
995 Decks, 1,355 Comments, 89 Reputation

Gotcha! Yeah I know the tapped land is slow- but it being a common problem in the format- and also the fact it does affect the battlefield (triggers 3 of the 5 creatures you run and is an extra creature for rally the peasants) vs a normal tapped land seems to mitigate it to me. But i can definitely see it being a pain to see on an opening hand where its ur only green source and you want to cast essence warden or something. In this deck seems like almost free value to me. But the deck looks solid- hope it performs well for you!

Posted 24 April 2021 at 15:14 in reply to #641891 on Swarming in Pauper


ah this is a tighttttt list. very nice. Only thing maybe worth mentioning is khalni garden? Makes the skreds worse I guess but helps with the token strategy- something to attach gond to if you flood and all else fails. Might not be the call though- I like abusing that card (working on a pauper deck with that being a main component so its on the brain lol) but maybe its still worth a 1 of? I'm also not sure what dawn charm is for though? I feel like mana tithe or moment's peace might be better there if you need those effects- but again not sure what its for. Either case- super tight list. Good work +1

Posted 22 April 2021 at 18:17 as a comment on Swarming in Pauper


good work! You should put some tags on this though so its easier to find.

Posted 15 April 2021 at 18:52 as a comment on What's The Reserved List?


I actually haven't looked at the lesson stuff too much yet- but my first thought when initially saw the mechanic was its probably broken in some way if they printed enough support for it (didnt look at all the spoilers yet still). Just slapping a tutor ability on cards that normally would say "draw a card" or something seems powerful. im sure itll see some play SOMEWHERE.

Posted 15 April 2021 at 18:51 in reply to #641774 on Pauper Tortured Existence 7


it's probably for the side board cards.

Posted 15 April 2021 at 18:49 in reply to #641805 on Cavalcade of Affinity


Gotcha that makes sense! I figured it was because it being a creature for TE was the big consideration so that clarifies it. Good luck with further improvements!

Posted 15 April 2021 at 15:12 in reply to #641774 on Pauper Tortured Existence 7


gotcha! Thanks for the explanations. Had another question, been thinking about TE a lot for some reason and might try a build- but did you consider rofello's gift over auramancer? Is auramancer just that much more reliable that you'd play it over something more on color? I know it's not a creature which probably hurts it, but you don't need the plains that you might accidentally dredge out (and if tilling treefolk was in there to try and get it back- might not need that either?).

Posted 15 April 2021 at 05:49 in reply to #641774 on Pauper Tortured Existence 7


I like the build but still trying to work through all the 1 ofs and the utility they might present- assuming since your on v7 theres been some work on this haha and you're going for a toolbox thing. I haven't done too much research on TE builds. But the only card I totally dont get the point of is battlefield scrounger in the side? is it like a way to like cut your losses against relic or something? +1 btw

Posted 13 April 2021 at 18:25 as a comment on Pauper Tortured Existence 7


no problem! I only suggest lifestaff as a good card against burn/blitz. It's def a little weird otherwise I think. Good luck with it! 3 khalni gardens might be a bit high i just noticed- lot of tapped lands- but it's def good in some number!

Posted 13 April 2021 at 16:24 in reply to #641764 on B/G Pauper: Sacrifice


I think one has more game then your r/g variant. It's just more efficient to have free sac outlets like in the form of carrion feeder in my experience.

Is the reason for choosing diabolic edict over chainer's edict the instant speed? I think for a lot of card evaluations thats usually the right move but in my brain edict-type effects you typically want to do earlier anyway- like if you're playing against bogles you dont even want to give them the chance to play another creature because then your edict doesnt get rid of what once was the 1-of threat- it gets rid of the the small creature. I think the recursion you get from edict late game outways the instant speed on diabolic but i could be wrong.

I'd also maybe take out the qaurrys for some lower to the ground value. Something like nest invader or even something like acorn harvest can provide you with some good card advantage and easy recurrable fodder to sac to to carrion feeder.

I'm also a big proponent of making the most out of your mana base- since this deck runs black- it's usually a good idea to throw at least a one of bojuka bog in there for graveyard hate (or at least in the side) and this deck could also abuse cards like khalni garden (free token to sacrifice) or if you have the wiggle room for it- cradle of the accursed (which seems like gas here because you get the sac trigger AND a token to use later)

I'd also maybe take terrarion out- i dont think it does much here- you're better off with more creatures- maybe ones that have death triggers or produce tokens when they die to keep the engine going. you most likely dont need the color fixing- but if you're worried about it- something like myr sire or gleaming barrier is painless and will give you a 2 for 1.

