
48 Decks, 105 Comments, 18 Reputation

I totally just wrote a long reply and somehow it didn't post. The code on this site is frustrating sometimes. So I see what you all are saying about Door of destinies. I actually use Coat in almost all my tribal builds and i wanted to go for something different here. i see what you are saying about the token gen not interacting with door, but the other creatures like blight mamba, ambush viper, etc should so it will still (kind of ) work. What door you think about Konda's Banner as an alternative? One thing I was hoping door would do, that konda's would do as well, and coat doesn't is build the tokens up in strength earlier for a better mid game and potentially an earlier win. I have several tribal builds (Goblins, Fairy, Elves, Human Warriors) and I've found playing them over time that I seem to do better getting 5-6 tokens that are mildly buffed and getting aggressive early v.s. trying to build up and army and swing for the big win. At least in my play group, there are a lot of players running board wipe and bounce like cyclonic rift so the longer i leave my tokens exposed the higher the odds of them pulling off a wipe. Anyway, rambling thoughts- i'll tweak (the deck) , thanks for the input!

Posted 10 July 2017 at 05:21 as a comment on Snakeface


I don't mind at all. Let me know if you develop any good tweaks for it!

Posted 09 July 2017 at 15:57 in reply to #602701 on Snakeface


I have a somewhat similar deck I've still been tinkering with and tuning. I'm curious, how do you like it so far?

Posted 21 May 2017 at 00:01 as a comment on Enerjund


So far in playtesting the thing is a freaking beast. It has been a consistent turn three or four win and has tested well in both duals and multiplayer. So far it has run mainly against stomp, aggro, and dragons and it has been crushingly good . I'm interested to see how it does agaist some more formittabke decks that can get blockers out quit preventing the early damage rush.

Posted 14 April 2017 at 16:15 as a comment on Flash Stomp


Soulfire is an awesome card indeed. I've been running a very similar deck over the last year and, although it is a lot of fun, it is dreadfully inconsistent . I don't plan on giving up on it yet since I do enjoy playing with it, but keeping soul fire alive especially in a multiplayer game is a challenge . I run brave the sands and boros charm to help protect him. I've gotten big combos off with it like blasphemous act a few times but often the deck is just to slow and clunky and ends up getting outpaced by aggro decks, broken by anything with removal, or eventually outgunned by green stompy counter decks. Just my two cents. Feel free to check out my goblins deck if you are still looking at them- sounds like you have the right idea running lackey /Krenko . Goblin chieftain and/or goblin king are great depending on your format. Whispersilk cloak is nice to run with lackey. Goblin war strikes and goblin grenades are great as well. Browbeat is great once your opponent feels like they are already on the fence and they don't want to take the 5 damage. Good luck with the build, cavern of souls might be something to consider.

Posted 12 April 2017 at 23:22 as a comment on Soulfire Grand Master


I have a similar deck that i used to run Megrim in. I eventually caved and switched to lilianas caress just to make it more competative against other decks. Im not sure if totally commited to to using the Walls but Hypnotic Spector is aways great in a discard theme. ravenous rats are cool becasue if they get bounced by noetic Scales you can recast and re-trigger. The rack and the cursed rack would fit well here I think.

Posted 04 February 2017 at 09:49 as a comment on Full of Emptiness


Right you are, I was thinking the legend rule would allow me to choose to kill one but you are correct, his text does limit him.

Posted 26 January 2017 at 18:03 in reply to #593528 on In the Hall of the Goblin King


Hey Pushkin! Thanks for the thoughts on this. I have made some of these mods already but need to update the deckist. I've been running recruiter a while in there and I just took Martan out a little while ago. I agree that it is pretty rare that molten influence gets to counter anything, it was just fun to see a red counterspell. kikki can copy Krenko, but at a price, you have to destroy one of them. You can tap Krenko, use the ability, copy him and kill the original but still use the token copy since it has haste so it gives you a two for 1 single use. I have done it when I had to make an all or nothing swing . I have added a couple other fun ones- I tossed in a couple beta Goblin Balloon Brigades. My playgroup doesnt use oricle text- we play the card as it is written. The old balloon brigades just say "Goblins gain flying" so I can give it to all of them!

