
6 Decks, 6 Comments, 0 Reputation

If one creature has many Totems Armor auras attached, would they all be destroyed?

Posted 20 April 2010 at 03:51 as a comment on Auras with Totem Armor


I think you forgot a card. See: Megrim. But otherwise, good lockdown.

Posted 19 February 2010 at 02:16 as a comment on Fruition evokes death


Will do. Pretty interesting idea, how does it play? Overrun and Garruk might add some fun, epecially with those animated lands.

Posted 12 February 2010 at 03:43 as a comment on If a Forest kicks your ass and no one sees it...


Mind Funeral is a great card for any Blue/Black mill deck. My friend uses a deck of this type and I usually end up losing, on average, the top 10 cards of my library. Archive Trap is also amazing if you can get your hands on a few. Glimpse the Unthinkable is crazy good, but very expensive...and combos well with a Isochron Scepter.
As for creatures, Hedron crab is obviously a nice 1-drop. Guild Master is neat, but unfortunately has to deal combat damage. Might want to look into Nemesis of Reason, as his ability procs as soon as he is declared as an attacker.

Posted 12 February 2010 at 03:35 as a comment on Miller High Life


This just gave me a great idea for a Blue/Green landfall deck, cheers mate!

Posted 12 February 2010 at 03:27 as a comment on If a Forest kicks your ass and no one sees it...


Safehold elite will still die even with sigil captain on the field. When persist kicks in, SE returns as a 2/2 with 2 +1/+1 counters, and a -1/-1 counter. Persist will only activate again if there is no negative counter on SE when it is sent to the graveyard again.

I run a Green/White Sigil Captain +Elf token deck as well, and I didn't notice this until I tried it out myself.

Posted 19 January 2010 at 23:03 as a comment on Sigil Captain Weenie/Elf
