
244 Decks, 576 Comments, 508 Reputation

I agree, but it's usually during the more lucid moments that it comes together I think. Also, I am singing Bananas and Blow in my head, I blame you for that.

I can't wait to see what that leads to! Sultai is just cool, and I can definitely see how they could be conducive to extraction.
Oh, I can see a few reasons, haha. Don't forget Jeskai though!

Posted 07 October 2014 at 14:05 in reply to #507921 on XIV/Behold


I can't tell you how much it means that you like the name, it's gone over horribly with most... I was so happy when I picked it out too.

Neither have I, between then being busy, and my being in school there simply wasn't much opportunity. I've gotten in a few games on MWS, but that's about it...
Honestly this deck is deceptively boring for what it is. I love it, don't get me wrong, but it's not nearly as great as it seems it should be on paper.

Posted 26 September 2014 at 06:02 in reply to #506556 on Alms for the poor


Good grief, so much to see and so little time to see it. I would love to do a tournament in this format, it's delightful, and just look at the sheer volume of it already on the vault!

Posted 25 September 2014 at 13:15 as a comment on Aristocrat Format Challenge


Actually I've heard it called Aristocrat since back before the Scars of Mirrodin set, though that may just be Georgia players being weird as crap again.

Posted 24 September 2014 at 19:15 in reply to #506162 on [Budget] Aristocrat Mardu


Mardu Aristocracy? DELIGHTFUL! Also, I love that your avatar is Mephisto Pheles.

Posted 24 September 2014 at 15:35 as a comment on [Budget] Aristocrat Mardu


I think this is the most aristocratic of the aristocrat challenge builds yet, sovereigns, grand arbiters, and peasants oh my!

Posted 24 September 2014 at 15:23 as a comment on Aristocrat Challenge!!!!!!!!!!


I've been trying to remember what the names of the UG common and uncommon lands are in Modern. and I know there's a new one in Khans. But thanks for pointing out the temporary oversight.
Seaside Citadel, and Simic Guildgate are my options it seems.

Those would be awesome adds Jessie, but the random chance to Elfball is just too funny to pass up for me :D

Posted 23 September 2014 at 02:11 in reply to #505613 on Aristocracy in Elvish


Very well you cunning rogue, I shall play your game... WITH ELVES. Because I'm lazy like that.

In all seriousness this format looks like a ton of fun, and I really like the design you've made here. It looks like it'd be super fun to play against with this formats rules, and kind of an uphill battle. I can't wait to see the other ones!

Posted 23 September 2014 at 00:32 as a comment on Aristocrat Format Challenge


I am absolutely in love with Fume Spitter. It's got to be one of my all-time top favorite creatures! It looks like a Lovecraftian version of a Langolier, and it's sooo good in play too.
It eats a lot of utility creatures, it pisses off bigger ones, and it has done me more good than Gatekeeper!

Fume Spitter is love, Fume Spitter is life.

Posted 03 September 2014 at 18:25 in reply to #500009 on Erich Zann


Oh yeah, Moon is freaking brutal. Though I will admit I have serious losses against budget and jank >_> Basic lands make for an unhappy time playing this deck, even with all of the shenanigans provided.
I'm really glad you like it, Dragon Stompy in Modern is really underrated in my opinion.
I've seen the Werewolf version, I actually run one in Legacy, but I feel like that's just not the best option in Modern. Hanwier Watchkeep is a beast in that version though.

Instigator Gang is hax. Hax I tell you!

Posted 03 September 2014 at 18:21 in reply to #500008 on Of malice, deceit and blood


Trade Routes has won me six games. As you can't imagine playing without Hive, I just can't go back to playing without it. It digs, it lets me stick lands down to stay if need be, and with Loam? It just starts getting silly.
I kind of want to sneak in a third Loam for it...

And I found that out the hard way. I knew it was heavily suggested to have a manland, but I figured I would play my favorite instead of the wondrous world of tokens everybody else was. With Trade Routes I especially have no reason not to use it.

I started noticing that when I tried out my new Dragon Stompy list, it was eating these things up, and I noticed that the only useful out they had was Seal. I direly need to sort that out here, you're entirely right.

