
15 Decks, 32 Comments, 3 Reputation

Suggestion 1) I would remove any artifact ramp, except MAYBE chromatic lantern and replace them all with creature-based ramp like sakura-tribe elder, fertilid and yavimaya elder (not technically ramp but you get the idea). A large portion of non-creature spells that have creature counter-parts should be replaced with creature based spells in order to maximize efficiency of the commander.
Suggestion 2) Because the deck is self-mill based, Birthing Pod loses a lot of its power due to the nature of inconsistent mana cost chains. It's a card that is powerful in its own right, but might not be suited for this deck.
Suggestion 3) I would definitely incorporate any flashback spells that are relevant: Tracker's Instinct and Forbidden Alchemy are both able to enable Sidisi and can still be used even if you mill them off a separate ability.
Suggestion 4) I feel like your sorceries represent a sub-theme of BUG control, but certain spells run counter-intuitive to the primary plan. Such cards include: Damnation, Black Sun's Zenith, Gaze of Granite and Devastation Tide. I get the idea, but once I reach four mana, I want to see Sidisi in play. So these four cards mean giving up your own board presence, which should only be done if you're being outclassed. I could see running one or two big spells such as Cyclonic Rift or In Garruk's Wake which affect only the opponents' boards, but any mass removal runs contrary to your own game plan. However, in contrast, if you remove the majority of your artifacts you can justify running a creeping corrosion and/or a Back to Nature as sweeper effects for non-creatures. However, you might be able to utilize enough creature based removal with cards like acidic slime, woodfall primus and terastodon to justify avoiding such cards.
Suggestion 5) I would consider looking at cards like Hell's Caretaker and Phyrexian Delver to replace a few of the more lack-luster reanimation spells that are in the deck. Once again, using creatures to replace non-creatures to maximize the deck. Likewise, certain self-mill cards like Armored Skaab make for reasonable defensive creatures which add to the self milling plan. You could also consider some of the dredge creatures, such as Golgari Brownscale though they are admittedly lower in power-level.
The following is a brief list of cards in the deck that I don't find particularly impressive for this build: Consuming Aberration & Vulturous Zombie (These work amazingly together, but this deck isn't supporting this type of game-play.. but an argument could be made that they are powerful enough on their own to keep), Kruphix God of Horizons (You already have reliquary tower and excess mana is not particularly useful in this build much of the time), Green Sun's Zenith (The spread of green creatures is unreliable due to the nature of the deck, but the card can be useful for cards like reclamation sage and acidic slime, so it's not necessarily bad), Sultai Charm ( I'd rather run Shriekmaw or Nekrataal in this spot)

Posted 14 December 2016 at 23:46 as a comment on Sidisi EDH


I know this is late posting, but I was curious to see what you had experience with and I stumbled across this design. I have my own deck utilizing endless whispers posted that I've been meaning to add phage to. My deck however relies on Leveler to win. As long as I have a manner in which to sacrifice it right away, Endless Whispers forces your opponent to lose by being unable to draw at the start of the following turn.

Posted 15 November 2011 at 05:03 as a comment on didn't see THAT coming


Played against practically the same decklist recently and got decimated. Granted, the guy brought a deck on this level of competitive play to a casual group where we usually just test new ideas, but all the same, it was so difficult to even attempt to face off against.

Posted 14 November 2011 at 05:44 as a comment on Pauper Combo #2


Just curious as to why you have the contagion clasps as main decked over the virulent wounds. I figured the clasps would be better sided so that you can be more aggressive on the poison factor first match. It would also give you more versatility on turn three with a turn two plague myr as you can cast two spells where necessary with either two 2 costs or virulent and a crusader followed by drop/equip a sword or tezzeret himself. Overall though man, sick design. I can see it rolling pretty heavily. Tezz makes everything so powerful regardless. Which I suppose he might be the answer to maindecking two Clasps?

Posted 14 November 2011 at 04:46 as a comment on Infezzeret, Agent of Me


You are overlooking the fact that roughly one third of the deck is two drop and less including several counter spells and things like ponder that help arrange the next few turns. Add in the o-rings and magnets, and three lands can buy you the time you need defensively, and if any big hitters make it out, phantasmal image can mirror your opponents big hitters or chump block to be returned later with a sun titan (which at that point might be a game winning setup in its own right). Just observations of mine.

Posted 14 November 2011 at 03:56 in reply to #214257 on I'm shocked I'm doing this again


I can appreciate the possible early turns you can pull off with this design, but it'd be hard to actually win in a standard match wouldn't it? I will admit I don't know much about the current metagame as I haven't played standard since the introduction of innistrad, but it seems like this deck might get one big hitter out early which would likely fall to a simple counter / bounce / destruction / removal spell. I am merely curious, not critiquing. I love the amount of acceleration in here, it is definitely reminiscent of a legacy style.

Posted 14 November 2011 at 03:49 as a comment on Mana-Surge


I'm not sure this deck would last long enough to do what it needs to. You might pull a couple first round wins and definitely could hold its own in some mid-range matches, but you put too much effort into the milling spells and not enough into staying alive. Anyone playing the slightest bit of control will realize very quickly that you only have a very slight defense. You could easily lose the game before you even run into an energy field. On the other hand, you have some very choice spells in here that I like to see. But even with energy field sitting out there, all it takes is for them to set up one big attack and when you finally play something or they mill/discard you in turn, they can swing in and remove the last of your life total.

