
4 Decks, 10 Comments, 0 Reputation

valid points about castigate! not sure if i want to have more than 2 bloodgift demons though, still a 5cmc, it might be a replacement for sanguine, replacing the amp for better draws.. (come to think about it, all replacements are situational) might have to seriously consider replacing Harsh for the sin collector you're talking about.. control/discard decks scare the living bleep out of me :v but i think castigate is a nice start in that sense though..
might ditch battle brawler and get 1 more of each of the others

sidenote, i think not throwing anything on the field at turn 1 might not be that big of a deal.. most decks i see here don't "go off" at turn 1 anyway :v

i'm thinking the lingering souls can also get substituted by something that has more synnergies with the deck.. since the rest is a pretty solid fit at the moment, going to look into that, although 4 flying creatures for 5 cmc isn't all that bad.. specially when it sortof cicumvents discard plays.. and it boosts the lifegain from vault and sorin.

the deck feels a lot more solid then my first try though! good feeling about it.

i think it might be time to think about how i use my sidedeck for problems i could encounter..
i could have sin collector and maybe an archfiend of depravity or two sit in my wallet, switch them into my SD when i'm ready to say bye to Harsh or battlebrawler

Posted 22 February 2015 at 15:31 in reply to #537585 on W/B Needles


okay so i cut out Doomed Traveler for Mourning Thrull, this has only a slight impact on the mana curve but it's a lifelink flying creature, in stead of a conditional spirit token, so i'm happy with that. (also, extra trigger for Mimic?)
switched 2 harsh sustenance for another faultless and a 4th Mimic, i kept in 2 of the Harsh sustenance purely because it seems like a nice lifegain nuke in matches that drag out, it's not too expensive for something that damages the oponent directly and gains health at the same time, could also come in handy to get rid of creatures, maybe.. i understand why you would cut it though, it's probably 10 times more useful in token decks with a massive amount of creatures. it is however also a trigger for mimic (right?) being black and white, so he's got that going for him.. but i guess unmake does that trick as well,
it's one of my first cards, basically built the deck for that card haha, and i'm stubborn when it comes to killing my darlings i guess :)

i could cut them and go for an extra unmake/ obzedat, put the harsh sustenance in the sideboard and drop either utter end or castigate completely, then i can still say i have them in my deck and not have them mess with the format :V hehe..

speaking of those, i'm not sure about Utter end and castigate, they basically do the same thing, only castigate is cheaper but more of a gamble. (i'm not that good at poker, so i'm not a star in reading when someone has something great in his hand)
Zealous was a fillercard really, cut him as soon as i could.

i might have to look for a board clear of some sort, just to be sure? the only thing i have in that regard at the moment is In Garuk's Wake, and thats a CMC 9, so a big no-no, although i would listen to an argument for it being an effective late-game clear.

something like bloodgift demon would be nice aswell, since it's a pretty slow draw to get to the good stuff..

again, apreciate the effort! great suggestions as always :>

Posted 22 February 2015 at 12:47 in reply to #537585 on W/B Needles


would love your advice on my new deck O; it's basically a destillate of this deck here, but with some suggestions and other researchables mixed in :>

only if it's not too much of a bother ofcourse ^^

Posted 22 February 2015 at 01:46 in reply to #536957 on V's first deck


pfff xD okay, sorry, i kinda forgot the names of those cards :'3 read to much into hidden meanings and stuff :v

okay, yeah that does sound like something useful! but i do have a lot of removals on hand and switching out the spectrals takes a chunk out of my creature pump, so i'll have to review that a little :o

thanks for the suggestion though :)

Beckon Apparition would also be a viable option methinks :v looks like it could work well with the harsh sustenance nuke

Posted 22 February 2015 at 01:20 in reply to #537422 on W/B Needles


haha okay, maybe noob isn't the right word :) hope i can make up for the lack of experience soon though, the game grasped me, so to speak.
spectral being the spirit cards? unmake being 'unmake the grave'? i think i have some of those, but thought endless obedience was a better card, being one that doesn't descriminate between graves, also, could gravedigger be a helpful card in that sense? not sure what mimic means, but does that imply copying monsters on the board?
that does seem interesting!
i'll look further into it, thanks!

Posted 21 February 2015 at 18:56 in reply to #537422 on W/B Needles


Most of it will probably be obviously silly or naive regarding the synnergies and mechanics because of my noobness :)

Posted 21 February 2015 at 17:01 in reply to #537422 on W/B Needles


so thought seize is like, the thing you use to get rid of cards like bile blight/ festergloom?

Posted 21 February 2015 at 15:12 as a comment on WB Tokens


sidenote: might be worth it getting duress? and i need a better alternative for triplicate spirits.. those feel like an expensive cast..

Posted 19 February 2015 at 22:20 in reply to #536957 on V's first deck


Hey! thanks a lot for your awesome reply, i'm going to check out those cards and get back to you :)

unfocussed really is an issue i guess.. with my friends i tend to play a decent match, but sometimes i feel the cards don't love me as much as i love them :v might want to look into more extort cards then! or focus on lifelink? not sure if that's a good move though :v i heard lifelink decks don't do well in modern

not really sure about bloodgift demon :v since you either have to pay blood for card advantage or give the oponent a card to damage him, i'm guessing you're going to want to keep drawing cards with him? - indulgent tormentor has 2 pro's in that sense, either draw or damage the oponent :v i imagine the oponent would want to pay for keeping his card advantage, until he's not able to and that's when the extra cards count the most?

anyway, that legendary creature looks totally hardcore! i can see that working out great with palace siege, getting the pressure on nice and steady :) you can only have 1 legendary creature up at a time right? should i have 2 of them in the deck just to be sure or is it like a "icing on the cake" type of thing..

dash hopes is just sitting there because i enjoy watching them make the descision to either punch themselves in the face or not play the card they wanted to. <- to me that's always a win :'3 but i do understand that for the game itself it might not be the most practical thing to put in there :v i have 4 though, so i could switch you doom blades for the dash hopes i got in my side deck, could help.. also could do with some more palace sieges (maybe an extra sanguine bond/ exquisite bloods?, is that even legal in modern?)

thanks for the advice and yes, ofcourse i would love to see some of your decks ! :>

Posted 19 February 2015 at 21:46 in reply to #536957 on V's first deck


maybe wanted to put in more white creatures in stead of child of night? i like her life link though.. and battlebrawler is basically OP if there's a white token on the field.

can flying creatures block non-flying creatures? :|
otherwise i need to rethink those tokens maybe..

would love your insights <3

Posted 19 February 2015 at 21:28 as a comment on V's first deck
