
67 Decks, 507 Comments, 231 Reputation

No no no dude show and tell is like... it's above average power level in legacy. Be glad it's not in modern. It would break the format, destroy the format, relentlessly pummel the format into submission. The only thing left would be show and tell decks and pox decks

Posted 24 December 2013 at 18:07 in reply to #422161 on modern show and tell


beautiful. I like the deck a whole lot now.

Posted 23 December 2013 at 06:38 in reply to #395358 on Grime Resonator


no problem dude. I like the deck, and I always want duskmantle seer to succeed

Posted 21 December 2013 at 19:21 in reply to #421638 on Duskweaver


this deck would be better if the kill spells had more utility. Like the hero's downfall and the dimir charm are good because they have more options. But ultimate price and doom blade I feel like sometimes are just dead draws, especially with the sheer number of kill spells. Zach_255 is right, thassa would be very effective. And, if you wanted to make this competitive, you could run the exact same thing with 4 thassas and 4 nightveil specters for a pretty effective blue black shell. Nightveil specter in todays standard is often "when you deal combat damage to an opponent, draw a card" and thassa would be a creature pretty easily between the two of them.

Posted 21 December 2013 at 03:54 as a comment on Duskweaver


without the cards that make it non-budget (cryptic and snapcaster) it becomes much weaker and so restricted to casual

Posted 18 December 2013 at 17:54 in reply to #420534 on Phantasmal Ninja of Secrets


Wild hunger and increasing vengeance are fantastic ideas. It would be great to see like one copy of each, in case you mill them away to life from the loam.

btw I'm not really sure about charmbreaker devils. I really don't think you're ever going to cast it.

Posted 18 December 2013 at 17:51 in reply to #420978 on Retrace Your Roots


yeah and i mean 200 is more than 60. What I was saying is that I can't think of a reason besides playing that one ridiculous 200+ card deck to play more than 60. It's just not good. Part of the reason certain cards like fetchlands, gitaxian probe, street wraith and the like are so good is that they effectively decrease the size of the deck. If pros work that hard to make the deck smaller, what do you think putting extra cards does for your chances?

Think about it this way. Any card after 60, you have to look at opportunity cost. Sure, the card is cool, but is it the most powerful thing that could be in the deck? If not, eliminate it; it lowers the chance you will draw the most powerful card. If it is the most powerful card, put it in and take out a different card to make room. Rinse and repeat.

Posted 17 December 2013 at 05:32 in reply to #420181 on From the Ashes


description says it's a budget version of that

Posted 17 December 2013 at 05:23 in reply to #420534 on Phantasmal Ninja of Secrets


ALWAYS 60. If you're worried about it, there are plenty of cards that will allow you to put cards back in your library. WARNING: NEVER PUT MORE THAN 60 CARDS IN A DECK WITHOUT BATTLE OF WITS

Posted 16 December 2013 at 22:18 in reply to #420181 on From the Ashes


heh. HA. Ninjutsu doesn't target. That's some funny shit. I thought you made a serious mistake with the bear, instead you're just clever. Now obviously snapcaster mage would be like 100 times better than archeomancer, but you did say budget.

Posted 16 December 2013 at 22:04 as a comment on Phantasmal Ninja of Secrets


skeletal grimace is bad, like pretty much all auras. since this is budget and all the creatures are black, ring of xathrid would be an excellent replacement that doesn't let you get two for oned. The other thing I would consider is actually taking away the wight and the two blood scriveners (as they are going to die anyways unless you use a grimace on them) for 4 alchemist's apprentice. The most powerful cards that you have that care about creatures in graveyards (mortivore, nighthowler, and avatar) care whether they're in either graveyard, not just the other person's. So the wight is actually really bad against control decks, and you have to work to regenerate it. You have to work to regenerate blood scrivener too, and it doesn't help you with your mill theme. So instead, increase the amount of creatures in graveyards while drawing a card at two cmc. Hence alchemist's apprentice (or against aggressive decks, wall of omens).

Posted 15 December 2013 at 22:11 as a comment on From the Ashes


He has eight lands, none of which produce blue mana. He can't cast stroke stroke of genius for anything. He can't barely pay for the equip cost of spidersilk net. Now if he added springleaf drum...

Posted 12 December 2013 at 20:19 in reply to #419523 on Zero heros


Bless my soul
Memnite was on a roll
Person of the week in every Greek opinion poll
What a pro
Memnite could stop a show
Point him at a monster and you're talking SRO
He was a no one
A zero, zero
Now he's a honcho
He's a hero
Here was a kid with his act down pat
From zero to hero in no time flat
Zero to hero just like that

Posted 12 December 2013 at 20:15 as a comment on Zero heros


even with the 4 tree folk harbingers, I recommend 4 dorans. They're going to be the first thing your opponent hits with removal, so drawing extras is really not a bad thing. I would also take out fog, as I just don't feel it's adding anything substantial to the deck. Instead I would put in 3 accorder's shield. Unstoppable Ash is pretty good... Chosen by heliod would probably be better than divine blessing. Also, 4 infest in the sideboard is hilarious because it doesn't kill any of your creatures

Posted 06 December 2013 at 21:56 as a comment on No Power, No Problem


Rancor? now that's the spirit.

Posted 05 December 2013 at 00:05 in reply to #417431 on Bant Exalted


Just like most exalted decks, this deck will be severely limited without trample. I suggest 3-4 loxodon warhammers.

Posted 03 December 2013 at 21:59 as a comment on Bant Exalted


>makes a mistake about one of the hardest mechanics to grasp
>is automatically such a bad player that he gives the rest of us a bad reputation


Posted 30 November 2013 at 03:42 in reply to #416424 on Dimir Footsteps


It isn't entirely clear... but if i understand this correctly you're trying to followed footsteps a creature with a spell ciphered onto it? Unfortunately, the copy that creature does not have the same card also ciphered to it, or a copy of the original ciphered spell ciphered to it... It's just a vanilla creature.

If it did, stolen identity would be like a blue primordial hydra

Posted 30 November 2013 at 00:24 as a comment on Dimir Footsteps


Cool man! I've always been a big fan of hissing miasma and batwing brume. All of these things you've said, particularly stronghold, suggest that you might not even try to kill the tokens. Am I reading that right? Are you going to just soft control them? That's kind of cool, although it gives the opponents more options than I would prefer. In that case, I would recommend running swan song, curse of the swine, echoing truth, and ratchet bombs

Posted 29 November 2013 at 16:53 in reply to #416242 on Illness Orchard


this being said, fetches are really only for thinning in this list and so might be considered a waste.

Posted 28 November 2013 at 19:38 in reply to #416004 on [Legacy] True Merfolk


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