Posted 08 November 2011 at 16:59 as a comment on Mill


I will be honest, I'm not sure this deck would run well at all. It might, don't get me wrong, I'm not an expert. I did however run a milling deck at a local FNM and went 3-2. The way I went about it was a series of control cards with subtle milling throughout. Jace's Erasure / Grindclock being the main style of cards to mill with including a copy or two of Memory Adept of course. But you will need some counter spells and some bounce potential if you are going to buy enough time to mill them out. I splashed a lot of white with mine for the sake of Oblivion Rings, Day of Judgement, and most importantly Timely Reinforcements. But those are just some thoughts. It ran fairly smoothly any time I got a decent draw.

Posted 08 November 2011 at 16:55 as a comment on mill type 2


This deck is intended for standard gameplay. Counterspell is not legal.

Posted 30 September 2011 at 05:07 in reply to #203418 on t2 Stonehorn Control (tournament)


I don't think rooftop storm is actually going to be beneficial to you in this design. There are only going to be a handful of circumstances where you'd need it played, but as it doesn't work on titans and you have a good early game base, it might would be better suited to drop those, and then trim out a telemin performance and a traumatize for a little control. Maybe a couple destruction or counter spells? Otherwise, I think your opponents will be too easily able to outpace you. I've been a blue/black zombie miller for a while, and I found that the zombies can take care of themselves if you just set up a few back up control elements.

Posted 09 September 2011 at 16:11 as a comment on Zombie Mill


maybe this is a naive statement, but excluding other slow paced designs, why would you want to run a design with this kind of mana curve? I know once those dragons start hitting the field, you can cause some massive damage, but a turn four creature is your earliest offense? I just feel like dragonstorm could be done more effectively, perhaps even with a green/red since you could splash overgrown battlements to make all those defender creatures a bit more useful. Since dragonstorm is a sorcery, I would think you'd rather try to pull tons of early game mana and be able to actually cast it and maybe even have dropped something cheap that turn before to get two of your dragons out. Sorry for the tons of wordage.

Posted 20 August 2011 at 19:37 as a comment on Dragonstorm (Good Multiplayer)


Alright Mr. Lord. Ouriel. Sir. Guy.

First of all, my buddy built this deck out of the cards he has, so of course it isn't going to be one hundred percent. Additionally, this deck is built for casual play. Where you might be some fancy rich guy able to buy every card you want, we actually try to build with what we have. It makes it more interesting. Now, I do agree that several of the cards are worthwhile, and yes, 4 copies make the decks more astute, and he is quite aware of it. But just because you can't successfully build a fun deck design that can win a game, does NOT mean he can not. I've seen some extremely good drops with this design, and unfortunately for you, it would probably do quite well against you. ^_^


Posted 30 December 2010 at 04:41 as a comment on Uhhhhh


Friggen love milling dude... Especially with the Vess combo mixed in.

Posted 14 September 2010 at 23:52 as a comment on merfolk wizard mill


I will say though, it IS for casual play that I say all of this.

Posted 16 August 2010 at 22:56 in reply to #80936 on Pain, Six Paths


I feel like he can get a doubling cube out on turn two, and then on turn three, if he has each of the urza lands? He can start dropping his artifacts. After that, doesn't matter about the mana, can play his demon extremely quickly and then pestilence demon's effect wins for him because of the Armor. Essentially, as long as he doesn't lose to one of the lame "I win in 4 turn" decks, he can do some serious damage.

Posted 16 August 2010 at 22:53 as a comment on Pain, Six Paths


So really curious to see this deck in game play. I see all the potential combinations in there, and there are a lot of ways to gain life or wipe out your opponent, but the question is what do you do against wrath? Things of that nature. I know it's cliche, but mass creature removal has always seen heavy tournament play, and against anything without counter, it's rather efficient.

I would almost suggest pulling out a few copies of things that you have 3-4 of and slip in a few counter spells actually. Your Mycons can let you play anything and it wouldn't touch your mana too badly at all.

Posted 16 August 2010 at 22:34 as a comment on Locust


This deck seems fairly solid in that it has some steady counter to help guide the game your way, but it also relies too heavily on drawing the cards you want without actually having many cards worth drawing. All it takes is a well timed card on their end and you are done... I would advise the Unsummon/Counter combination. But I do like the deck's potential. Going to sit it on a six until I see some results.

Posted 16 August 2010 at 22:23 as a comment on Frozen Conundrum M11


Only big problem, which hopefully your counterspells would be saved for, is mass creature removal and enchantment destruction. You're light on the counterspells though, so it would be easy to pull the deck apart if you didn't have those. Just a warning though, I'm enjoying what I see to be honest.

Posted 16 August 2010 at 15:08 as a comment on my saprolings your turns


Oh, and again on the tangle asp? Regeneration style cards are a thought.

Posted 16 August 2010 at 15:03 in reply to #80857 on can i edit


A great card to consider adapting into this deck is Lure. Simple enchantment, a little costly, but when Tangle Asp is enchanted by it, you have some powerful creature destruction. You can literally wipe out an entire field of creatures if done well. I would also advise sticking to either Green Blue or Green Red, because running green creatures and a blanchwood? It's much more effective in mono green or dual colors. Triple starts to push it.

Additionally. You have 26 lands... If you remove a color, drop the lands to 20 tops, you can really add in some cards to make this deck a pumper. I play green in all combination with any other color, so if you decide to choose one or the other, let me know and I can make some suggestions. Other than that, the best thing is to improve on cards. For example, Replacing the Baloth with a Pelakka Wurm or something similar.

Posted 16 August 2010 at 15:02 as a comment on can i edit


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