As for sideboard suggestions- sylvok lifestaff seems like a natural fit here. good luck with it! I love "Artistocratsy" decks- I try and force them all the time in standard even if they dont have the right support. i hope they print blood artist or zulaport cutthroat or something as a common one day.

Posted 13 April 2021 at 15:39 as a comment on B/G Pauper: Sacrifice


I've played with the panoramas before- I prefer wilds and expanse over them because they can slow down already slow starting hands if I have one drops and no color lands (ideally want to get sleppe lynx out turn 1 or 2 latest obviously)- plus crop rotation is busted as long as you have one green open- allows for triple landfall turns- forest into crop rotation into evolving wilds into another land. The panaromas just make plays like that a little clunkier. I do play a few of them in one of my more landfall focused deck though because i play a crazy amount of lands, and id play em if i ran more colorless cards but not so sure on em here.

And winding way is still a consideration! I'm playing a bunch of non-creature/lands in this build so didnt include in this initial build but if I ever get to playtest it, cards like that are definitely on the consideration list if it turns out to fizzle a lot- didnt put it in yet as ive discovered landfall decks sometimes have a "bogles-esque" vibe to em- where as long as you have a landfall creature out- you have game. I'm not entirely sure where this cat jank falls at the moment so it might need it/might not haha. Thanks for the comment!

Posted 12 April 2021 at 14:40 in reply to #641737 on PAUPER: bunch of dumb cats


is there a budget for this? that might help with card suggestions

some general suggestions- try and figure out what the strongest cards and interactions are- and then try and cut the lesser cards- there is a lot of 1 and 2 ofs in the deck and that's going to hurt the decks consistency. If there are cards you absolutely want to see every game- make sure it's a 4 of or you have some way of searching for it. Also, depending on the format (not sure if its like arena best of 1 or something) but if it's not that- consider putting cards you only want to see in certain match ups (like fell the pheasant or return to nature maybe) in the sideboard.

some specific stuff I can probably safely suggest- you should probably cut oakhame ranger- the mana cost is going to be insanely difficult to make work in this deck. Add some lands and/or cut some of the high mana cards as right now you're not going to be able to reliably cast them. I'd strongly suggest finding some dual lands or using fabled passage- but again not sure what the budget is if there is one.

Good luck with the build! Food actually can have some game in the standard meta so I hear. I'd search around here and look for some other food decks for inspiration.

Posted 12 April 2021 at 02:12 in reply to #641727 on Death By Food


Seems more like a control build to me terminology-wise but looks good! 4 shark typhoon seems maybe excessive to me but I could be wrong. I'd put a sideboard together though so you can maximize effectiveness.

Posted 09 April 2021 at 16:20 as a comment on Izzet Control


Yeah. I come and go sometimes! And no problem! Your deck probably has game- just need to find the right combination of things!

And yeah haha, the glory dayssss.... nothing lasts forever- is what it is, its just fun in the end haha. But def happy to be back! Thanks!

Posted 09 April 2021 at 01:06 in reply to #641672 on PAUPER: Good Boy Supremacy


All doggos good doggos.

Posted 08 April 2021 at 15:59 in reply to #641672 on PAUPER: Good Boy Supremacy


Embercleave? the synergies with fervant champion might be good. Also I'd just take out the revitilizes. You're already 4 cards over 60 and that seems like a weird card to run main board (probably better sideboard options than that also). +1 though knights are a good time

Posted 07 April 2021 at 23:38 as a comment on Modern Knights


thanks! looks more manageable now!

Posted 29 March 2021 at 23:25 in reply to #641413 on Nutty Invasion


I know it's for fun, but in order to have that fun, I think you need some more lands in this build. 14 is really low and you got some high cmc stuff in here. i don't think the 2 of crytpolith rite and cradle is gonna get you there. I'd at least try and stretch to 18 lands. you can run like horizon canopies if you're worried about getting flooded (And they'll help with the white). love squirrels though- +1

Posted 29 March 2021 at 16:34 as a comment on Nutty Invasion


thanks! the reason I went with careful study and grisly salvage for my diggers was the study can dump 2 cards that are already in my hand (and i need that in case i draw into a dragon's breath because i cant really support red reliably), and grisly salvage can also be used to grab things that have already been killed/used (no value aethersnipe), as well as help with lands if needed. The disadvantage though to grisly salvage is that it's not a comfortable second turn spell AFTER careful study (its impossible haha), so i might still consider two mana blue digs. thanks for the suggestions!

Posted 29 March 2021 at 14:44 in reply to #641399 on PAUPER: Sultai Dragonsnipe


its not strictly better. you cant turn one ritual into it which i think might be the point here

Posted 24 March 2021 at 23:15 in reply to #641267 on My Favorite Black Deck


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