwater, Polluted Delta and Temple of Deceit. Seeker isn't really a control card, it takes up valuable space for a removal spell or a draw spell. Dig needs to be here, it is standard's Sphinx's rev

Posted 16 May 2015 at 09:53 in reply to #547892 on Don't Even know...


Mentor/seeker package doesn't really fit in the board wipe plan, but banishing light is for sure good! Encase in Ice is awesome, it hits pretty much everything in standard, but Vaan you missed the main reason for black! Hero's Downfall! The bane of the aggro decks! Bile Blight would also be awesome, and going into black allows the use of Dragonlord Silumgar and Silumgar the drifting death

Posted 16 May 2015 at 09:32 in reply to #547892 on Don't Even know...


Temples are really needed in control, also you need something ,like End Hostilities or Perilous Vault to sweep up the board, you don't need as many counters but you do need more spot removal, might as well splash black and go into Esper dragons

Posted 16 May 2015 at 08:58 in reply to #547892 on Don't Even know...


Although cut necromaster dragon for 2 more hero's downfall because it is awesome!

Posted 16 May 2015 at 07:34 in reply to #549649 on UB Dragon Control


It is any kind of grammar, it took me a while to realise xD Glad I can be of service! SCG and Channel Fireball do great articles

Posted 16 May 2015 at 07:25 in reply to #549647 on Manifest Deathmist

Permalink This might interest you

Posted 15 May 2015 at 21:06 in reply to #549647 on Manifest Deathmist


Oh it would literally have your name and the link to this deck, because the aim is to try and get competitive standard decks onto the hot page to improve the vault because right now its a bit pants! If I were you, I'd make what you want it to look like, its an incentive to make a deck look super pretty, its what I do!

Posted 15 May 2015 at 20:18 in reply to #549647 on Manifest Deathmist


EWWWWWWW JUSTEN! STOP MAKING GOOD CONTROL DECKS BUDDY xD Freaking awesome deck man, feel free to post it up on my articles, with your permission, I will too because decks like this on the hot page improve MTG vault

Posted 15 May 2015 at 17:27 as a comment on UB Dragon Control


If I were you, Whisperwood elemental all the way, also ghostfire blade is pretty epic, and any megamorph/ morph would be awesome, for example, Den Protector because them combos with raptor, if you don't mind, can I use this in an upcoming article I'm writing, its about improving MTGVault and this deck has potential

Posted 15 May 2015 at 17:25 as a comment on Manifest Deathmist


Awesome thanks, I hope you have a read of my articles, the brainstorming ones, easy to find, a couple are on the hot page rn

Posted 15 May 2015 at 17:13 in reply to #549640 on Mardu tokenz


Great deck, I would suggest Keranos, he is a real bomb, if it is OK with you, can I post this deck to my articles (Brainstorming) because it fits in with 'Make MTGVault better!'

Posted 15 May 2015 at 17:07 as a comment on U/R Dragon Control


Great deck, I would suggest Keranos, he is a real bomb, if it is OK with you, can I post this deck to my articles (Brainstorming) because it fits in with 'Make MTGVault better!'

Posted 15 May 2015 at 17:07 as a comment on U/R Dragon Control


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