
165 Decks, 495 Comments, 115 Reputation

I suggest a card called Fire Servant, could give you some consistent offense and double all of your damage to anything! Good deck though!

Posted 21 April 2013 at 19:03 as a comment on Fire!


Hahaha aww man this deck is wicked! I love Slumbering Dragon so much, it's up in the leagues with Vexing Devil! I like the idea of using Slumbering Dragon for late game when Izzet usually lacks in strong creatures. Good deck

Posted 21 April 2013 at 19:00 as a comment on don't let sleeping dragons lie


No worries man! Glad I could help

Posted 21 April 2013 at 18:58 as a comment on Marching Elves and a Wurm


Oh okay doke! Fair enough they are amazing cards, I run a few Redirect in my Blue/Black control. I thought you were trying to use them to double your manipulation spell! Hahahaha Rookie error...

Posted 21 April 2013 at 16:39 as a comment on What's Yours Is Mine


I don't understand why you're playing so many cards like Redirect, as they don't actually copy the spell do they, they just change the targets? So surely you'd just be wasting 2 mana to redirect a spell at the same person?

Posted 21 April 2013 at 16:31 as a comment on What's Yours Is Mine


Oh god yeah of course! Nice man!

Posted 21 April 2013 at 16:25 as a comment on R/U Standart


Isn't playing Blasphemous act sort of going to royally screw you over as well?

Posted 21 April 2013 at 13:46 as a comment on R/U Standart


Awww yiss he gets it! Big fan of your budget style decks by the way, I remember when I first started playing magic I would just buy the cheapest cards I could find! Hahahaha! I really liked the Wizard one!

Posted 21 April 2013 at 11:09 as a comment on Budget Decks: Weird


Ah thanks man! Glad I could help.

Posted 20 April 2013 at 22:50 as a comment on Blood Artist!! Deck?


Dis. I like dis.

Posted 20 April 2013 at 22:50 as a comment on Modern Turbo Izzet - Budget


I run an elf deck pretty similar to this, and to take advantage of the ridiculous amount of mana played a card called Helix Pinnacle. Great deck as well man!

Posted 20 April 2013 at 22:27 as a comment on Marching Elves and a Wurm


Blinding Mage could also be pretty sweet with Gideon's Avenger, but wicked deck man

Posted 20 April 2013 at 22:22 as a comment on Humanity Glorious


I would add in more Wall of Denial, simply because of it's ability to completely stop the game in your favour and allow you to regroup and rethink if anything goes wrong. Great deck though! Like the use of Venser as well!

Posted 20 April 2013 at 22:21 as a comment on Azorius Council


Yeah man! And with cards like Rakdos Shred Freak it's easier to get that Battalion ability going! I also recommend a card called Racecourse Fury! Would be an absolute charm in this deck to help with getting the Battalion ability going.

Posted 20 April 2013 at 22:14 as a comment on R/W/B Aggro


No worries man! Oh yeah haha I knew Champion of the Parish was in there,I was just appreciating how good it is in a deck like this with all the one drops. Because you're dropping so many 1/1s, your hand will quickly deplete, so you need to keep pumping 1/1s in to keep up the life gain and damage!

Posted 20 April 2013 at 22:12 as a comment on Blood Artist!! Deck?


This deck is, oh, what's the word for it, strange.

Posted 20 April 2013 at 22:07 as a comment on Budget Decks: Weird


Would replace Oblivion Ring with Journey to Nowhere, simply because it's exactly the same card effectively, just one mana less. Otherwise, sick deck! Would be annoying to play against though...

Posted 20 April 2013 at 22:05 as a comment on Tap Dancing


Animar looks amazing

Posted 20 April 2013 at 22:02 as a comment on Potentially Viable Commanders


I love the idea of bringing creatures out loads and loads and benefiting from it, I play the same sort of notion in my life gain deck with One mana drops like you were talking about, like Soul's Attendant and Soul Warden. If you want another way to gain life and deal damage, you could play Syndic of Tithes for it's extort? Champion of the Parish works pretty well too. Also mentor of the Meek could be sweet in this deck

Posted 20 April 2013 at 21:55 as a comment on Blood Artist!! Deck?


I like the idea of the Rakdos Cackler in the Boros beatdown!

Posted 20 April 2013 at 21:48 as a comment on R/W/B Aggro


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