
49 Decks, 178 Comments, 29 Reputation

Shrine is a good idea. Yes.

Shields instead of relics is also a good idea.

And I have arc trails and extra wardrivers in my sideboard.

I'll look into the rest. Thanks for the suggestions.

Posted 21 November 2011 at 06:31 as a comment on It's over already? (FAST standard red deck)


Well. A lot of it was stuff I already had. But I did trade for a couple of the cards in here, to keep costs down.

It's just a lot of fun to play - more for the surprise factor than anything else. I'm sure it could be tournament ready with some minor tweaking...

Posted 21 November 2011 at 05:37 as a comment on It's over already? (FAST standard red deck)


And by cheap, I mean this deck literally cost me less than $15 to build.

Posted 21 November 2011 at 05:23 as a comment on It's over already? (FAST standard red deck)


Koth might be a bit much for this deck. I was going for super cheap, fast goblins. I'm only running 19 land, so it's never likely that I'll draw more than a few lands before the game is over.

BUT. 2 lands is enough to empty my hand in just a few turns anyway.

Koth is cool. And it would probably work well in a variation of this deck. But I was going for CHEAP and FAST. And I think this deck has those things.

Posted 21 November 2011 at 05:21 as a comment on It's over already? (FAST standard red deck)


Thanks man. I can honestly say that it doesn't hurt my feelings when someone throws down a doj or some other sac creature card. That's because I know that they'll run out of options for removal before I run out of options for doing damage. It's a fun deck to play with.

I never feel like I don't have a chance.

Posted 18 November 2011 at 23:17 as a comment on Shit your pants on turn 3


I never wear pants to fnm.

Posted 18 November 2011 at 19:20 as a comment on Shit your pants on turn 3


Wtf... If you take out the creatures then its not the same deck.

You're joking, right?

Posted 18 November 2011 at 18:33 in reply to #215632 on Shit your pants on turn 3


I could blow up my plains to get out another flying spirit creature with moorland haunt tho, right?

I thought that's what it meant when it said to pay a plains and an island to shoot a spirit out of my ass. Instantly too!

Posted 18 November 2011 at 15:34 as a comment on Shit your pants on turn 3


Well. I'm still not sure if I should run the celestial purges in my sideboard. It kills red and black but its also taking up space where something (better?)else could be ...

Posted 18 November 2011 at 15:11 as a comment on Shit your pants on turn 3


You forgot hexproof and pimp...

Posted 18 November 2011 at 13:52 in reply to #215411 on Shit your pants on turn 3


If you're going for a certain type of offense here, I'm not getting it. It just looks like you have a giant mixed-bag of humans who all do different things well, but not necessarily well together. And then a few mythic rare swords just for kicks.

You have too many 2-of's in this deck.

I'd start by throwing out the avenger's and lawkeepers. They will only slow you down. Add 2 more o-rings, because that's a card you want to draw and play every game so the opponent knows the threat is always there. It makes people think twice about putting everything down. And since it's your only removal, you want to have it 4-of.

Your lawkeepers and bellringers could come out to make room for more o-rings and more hamlet captains. You could sideboard the bellringers for faster decks, but you probably won't need them most of the time. You'll be attacking way before your opponent anyway. And honestly, I'd put inquisitors in over bellringers anyway. They don't tap, AND they're first strike. Throw a dagger on one and see what happens. Throw a dagger on a crusader and see what happens. Dagger's work with humans. And they're faster than swords and don't attract removal like swords do. War and peace's are good against red and white, but you want the game to be almost over by the time you are equipping those swords.

Just a couple of suggestions.

Posted 17 November 2011 at 15:27 as a comment on It feels good to be human G/W


This is a nice deck. Looks AWFULLY familiar tho... :)

You are going to want another haunt though. Trust me. It sucks to put out a creature and have it countered. It doesn't suck so much when you can bring it back as a 1/1 flyer as an instant ability at the end of the opponents turn, so it's ready to equip and attack on your turn. Or just throw up a 1/1 blocker as a nice surprise.

