
33 Decks, 169 Comments, 18 Reputation

K Poet, this is a pretty solid deck, but you said you were building it to playtest. Best jund decks I've seen are running a lot fewer creatures in a more ramp-styled deck. They play 24 lands, 4 farseeks, some rakdos keyrunes, and a bunch of removal(some mix of abrupt decay, dreadbore, and pillar of flame) for the early turns, then Voldaren, Thragtusk, and Huntsmaster(about 10 total between these), bonfire(2-3), and Rakdos' return(usually 2). While this description isn't really a traditional "Jund" deck, its the strongest deck of the colors.

Posted 01 November 2012 at 22:37 as a comment on Olivia Huntmaster


Thragtusk isnt early game protection for getting to a combo, it gets your board/life back even with a fast opponent, then works with another big creature to finish.

Posted 01 November 2012 at 22:20 in reply to #301107 on stupid enough to work


Not designed to be an undying deck. The strongest decks right now are G/B/R midrange and W/B/G unburial rites. As mentioned above, I'm building a deck for each RTR guild. Currently, RDW or Rakdos decks aren't able to kill before the above decks play a thragtusk or angel(couple that are interchangeable here).This deck uses Rakdos to be able keep going strong after that happens. However looking back on it(built this deck late last night in a hurry cause i promised a buddy i would post one of my guild decks each day) I do see a few changes necessary.

Posted 01 November 2012 at 21:38 in reply to #300947 on Fires of Hell V2


Thought about Archangel, but decided I wanted Odric instead(the 2 are pretty much mutually exclusive) and Angel doesnt work with mass pump like Sorin emblems or Intangible Virtue.

Posted 01 November 2012 at 08:15 in reply to #300829 on Early Orzhov


I like the deck, have you considered master's call as another way to get shape anew?

Posted 01 November 2012 at 03:12 as a comment on Venser's Blight


Your deck is NOT like this one actually. In this build asceticism is the only thing that makes the deck work. Without it, a single removal spell on precursor golem kills the deck. Your deck uses a different strategy of bouncing a variety of things with angel and venser, this deck is all golems. Its a different strategy, so dont link your deck as an example for changes.

Posted 01 November 2012 at 03:09 in reply to #300874 on Venser golems


I would add 1/2 more lands, this deck really needs to hit first 3 maybe 4 land drops. Get rid of the hellkites, you very rarely will be able to cast them. I would replace the hellkites with another mountain and 2 copies of Devil's Play.

Posted 01 November 2012 at 01:11 as a comment on Hasty Noble


Axebane Guardian would help you ramp mana and fix colors to get those defensive enchantments up.

Posted 31 October 2012 at 20:22 as a comment on HIT ME, I DARE YOU!


Never mind, just noticed your lands and saw this was a budget deck, not a just-for-fun unusual strategy.

Posted 31 October 2012 at 20:20 in reply to #300810 on HIT ME, I DARE YOU!


No Vraska, the Unseen? She punishes people for hitting her, gives an alternate win condition, and you're in her colors.

Posted 31 October 2012 at 20:17 as a comment on HIT ME, I DARE YOU!


Why one-ofs and why not put the swamps together?

Posted 31 October 2012 at 20:13 as a comment on Devouring Shadows


That was really my whole point, deck depends on perfect draw AND opponent having neither a counter or burn, so too inconsistent to actually play. Still an interesting combo.

Posted 31 October 2012 at 20:11 as a comment on Turn 2 WIN


Interesting idea but turn 2 win is unlikely. Your combo requires 9 cards, so your turn 2 is on the draw, or turn 3 on the play. That means opponents will get 2 turns at least before you combo, assuming you get lucky enough to draw the exact opening hand AND first 2 draw steps. In legacy, by turn 2 they will have either already dealt some damage to you(if its a fast deck) or they will have one of legacy's many cheap/free counterspells ready. If Rite gets countered, you pretty much lose. Game 1 you probably have less than a 50%win rate, once opponents sideboard and know what you're looking to do, you will lose almost all of your game2/3s

Posted 31 October 2012 at 19:55 as a comment on Turn 2 WIN


Grixis Control, looks like a fun, solid build.

Posted 31 October 2012 at 04:57 in reply to #300609 on B/W FNM!


hadnt considered fling though, might switch it with downpour.

Posted 30 October 2012 at 16:15 in reply to #300387 on Izzet Delver


Also, this deck is extremely low budget aside from the lands (already had those)

Posted 30 October 2012 at 16:13 as a comment on Izzet Delver


I like niv-elemental, whenever he gets countered he can eat my spells that wouldnt have resolved anyways. Also, an early devil almost always is just 4 to the face. This deck really only uses burn for removal, as it can deal lots of damage around blockers.

Posted 30 October 2012 at 16:11 as a comment on Izzet Delver


I would ditch the wall of fire and replace with axebane or land, depending on how sure you are about splash. Vexing devil is a very strong card, but this isnt a good deck for it. In the early game, opponents will just take 4, which, whole good, doesnt help you because you deck will win by either taking control with the steal combo you mentioned, or by an infinite bonfire(should you choose to add that) In later game, walls create a stalled board until you combo, so devil doesnt help

Posted 30 October 2012 at 04:13 as a comment on Different Izzet


It isnt that the abilities are expensive, its that you need to be able to activate them in addition to playing more cards to the battlefield.

Posted 30 October 2012 at 04:06 in reply to #300329 on Different Izzet


Not to be critical, but there are a few problems. 1)Cackling counterpart cant steal, it copies YOUR creatures 2) clone isn't very good, most of the time you will be spending four mana for a creature that costs less, also your opponent will usually get more value out of their creature due to their deck's synergies 3)this deck will lose 99.9% of its matchups against decent control decks. 4) If you want to use that many defenders, then you should DEFINITELY splash green for axebane guardian and add bonfire for something to do with your proposed infinite mana. 5) Look at you curve and activation costs on abilities, then look at you mana. You need more lands or cheaper artifact fixers. With 20 lands, its rare that you will get 5 early enough for the lotus to do you any good.

Posted 30 October 2012 at 03:56 as a comment on Different Izzet


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