
23 Decks, 45 Comments, 15 Reputation

Phyrexian Dreadnought would be funny with Brion Stoutarm. 2-mana nuke for 12 damage (more if you buff it before saccing). It's a trigger that goes to stack anyhow.

Posted 25 September 2013 at 12:51 as a comment on EDH boros


Sundering Titan is banned in EDH.

Posted 29 August 2013 at 13:38 as a comment on KArn, Silver golem EDH deck


If you want -even- faster, exchange Spike Jesters for Rakdos Cacklers. That way you can have a 5/2 creature at turn 2 if you enchant it with Mapcap Skill which most likely can not be blocked at that point of the game.

I'd also suggest to drop Raise Deads and replace with Immortal Servitude. This allows you to bring all your CC1 or CC2 creatures back to life for 4 / 5 mana. Admittedly you might want to change a few mountains for swamps at that point or throw in more money and get Blood Crypts.

Posted 29 August 2013 at 13:26 in reply to #392667 on Stupid Quick


Cheers for the feedback, much appreciated.

I now dropped the 3x Forced Adaptation for more Elvish Mystics & Gyre Sages. I also exchanged two of the Tombs for Watery Graves - after all that serves both colours I'm short of. Also dropped one of both hydras for two extra forests.

I was afraid I might have been a bit short on mana but hopefully these changes help out a bit. I'm still below 20 mana but with bit more of mana ramp I should be better off now.

Sideboard has also been added now, mainly based on your suggestions but I also threw in a few removes (Doom Blades and Putrefies). Sort of tempted to add Witchstalkers as well for sideboard, it's a quite powerful card after all and serves the purpose well if playing against the given colours.

Now just to buy the Kalonian Hydras. So terribly expensive...

Posted 27 August 2013 at 10:09 in reply to #392116 on Count the Counters


Unfortunately Dismiss into Dream is an enchantment and therefor Electromancers won't affect the mana cost.

Posted 08 August 2013 at 12:42 as a comment on Dismiss into Dream???? Help


Now, maybe a bit hastily made but inspired by this deck I tried to convert it into an EDH deck with an unique twist of artificing.


Props to you!

Posted 31 July 2013 at 15:26 as a comment on UW Control


You'll need something to exile opponent's graveyard with or a single Elixir of Immortality can pretty much ruin your game. Tormod's Crypt is the simpliest way but due to the theme on the deck, I'd heavily recommend Psychic Spiral.

Posted 29 July 2013 at 09:49 as a comment on Lazav, Dimir Mastermind EDH


I love it.

I personally loathe very aggressive decks and generally dislike simple decks that focus on one thing. I have a special place reserved in my personal hell for Sliver decks. In EDH I prefer to play decks that prolong the game for oh-so-long until I manage to get my victory condition -combos on the board, wiping out the board constantly, Flickering etc.

No wonder this deck impressed me - pretty much has everything I love and I've wanted to try out the Sundial in some sort of deck. I assume there'll be a bunch of frustrated opponents checking Gatherer for the rules of this card and how ability trigger stacks work.

Very fine work here. Just love it.

Posted 21 July 2013 at 09:46 as a comment on UW Control


Good choice!

Posted 15 July 2013 at 08:55 in reply to #378047 on America Burn/Control


Swap Lightning Bolts for Shock/Searing Spear and you've got yourself a standard deck.

Posted 15 July 2013 at 07:47 as a comment on America Burn/Control


That's a fairly boring attitude. "Why are people being all experimental and trying to make a deck work around card X instead of playing decks that are generally good, unoriginal and differ in no way from the mass".

Posted 15 July 2013 at 04:45 in reply to #377952 on Traps of Maze's End


A very random but fairly amusing idea: now that I think of it, Door to Nothingness would work well as a "faster" alternative win condition that goes well with the Maze's End. Just for shit and giggles, could sideboard them or drop one of each Gatekeepers and replace.

Posted 13 July 2013 at 15:50 as a comment on Traps of Maze's End


Urban Burgeoning grants additional damage through Crackling Perimeter. As there are no instants to cast on the deck, that means damage equal to the lands you own on each opponent's turn in addition to the damage you can deal with the leftover untapped gates from your turn.

Referring to my other comment above about Bountiful Harvest - while the creator of the deck wants to have the card in deck, they could be switched for some of the cards mentioned above; particularly Hold the Gate or Opal Lake Gatekeeper. At least for sideboard against the faster decks as you pointed out along with Illness in the Ranks.

Urban Evolution is fine, after you manage to play it you can cast pretty much anything you get into your hand. Rubblehulk can match any bigger monster in the late game while Crackling Perimeters eat the opponent alive.

Posted 12 July 2013 at 12:05 in reply to #376945 on Traps of Maze's End


I really like it, great budget Maze's End -deck. The Bountiful Harvest seems like a bit of an odd choice though. Sure it gives a lot of health in the long run but I bet it could be replaced with some better ones aswell. Can't really bring up any right now though, lawl.

Throwing in a few Illness in the Ranks for sideboard for those token-swarms could work. Syncs with Sphere of Safety too.

Posted 12 July 2013 at 06:56 as a comment on Traps of Maze's End


If you dropped the Riddlekeepers and replace them with, say, Nighthawks/Soul Ransoms from the sideboard, the deck would be suitable for Modern aswell.

Looks rather fun in any case!

Posted 09 July 2013 at 06:35 as a comment on Graveyard Dinner Party


Missed that totally, oopsies. Good point!

Posted 09 July 2013 at 06:11 in reply to #375109 on Guilds of Ravnica: Rakdos


I'd drop some Splatter Thugs for more Gore-House Chainwalkers. The extra toughness isn't really much good considering you shouldn't be blocking with them in first place. Unleash all the way. You have other creatures for blocking (ie. Carnage Gladiator)

Add some Rakdos Cacklers for one-mana drops.

Seems fairly straight-forwards otherwise. Pewpew, and so forth.

Posted 08 July 2013 at 10:49 as a comment on Guilds of Ravnica: Rakdos


Gatecreeper Vine could be considered to replace Fog Bank or even Goblin Arsonist. Ramps up the gates a bit.

Posted 27 June 2013 at 08:09 as a comment on Door to nothingness :)


Whereas Tinker would work greatly with the deck, it's also heavily restricted in most game formats. Although so is Tolarian Academy.

But then again, if it's for casual gameplay and your opponent is fine with it, looks great. Might want to throw in some badass monster to put into the play with Tinker - such as Blightsteel Colossus or Darksteel Colossus.

Posted 24 June 2013 at 05:51 as a comment on Arcing Bonds (plz help)


Metalworker is unfortunately banned in EDH.

Posted 18 June 2013 at 18:05 as a comment on Ulamog EDH: I DID IT


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