And honestly, this deck runs fine with 3 dagger's. 4 was too many for me. They are nice to have around, but you dont need 1 over another o-ring or swiftfoot.

Posted 17 November 2011 at 03:55 as a comment on W/U aggro


Yea, they're good. But replace the metamorph with them? I dunno. Sideboard metamorph? It's all pretty scary, honestly.

Back-up plans cost too much.


Posted 17 November 2011 at 03:36 in reply to #215093 on Shit your pants on turn 3


I dunno. Hero costs an awful lot of (real) money, and I don't feel like it would really help the deck out enough to justify the $60 for a 3-set. Maybe I'm crazy though. And Hero can't copy a titan or wurmcoil or get rid of a pesky legendary creature/artifact. Maybe I haven't covered all my bases though... Please elaborate on how it puts more pressure on an opponent than what I currently have at the 3 slot (because I never actually pay the phyrexian mana for the metamorph unless I have mana to burn).

Posted 17 November 2011 at 00:35 as a comment on Shit your pants on turn 3


Geist is the man and should definitely be a 3-of in this deck. If I can get him out on turn 3 and then slap some wings on him on turn 4 and call him a 6-6 first striking angel, then that's a beautiful thing.

And I actually draw a sword almost every game. It's weird really... But I will definitely up the sword count when the funds become available (after I sell a kidney). The batterskulls seem to do pretty good tho. When they come out, it puts the opponent in a really awkward spot. Deal with them immediately, or watch my life total go through the roof...

Anyway. It's under construction.

Thanks for the comment!

Posted 16 November 2011 at 05:30 in reply to #214845 on Shit your pants on turn 3


I usually run either grand abolisher OR elite inquisitor depending on who I'm playing. Control decks get to deal with the abolisher and fast/aggro decks get to see the inquisitor. I'm constantly messing with the line-up in this deck every time I play with it. It's a fun deck to use and I feel like I'm still learning how to use it properly.

Thanks for the comments everyone!

Posted 16 November 2011 at 05:23 as a comment on Shit your pants on turn 3


My deck is definitely slower than yours... But your game relies heavily on a lot of small creatures coming out at the right times (without being mana leaked). What about timely reinforcements? Or more importantly, what about day of judgement? Your party's ruined with that one, and my deck is just getting ready to swing for game.

These are 2 totally different styles.

Thanks. But I'm trying to go for something a little different than the exact same human deck everyone else is running right now.

Posted 16 November 2011 at 01:13 in reply to #214687 on Shit your pants on turn 3


Ok. This deck caught my eye when you said Rats! But....

This is NOT a rat deck. This is a black and red burn deck with a couple of rats thrown in. If you're going to make a Rats! deck, you need to put more Rats! in the deck. And if you are building the deck around rats that get bigger as they attack, then throw 2 more curse of stalked prey's in there as well. What might be a nice option is to turn this thing into an infect deck and throw in Ichor rats and septic rats.. I dunno. There's just not many rats in standard these days that don't do infect damage. Unless you were willing to go non-standard, Then there's a ton of rats... Like relentless rats, which get exponentially stronger when you put 8 or more in there (there's no limit to how many you can put in a deck) And if you decided to go the non-standard route, you could throw in some adaptive automatons and a few coat of arms' as well.

The possibilities are countless. Make Rats! a rat deck and you'll get a lot more likes and a lot more helpful suggestions for your deck.

My two pennies...

Posted 14 November 2011 at 19:13 as a comment on B/R Burn


Yea. I dunno about dropping a metamorph just yet. I think those will be my extra swords. Much cheaper swords... Or just an extra Titan, or legendary creature killer, or really whatever they want to be. I want to see how this thing works tomorrow night in fnm before I invest into it any more..

I'll let you guys know how it does.

Should be interesting, if nothing else....

Posted 11 November 2011 at 05:53 in reply to #213772 on Shit your pants on turn 3


Those angelic destiny's are getting gouged like crazy. In one month, they've more than doubled in price.


Posted 11 November 2011 at 05:28 as a comment on Shit your pants on turn 3


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