
33 Decks, 169 Comments, 18 Reputation

Drop Plague Myr, It doesn't help you because most of your spells are 1- mana and don't have any colorless in them. Also drop 1 land, you don't need 24 lands for this low of a curve.
Titanic Growth is pretty weak, there's much better pump spells in Modern and extended(since this isn't standard). Run a full set of Ichorclaws, a 4th Giant Growth, and add in a full set of Groundswell.
Here's the Simic deck I've been working on, it's kind of like this one except Standard(no infect) but still based on Evasive creatures with pump spells

Posted 16 December 2012 at 15:16 as a comment on Infection so good


Making it mono-red would definitely weaken this deck. For one, this deck doesn't have mana issues that would make it nee to be mono red, and two, playing just red would change the deck. This is a tokens deck with the ability to finish off the game with a single Burn at Stake. Dropping white would reduce the token makers to two(Krenko's+could add Rally), and would lose Intangible Virtue. Virtue is especially important here cause it can allow my tokens to attack and still tap for Stake in second main. Am actually thinking about making a Naya form of this once GTC comes out. I would add Wild Beastmaster, maybe Stonewright(great combo together) and hopefully an Overrun- type affect (GTC has both Gruul and Boris, one should have some kind of decent army pump). Also might get some better burn and token makers

Posted 16 December 2012 at 05:54 in reply to #310561 on Lynch Mob


That's my point by underrated, people who have played against it in decks like this will agree that it's really powerful, but it's not played

Posted 16 December 2012 at 05:44 in reply to #310533 on Lynch Mob


though Syncopate has the advantage in that it can be cast for 1 (x=0) to be fed to Niv-Elemental, maybe a mix of the two?

Posted 14 December 2012 at 12:12 as a comment on U/G Simic Aggro


I would go with Dissipate over Syncopate. Syncopate is only better with exactly two mana, and at that cost many Times your opponent will be able to just pay the extra 1, leaving you down a card. Dissipate can't be played through, and removes flashback and graveyard, guaranteeing you a 1-for-1 card trade.

Posted 14 December 2012 at 12:10 as a comment on U/G Simic Aggro


Never thought of the double Increasing Vengeance combo, cool idea. Only problem is that it takes 7 mana at once to start, not including the cost of the burn spell to be copied. However, is a cool idea to use with a Modern or (Extended) Pyromancer Ascension deck.

You definitely shouldn't have 3 Nivs in the side. Two sideboarded Staticasters are unlikely to make a large difference in game 2 either. For your sideboard you probably want 4 O- Rings, another copy of Revelation and Verdict, maybe some counterspells, and definitely some Mizzium Mortars(maybe even run these main deck). It might also be worth running a few copies of St.Traft, I know he's a non- ETB creature and this deck doesn't really want that, but a few swings with him early can put an opponent into burn range if you don't get your combo, he's really just too good not to play

Posted 14 December 2012 at 04:31 as a comment on American Werewolves in London


Vermin and mind rot are to help me against control decks, there have been a lot recently and Jund Midrange decks often struggle against them(at least the ones that are built to handle Slaughter Games)Probably should put them in the sideboard though

Posted 13 December 2012 at 12:01 in reply to #310064 on Jund Control/Ramp


If you look at the description you'll see I already said that as a likely sideboard

Posted 12 December 2012 at 12:06 in reply to #309844 on Stalking Inquisition


Fog in SB is good idea, can hold back aggro and midrange decks for an extra turn of my unblockable attack, and can always be fed to Niv-Elemental.
Trust me, you would be much better off with Familiar in main over Delver, much more reliable unless you add more spells, and great against control/combo decks(which you said you struggled with)

Posted 12 December 2012 at 04:43 in reply to #309844 on Stalking Inquisition


I will have 1-2 Olivias in sideboard. I'll think about Disciple, need to see how well it does. Liliana is exactly what I want in this deck. She searches up land, can remove opponents creatures, and her ultimate is pretty achievable and allows me to take over the game. Primal Hunter would be good here, I might add some. Relentless is overrated in my opinion, it dies to searing spear and when it's flipped it's vulnerable to pillar for a turn, not to mention that occasionally it can't flip without dying. Very good in some decks, but not great for this one. I will playtest with both Relentless and Primal Hunter though.
I like Dawntreader Elk more than Borderland Ranger because it puts the land onto the battlefield, and I like the full four because this is really intended to be a ramp deck supported by discard. I have a more traditional Jund Midrange deck also, that one plays Ranger, Garruk, and three Olivias. This one is built for a better matchup against control because it's ability to get lands on the table fast and its discard allow it to continue to attack and dominate after control plays its cards that normally stabilize the game.