Posted 25 January 2017 at 20:08 in reply to #593528 on In the Hall of the Goblin King


Great work and original! You should find a way to make the agent indestructible! Exquisite blood and sanguin bond would be great in this (not sure if they are format legal for it though, I dont stay up on that well).

Posted 23 October 2016 at 00:58 in reply to #591420 on You died? I didn't even attack


Love this- so awesome! Is there a way in modern to tutor for the Orb to ensure it gets out quick?

Posted 23 October 2016 at 00:48 as a comment on 2 Mana for a 7/7, sounds good


I'm Te-tooling this deck right now to get rid if the graveyard pump in exchange for more tokens and straight up +1/+1's . The mechanic seemed fun but in the end it just instant consistent enough or fast enough.

Posted 23 September 2016 at 13:47 as a comment on Zombies, rats, and crows oh my


If you are running WB lifegain rhox faith mender is a must have. I would advise vampire nighthawk over vampire envoy. He'll gain you more life and be more of a deterrent to attacks . Deanna's emissary is a great choice. If you can find room and way to make it work I would run sanguin bond / exquisite blood together as your finishing move. Lilliana isn't doing much for you here that I can see aside from being attack bait and killing off some small creatures. The bloodbond are solid and I have run them in my vamp deck. Something to pump the vamps like captivating vampire might work well. Sorin markov woukd also do well in this. If you are planning to play multiplayer I would sideboard in blade of selves

Posted 15 September 2016 at 05:08 as a comment on I Fight For My Friends


The deck is working fairly well. The mistbind clique/ quick long combo has been tough to pull off but over all the deck had been consistent. I think I am going to take out A few things , maybe a couple of the swords and add a few counterspells or bounce cards to help deal with bigger threats and stuff that takes out my tokens ( I had a friend play leyline of singularity and it totally put the breaks on me. Spell stutter works to counter counterspells but not always the higher costing stuff.

Posted 29 August 2016 at 02:58 as a comment on Fairy Dust - you can fly!


I'm debating swapping out Thundermaw hellkite for Bogarden for the direct damage upon entering the battle field . The Hope would be to , unfortunately he doesn't have haste so I would need to be able to give him that to really make it work. I'm just running tight in space and not sure what the best choices are here. Graveyard mining would be great so I could get back creatures from the grave

Posted 14 August 2016 at 18:47 as a comment on Napalm 2.0


This thing is great dude. I hate playing against counter/FU decks but this is creative enough that I wouldn't mind loosing to it ??

Posted 05 August 2016 at 13:56 as a comment on Deck of Solitude


Martan stromgald , kelvin warlord are both awesome in red token decks, coat of arms is always great in these too .

Posted 05 August 2016 at 05:25 as a comment on Goblin token deck


I think that forums would be really a great thing for this site. Aside from doing something like naming my deck "please help" it can be tough to get as much input as I would like, although some users have been awesome. The trick seems to be just trying to be active enough to get people viewing your decks and getting them on one of the boards- like feast or famine. As I stated on a comment above it really is critical to the community that we fill out either the how to play or deck description sections and include the mechanics/ideas we are building on. I have learned (and hopefully taught ) a lot just by tossing ideas around with people.

Posted 21 July 2016 at 19:54 as a comment on Is MTGVault Dead?


Ha! That is totally how I started using vault. It is the only Magic related website that workplace filters dont block !

Posted 21 July 2016 at 16:04 in reply to #585384 on Is MTGVault Dead?


Squidfreak, beyond commenting some new players or players looking for new strategy might appreciate you r deck description and learn from it. I think we should all use either deck description or the how to play section for every deck

Posted 21 July 2016 at 15:59 in reply to #585006 on Is MTGVault Dead?


Thanks for the advice. I was told by another player in my group that since the bloodbond combo created an infinite loop that it technically ended the game in a draw. He referenced rule 104.4b If a game thats not using the limited range of influence option (including a two-player game) somehow enters a loop of mandatory actions, repeating a sequence of events with no way to stop, the game is a draw. Loops that contain an optional action dont result in a draw.
Swords is good in almost any deck, I think I had considered throwing it in to swords my own creature just to kick off the bloodbond loop. I will look at some of the others you mentioned- thanks!

Posted 02 July 2016 at 10:50 in reply to #584639 on Drain n' Gain


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