
162 Decks, 622 Comments, 96 Reputation

I see. Well I'm working on another deck idea anyway so yeah. I've learned that Vampires shouldn't be combo-based. Good call.

Posted 19 April 2013 at 02:43 in reply to #342575 on Blood-F**king Vampires


Well I'm just trying something new and making one card useful. I personally don't think Gravepurge is trash. What makes that decently good fixes the problem of Vampire Nocturnus's consistency since you said it was so bad anyway(which BTW cannot be the single worst vampire in standard, have you looked at the common vampires?). Maybe part of your comment is right about splashing the white in here as well but that was also for the Vault of the archangel. Maybe I should add more removal and burn and hopefully I'll do fine. I'll have you know I did run Esper Control decks that won me 1st and 4th place at 2 local tournaments, and the deck does have a lot of good, expensive cards (yes I did say I didn't want Falkenrath in the deck because it's to expensive and after affording all the cards for Esper Control, I can't really get a playset of them that easily). So yeah, this might be a shitty deck but I was just trying something new for vampires. But I will take the advice for the Boros Charm, I'll take that out and remake the deck soon, but not now. Again, just trying something new.

Posted 16 April 2013 at 11:51 in reply to #341784 on Blood-F**king Vampires


alright then.

Posted 13 April 2013 at 03:24 in reply to #339957 on proactive dragonsmaze standard


more counter spells

Posted 11 April 2013 at 19:45 in reply to #339957 on proactive dragonsmaze standard


Oh wow, I didn't even realize that. Nice.

Posted 03 April 2013 at 23:06 in reply to #338355 on Werewolf Control?


Destroy all the lands, and what better way than to do that than using Ajani. Nice. Even though the deck is expensive, I still think there should at least be more good, multi-colored lands.

Posted 03 April 2013 at 22:07 as a comment on [Modern] LD Planeswalker Ctrl


There just seems to be a lot of cards you have 1 of. You might want to run more copies of cards such as Nicol Bolas Planeswalker, especially if you're making a deck based off him.

Posted 29 March 2013 at 18:37 as a comment on Nicol Bolas Deck


Not a bad deck really. It just needs improvement. You do have a lot of land destruction in the deck, but maybe someone is running an aggro deck that can kill you without the worry of land destruction. You obviously have land destruction, but I feel you may need defense. Maybe a board wipe like life's finale, or some removal spells like doom blade and ultimate price. This deck could use some defense.

Posted 27 March 2013 at 01:11 as a comment on R/B Land Destruction


I agree with most of the advice except:

cards I'm not sure about taking out:

teneb - why? He reanimates dragons. So why?
exhume - reanimator? HELLO!?
living death - wtf? You bring back ALL DRAGONS YOU MILLED WITH SCION!!!
obliterate - awww. I can't piss all of you off at the last moment?
exotic orchard - let's not forget that this is scion. Has all colors, so all lands my opponents control are going to have a color I will most likely want (most likely 2 colors). It still can pivot as a good mana land.

cards I'm not sure I want in:

sensei's devining top - worth like $25. fuck no.
demonic tutor - good, but worth too much.
wound reflection - ?
debtor's knoll - there is no knoll. da fuq are you talking about?
maelstorm wonderer - ohhh....looks fancy. (looks at price: $8) oh.

you said drop the snapcaster mage?

more cards I don't agree with:

Nicol bolas - you mean the one you suggested to me the other day?
jin gitaxis - meh.

Yeah hopefully I'll get every shock land ever (actually, dragon's maze. hm.)

Reflecting pool - hopefully it's not too expensive.

Vela - alright, decent

Chaos warp - why?

May have sounded like I was rood but I agree with most of this information, so thanks.

Chad, you're an idiot.

Posted 20 March 2013 at 20:38 in reply to #333338 on Scion EDH


I'll keep that statement in my head: "blue sure helps with counters"

Posted 19 March 2013 at 20:04 in reply to #333012 on Esper Control Version 2


champion of the parish? Anyone?

Posted 19 March 2013 at 20:02 as a comment on Exalted B/W Aggro


yup. that harsh, evil deck.

Posted 19 March 2013 at 20:01 in reply to #332825 on Esper Control Version 2


thanks for liking! Challenges were aggro. Nah, not that. I'm talking about blitz. You know, the deck that can kill you in 3-5 turns!?

Posted 19 March 2013 at 02:17 in reply to #331594 on Esper Control Version 2


for a fourth sphinx's revelation you should take out 1 mind grind.

Posted 19 March 2013 at 02:16 as a comment on obzedat's azorius


How? You don't have 4 Revelations.

Posted 11 March 2013 at 02:58 in reply to #330240 on Esper Control Version 2


Pretty decent looking deck here. Have you tried Guttersnipe in your deck? With all the instants you could make this Guttersnipe Control and burn the opponent while controlling. Also, adding more cards to a sideboard would also be a good idea.

Posted 11 March 2013 at 01:23 as a comment on Merca


I said this once and I'll say it again: Run a 4th Sphinx's Revelation.

Posted 11 March 2013 at 01:20 as a comment on Dark azorius


I'd say run a fourth Sphinx's Revelation. I've seen people run 4 and I'm proxing 2 more and it's working great because when you cast 1 sphinx's revelation, it might lead to another and another and another so I'd recommend 1 more.

Posted 07 March 2013 at 22:18 as a comment on Esper control


you've been Forgiven. It's only useful at times when you can play red mana and play dangerous wager. I should probably put in Desperate Ravings in here sooner or later.

Posted 08 December 2012 at 16:26 in reply to #308982 on Chancellor Deck


thanks. It was first going to be like this and unburial rites, then then I thought of Living death and of course.

Posted 08 December 2012 at 16:25 in reply to #308980 on Chancellor Deck


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