
67 Decks, 507 Comments, 231 Reputation

There's no reason for kiln fiend in a deck with 4 pyschotic furies main decked. but the cyclops, weird, or any of the other multicoloreds like it are good

Posted 06 January 2014 at 02:32 in reply to #424710 on Psychonauts


You should probably credit Sam Black for making this deck...

Posted 04 January 2014 at 21:37 as a comment on Zombie Bombardment


what even is this? pretty sure theman1235 has to be trolling or something.

Posted 31 December 2013 at 02:25 in reply to #422357 on Standard Superfriends!


many turbofogs due run at least a couple, and they also work with some cheap counterspells. Remand, anyone?

Posted 26 December 2013 at 00:38 in reply to #422497 on How To Lose a Friend


there's been a lot of discussion on mtgsalvation about whether she's good or not. Personally, I think she's got marvelous potential but a low starting loyalty. Something to be protected, a glass cannon. A bit like Vraska, actually.

Thread on mtgsalvation-

Posted 26 December 2013 at 00:04 in reply to #422485 on Mini DestructoPox


I see you liked the talk about land destruction. I would switch out helldozer and polluted bonds for something else. Could be more discard, like blackmail or wrench mind, ways to benefit off of your deck structure like tombstalker, or if you want a curve topper true to the idea behind the deck you can go with herald of leshrac

Posted 26 December 2013 at 00:00 as a comment on Mini DestructoPox


okay well if you are determined to somehow fault me for pointing out that your self-important introduction is decidedly self-important, then I will give you some feedback. The deck would greatly benefit from your doing what the other commenters suggested and getting rid of the cards that are only there for a doubtful first turn win and putting in more reliable cards. -1 clout of the dominus -1 desperate ritual -4 gutshot -4 ground rift +2 assault strobe +4 artful dodge +4 crimson wisps. And some spell pierces for the sideboard

Posted 25 December 2013 at 23:34 in reply to #422266 on Turn 1 Modern Win?!


TBH mutavault does a better job.

Posted 25 December 2013 at 23:11 in reply to #422420 on Standard Superfriends!


good sideboard material if nothing else. Surprise! 5/5 with trample!

Posted 25 December 2013 at 23:10 in reply to #422530 on Standard Superfriends!


Well I mean now you have nothing to block flyers, which is why I suggested trestle trolls. At least put those in the sideboard, there are a lot of specters, demons, and dragons being played right now.

Posted 25 December 2013 at 23:09 in reply to #422407 on Standard Superfriends!


I can get behind that.

Posted 25 December 2013 at 04:33 in reply to #422359 on Standard Superfriends!


he's got a lot of mana production, I don't think he would actually have trouble getting to 10 mana. But it's a moot point, as you're right about the green creature thing and worldspine wurm is normally better anyways.

Posted 25 December 2013 at 04:28 in reply to #422359 on Standard Superfriends!


Oh shoot, you're right. Garruk says green. I can edit that, just thought the defender was cute. Also, I don't know why he would want to boardwipe away his mana creatures... He has point removal for any problems he runs into

Posted 25 December 2013 at 04:23 in reply to #422359 on Standard Superfriends!


No I mean you're right, Worldspine is the bombiest thing you can drop. I just like primordial because it hits a lot of utilities in this format (detention sphere, underworld connections, planeswalkers, nykthos) and you can usually play it without needing to use Garruk's -3. I would actually recommend both, so if you ultimate Garruk you can get a giant monster wurm to show for it.

My other thoughts on this deck are that abrupt decay is better than putrefy, defend the hearth is pretty useless (particularly with this many defenders) and you could use some of the better defenders like sylvan caryatid. This would end up bringing my advice to:

-4 defend the hearth -2 putrefy -4 angelic wall, -3 basilica guards
+1 abrupt decay +4 sylvan caryatid +4 trestle troll +3 sylvan primordial +1 worldspine wurm

By the way, really great deck man. I like the combination of axebane, removal, and junk superfriends and it looks pretty competitive

Posted 25 December 2013 at 04:18 in reply to #422359 on Standard Superfriends!


I was going to post the same thing. Either worldspine wurm or you could just do something overly large and bomby like giant adephage or sylvan primordial. I like the primordial because it's also very flexible.

Posted 25 December 2013 at 03:35 in reply to #422359 on Standard Superfriends!


Your best bet for cheap is a pox deck. Unfortunately, the curve topper in many of these is liliana of the veil, and she is pretty darn expensive. But budget pox isn't too hard, it mostly revolves around small recursive creatures like gravecrawler or, more often, bloodghast. They often feature heavy hand disruption (including blackmail, basically the only way to make people discard lands in modern) and big creature drops to finish off the game in a hurry like tombstalker. Two good cards for this build are kitchen finks and lingering souls

Another option is monored, using molten rain, stone rain, boom // bust, roiling terrain, shivan wumpus, magus of the moon, and sowing salt

for the deck you posted, I might try stone rain and shivan wumpus. They might help a bit

Posted 25 December 2013 at 01:32 in reply to #422112 on modern show and tell


I am well aware of the player profiles, and that you were trying to be funny. Still pretty conceited dude

Posted 24 December 2013 at 23:59 in reply to #422266 on Turn 1 Modern Win?!


KJSJ3- the best land destruction in modern is fulminator mage. Honestly hits almost every land played widely in modern and if you can't find a land to hit it's always a bear on the side. You can also play molten rain, smallpox (although this usually requires a very specific deck), and avalanche riders.

The decks that play these cards are usually put together in two very specific ways. Either you play a pox deck, or you play something with fulminator mage and avalanche riders together with recursion. The best (and my favorite) example of this is Living End. They abuse cycling and cascade to form a high powered recursion loop. Another more fringe example is a Restore Balance cascade deck.

Posted 24 December 2013 at 19:59 in reply to #422112 on modern show and tell


"Johnnies, behold your god" has to be like the most pretentious thing I've heard on this website

Posted 24 December 2013 at 18:28 as a comment on Turn 1 Modern Win?!


He's right, this deck is a pretty popular 60 card list. Fortunately, it can't get Emrakul until it makes its way to 5 mana. It's actually the reason I play land destruction in modern.

Posted 24 December 2013 at 18:11 in reply to #422112 on modern show and tell


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