Posted 12 December 2012 at 01:52 in reply to #309820 on Jund Control/Ramp


Also, not really high combo ability because you don't have redundancy for fertile ground or fatestitcher, and once you get them you still need several other cards

Posted 12 December 2012 at 00:06 in reply to #309808 on Dimir Victory


Not really Dimir, more of a GU infinite mana deck using a Dimir card as your win con. I would just drop the Dimir Guildmage and add a blue (X) spell as a finisher. The best one I can think of of the top of my head is probably Increasing Confusion, it can put Fatestitcher into your graveyard when you need to, and can immediately mill your opponent out. The problem with your plan using Dimir Guildmage is that you allow your opponent to draw their entire library, often giving them access to instant-speed removal to kill your Guildmage. Increasing Confusion avoids this issue. If you don't mind letting your opponent have access to their whole library, Blue Sun's Zenith is another alternative that is probably better than the Guildmage

Posted 12 December 2012 at 00:03 as a comment on Dimir Victory


I find it hard to believe you could beat a deck like this or like most good Jund decks with that. You have no Miracles that can suddenly change the board, no sweepers(not even rift), no removal, and no chance of winning in a short tempo game. My deck would destroy yours 9 Times out of 10, it's a terrible matchup for you. You may have beaten GW aggro before, but this deck is built to be able to beat tempo and have a decent chance against control. Any time I draw a dryad militants or a Smiter, your deck would be pretty much helpless

Posted 11 December 2012 at 12:12 in reply to #309671 on Selesnya Overun


Unsummoning is NOT good way to deal with Thragusk, It gives you a HUGE card disadvantage. Also this deck really needs to have a few sweepers, it Will not be able to hold back aggro decks with its tempo spells and counters,and its board presence is really weak. You have no way to win the game once an opponent gets few creatures out, and any experienced player will tell you that you can never counter everything, ripped especially in current standard, where there aren't very many good counterspells

Posted 11 December 2012 at 12:06 as a comment on Azorius Flash


Never said it was some radical new idea, is just a very powerful deck that plays a series of powerful cards on a good curve and is strong against many decks that cost several times as much to build.

Posted 11 December 2012 at 04:27 in reply to #309592 on Selesnya Overun


I would either replace the singletons Hydra or add another, I feel like singletons are only goof when they're serving as weaker versions of a 4-ofor you have tutors.

Posted 11 December 2012 at 04:16 as a comment on White Green Humans


Ninjastyle is right, Goblin Rally is much better than Thatcher Revolt here. Thatcher Revolt is mainly good in humans decks where there are lots of triggers going off when the humans ETB, so the Revolt tokens get a big boost and set up other humans. Your deck doesn't do that, you just want the tokens in a weenie strategy, so Goblin Rally is WAY better

Posted 10 December 2012 at 21:07 in reply to #309418 on CHEAP STANDARD THAT REALLY HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>:)


This deck just doesn't have enough spells for Delver. He VERY rarely flips on 2, and occasionally takes as long as turn 5 or 6, which makes it really hard to get offense going.

Posted 10 December 2012 at 12:02 in reply to #309300 on Stalking Inquisition


You didn't link the deck.Guessing from what the link says, you copy/pasted the URL from the estimated price screen. You have to post the link to the view deck screen.

Posted 10 December 2012 at 11:59 in reply to #309361 on Stalking Inquisition


If you do take something like this to FNM, what exact build would you go with, and what sideboard would you use? Post whatever you decide on and how well you do, especially if you notice any terrible matchups.

Posted 10 December 2012 at 04:36 in reply to #309300 on Stalking Inquisition


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