
6 Decks, 164 Comments, 37 Reputation

Nice to see a simple old school deck. Looks like your missing two of the kings of old school though. Hypnotc Specter, and Yawgmoths Will.
This looks a lot like a deck I would have played a couple years ago, untill my son started playing and dragged me, kicking and screaming into the modern age of MTG....

Posted 04 December 2011 at 17:33 as a comment on Blacker than Obama.


So if you play Hypergenesis with cascade you dont have to wait for its suspend counters to be removed? If thats the case then WOW!!
Great job on inventing a new deck type!

Posted 19 November 2011 at 05:12 as a comment on Cascade of Hypergenesis


How does suspend 3 work?
Love the deck idea.

Posted 18 November 2011 at 04:28 as a comment on Cascade of Hypergenesis


Good thinking with the snow covered forrest! BTW, Im not giving you one of my Gaeas cradles! LOL.
All in all, way to many cards for me to look at. Im sure you will smash me next time your home...

Posted 15 November 2011 at 16:28 as a comment on OmNomNom EDH (Omnath)


Out of the sample hands I drew this deck plays really slow! Thinking it would have to be a multiplayer match up. Though by turn 5 or 6 if your still alive this deck will crush.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 03:50 as a comment on [Ruling Help] Sundial Aggro Burn


War Elemental sucks, but I really like Elemental Mastery. Guess a lot depends on how you will be playing this deck. As in multi player, or a one on one. In a dual I would play Fireblast, but in multiplayer no good.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 03:36 as a comment on [Ruling Help] Sundial Aggro Burn


This deck is straight up cheating! LOL. Consider adding Fireblast for the win they dont see coming.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 02:55 as a comment on [Ruling Help] Sundial Aggro Burn


FYI, just got my ass kicked playing G/W kinda like this in FNM by a about a billion U/W/B control decks. Not very fun! How did you do? Hopefully better to give us creature heavy guys a chance.??

Posted 22 October 2011 at 06:53 as a comment on Green White... Again...


LOL, only SWN could post a deck with no cards in it and get people to like it! Talent at its finest. :)

Posted 21 October 2011 at 20:36 as a comment on Ambulabo inter rectam insaniam lucente


I would drop the dismembers, and add another O Ring, and Beast Within. I also love G/W.
Glad to see you building this instead of those nasty control decks ive seen of yours!

Posted 21 October 2011 at 02:52 as a comment on Green White... Again...


I personaly am not a fan of Brainstorm. I remember when it came out in Iceage, and thought it was allmost as good as Ancestral Recall, but now Ponder, and Preordain are far better cards than Brainstorm.
Also as I have said before I think Boomerand is much more versitial than Snap. IMO

Posted 21 October 2011 at 02:35 as a comment on Iso-Dick


My dream hand against this deck includes multiple Fog's.. LOL. I would consider making suggestions, but clearly your not looking for any...

Posted 11 October 2011 at 21:04 as a comment on RDW 3.0


Urza's Incubator would be great in any Sliver deck. I agree with adding legion, and dropping coat of arms. Good luck.

Posted 08 October 2011 at 00:22 as a comment on Le Sliver 2.0


Some what similar, and we have a guy thats also ranked in the top few in the country. Also arrogent as hell..
Looking like B/W control and Pod are going to be the decks to beat.

Posted 04 October 2011 at 21:30 as a comment on Tap That Ass (updated, 9/30 T2 legal)


Mercedes. Where are you playing FNM? Lancaster PA??
Great deck BTW.

Posted 04 October 2011 at 17:14 as a comment on Tap That Ass (updated, 9/30 T2 legal)


I would change the Snaps to Boomerangs. If yoiu wanted to keep Arcane lab in you could just return it when needed, also so much more versitile than Snap. Only downside is its not a free spell.

Posted 04 October 2011 at 02:45 in reply to #204579 on Iso-Dick


I agree about Arcane Laboratory. I think it backfires as much as it helps. Toss them and put Fatespinner main deck.

Posted 04 October 2011 at 02:01 in reply to #204479 on Iso-Dick


I would change the Counterspells to Mana Leaks, and maybe add one more O Ring. Looks fun to play.

Posted 03 October 2011 at 00:33 as a comment on Ruler of the Throne, Crown, and Scepter


If anything I would add another Essence of the Wild, and another Oblivion Ring. Just my thoughts.

Posted 02 October 2011 at 01:02 as a comment on G/W Tourny Tokens!


Love the deck! I have been toying with the idea of building a deck allmost just like this since I saw the Innistrad spoiler list.
Hope it plays as good as it does in my mind!

Posted 01 October 2011 at 22:05 as a comment on G/W Tourny Tokens!


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