
165 Decks, 495 Comments, 115 Reputation

I wouldn't use Goblin Grenade you have max 10 goblins out at one time, so it's a bit inconsistent...........

Posted 04 May 2013 at 20:46 as a comment on Izzet/copy deck


Replace Searing Spear with Lightning Bolt?

Posted 04 May 2013 at 19:43 as a comment on Unblockable Sillyness


Could you possibly replace Searing Spear with Lightning Bolt?

Posted 04 May 2013 at 19:37 as a comment on American Control


What's better - think twice or divination?

Posted 02 May 2013 at 18:15 as a comment on U/W/R Midrange


Nice deck man! With cards like Furnace Whelp and Infernal Plunge you can combo it with Fling for sick damage to opponent! Love your decks bro, and was wondering if you were going to be thinking about doing perhaps an American control soon, because I have been looking for some ideas for my par - budget control deck seen here - Keep it up though, they're fun and interesting decks!

Posted 30 April 2013 at 22:33 as a comment on Budget Decks: Dragon II


Nice deck! Seems very balanced! Cloudshift works VERY well with Augur and Snapcaster, and it burns with Guttersnipe as well, or Restoration Angel to also use as some instant defense to screw up your opponent's attack strategy! I run a very similar deck with the same kind of idea, got some good combos you should check out! Good deck though and keep going!

Posted 30 April 2013 at 22:19 as a comment on Clues of War


I would put a Rite of Replication in with Bogardan Hellkite just to win the game outright.

Posted 30 April 2013 at 17:22 as a comment on A Storm is Coming


Hahahahah it looks a lot like my first deck, so I would advise you not to play Mindclaw Shaman. It looks cool, but it's not that good. Also, add more instants like Teleportal for your Lobbing Crew. Good deck though, keep it up!

Posted 27 April 2013 at 23:14 as a comment on Just Izzet.........


I would absolutely hate that Grindstone card, especially since I have no artifact removal! Hahaha

Posted 27 April 2013 at 16:22 in reply to #345425 on Lib. Fitness!results in3turns!


Jeeeezus christ if you Grindstoned a mono deck would it just mill them out like that? Jace's Phantasm and some Liliana cards could be the balls in this deck! Nice job man, keep going!

Posted 27 April 2013 at 16:02 as a comment on Lib. Fitness!results in3turns!


Obsidian Fireheart would be absolutely the best in this deck, but the three Mountain CMC could be a problem..... Good deck though man!

Posted 27 April 2013 at 15:53 as a comment on The Witch's Curse


Thanks very much bro! Will look around at some of those Orzhov cards for sure!

Posted 26 April 2013 at 07:34 in reply to #344957 on Token Life! Help!


Nice! Throwing in a Tribal Flames for a potentially game winning late game 2CMC 6-7 damage could be really sweet! Or even a Curse of the Bloodletting to throw out before their creatures get too powerful so you can burn them at an an accelerated rate. But it seems to me that you're going to be casting these one drops at an amazing rate, so soon you're not going to be drawing enough of them to keep up with your opponents' steadily growing creatures, but your deck and you know it and all. Good deck though man, and keep it up!

Posted 25 April 2013 at 22:42 as a comment on Single Cost Burn Death


Wall of Denial could provide an absolutely perfect defender to keep you opponents at bay, with a toughness of 8, shroud and flying it should definitely be in here. Also Ethereal Armour can also supplement a boost to your creature that you're lacking, even if it's used to just give some of your walls a removing capability. Good deck though man, you're doing good! Be sure to check out my enchantment deck for ideas and hopefully some inspiration!

Posted 25 April 2013 at 22:38 as a comment on Cock Block


Cloudshift could be absolutely wicked with Thragtusk, or even Centaur Healer or Sanctifier if you were desperate. Nice deck though man! I run a similar one that you should definitely check out for ideas on my wall!

Posted 25 April 2013 at 22:30 as a comment on Soul Sisters (testing)


Cradle of Vitality and Auriok Champion would be the balls in this deck, but Cradle of Vitality more so. Nice deck by the way man, keep it up! :P

Posted 25 April 2013 at 22:25 as a comment on Life Gain token


Thanks so much! Yeah little worried about his sheer aggro against my burn but I might be adding in a cheeky little bit of Azorius for some extra control and a few more creatures! Thanks again!

Posted 25 April 2013 at 07:16 as a comment on Dragons Maze Strategy


Sunblast Angel could be absolutely the balls in this

Posted 24 April 2013 at 22:12 as a comment on Blue White Tapping Control


Cloudshift could be sssiiiiicccckkk with Snapcaster Mage

Posted 24 April 2013 at 18:34 as a comment on Saucy Merica


My friend and I are drafting the set soon, and I will be playing Izzet against his Boros! Any tips for me?

Posted 24 April 2013 at 18:25 as a comment on Dragons Maze Strategy


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