Posted 03 September 2014 at 18:17 in reply to #500006 on You probably get that a lot


I don't think I've actually found somebody who hasn't loved it since their first experience with it, the deck is just so cool. I'm not surprised that your friend is crushing with it, I think most of my losses have been because of user error(bad reads and nine counters makes me a saaaad panda)...
I'm not really all that surprised by it actually, graveyard hate is so easy to find, and it's fairly easy to cripple this deck if you know what you're doing.

I tried Remand for a while, and really loved it, but I just keep coming back to Rune Snag as it's a more permanent solution. And it synergizes so well with the rest of the deck that really Remand is the only thing that could challenge it. I super loved getting a counter, /and/ a Dredge trigger.
Cthulhu fhtagn, Spell Snare would be perfect here... I have no excuse for why it hadn't crossed my mind. Thanks Jack!

Posted 03 September 2014 at 18:08 in reply to #500005 on Mother Whale Eyeless


Jund Loam is pretty good, not as good as it used to be, but still pretty dang sick. I say go for it Dag! I'd love to see what you come up with.

Posted 03 September 2014 at 17:59 in reply to #499536 on Mother Whale Eyeless


Thanks! And I'll get around to checking it in a bit, apparently I got a comment backlog over the last few days. ._.;

Posted 03 September 2014 at 17:58 in reply to #499174 on Mother Whale Eyeless


I want to say it was actually you who suggested Goblin Bushwhacker on another such deck here that convinced me to try him. I can't go back to playing this deck without it!

Me and Storm are actually on pretty shaky ground usually, I've run pretty much ever version of the idea in Legacy, and generally I just find it meh. Doomsday is exempt from that. But in Modern? In Modern it's been so strange, that I actually think it might be one of my favorite things to run available to the format!

Well the Desperate Ritual is there because I just sat there blankly trying to figure out what to put for the last card. I agree with you on the other cards as well, though I'm not sure entirely how I feel about Blood Moon... I think I may need to reevaluate my landbase if I were to follow that advice, though at least it wouldn't be too difficult to adjust it.

Posted 03 September 2014 at 17:55 in reply to #500004 on Dig for Fire


Posted 03 September 2014 at 17:51 in reply to #499535 on Dig for Fire


The closest to this that I've played would probably be Gxx Post, or maybe Tron, but that's only because they're ramp decks. In practice they're so different that it's not really worth noting, but I feel compelled to as it's my only previous experience with ramp.
It's soooo much fun, the fact that it's also competitive is like another cake in itself to me!

I just did not even know how to react to that comment for like a week.

Posted 03 September 2014 at 17:47 in reply to #495944 on Modern Bloom Titan


Yeah... I got stir crazy, and tweaked a lot of things around. It felt like Christmas to be doing so much tinkering with Magic again!

I actually don't think it will be quite so drastic for this deck actually, the fact I have better fetches in Burn is like having better fetches in Bob Fish.
This deck might actually be the most suicidal one I've ever used I think... It's so self-destructive, but that's okay because it's more destructive of those around it. Hahaaaa!
I can only really see Lightning Helix being an option for this, and even then I'd only be able to sneak in one more. My concern is less on survivability, and more on destructive capability. The only decks that would make me want healing available all use Red, so I have Dragon's Claw for that. :D

Posted 03 September 2014 at 17:43 in reply to #499534 on The Pentagram Burns


I meant as part of the buyback cost, it just seems so silly that it could fit in with the rest of the deck as a backup option.
And honestly, what I love about Bloodghast is how inherently splashable it is. Now in this it would be more difficult than Lands, but once I get over this headache I may be able to provide a few ideas if you'd still like.

As the opponent it requires a great deal of investment into making sure they remain, which at that point I don't see why one wouldn't simply aim for Abrupt Decay.

I don't think you run too many counters, but it may be worth re-evaluating which you run.
I haven't done enough test hands to really see about the second point, but I would think that at six it would be sufficient.

Posted 31 August 2014 at 23:56 in reply to #499296 on I made you Quit playing Magic!


Discard Bloodghast for great joy.

Posted 31 August 2014 at 15:14 as a comment on I made you Quit playing Magic!


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