
393 Decks, 68 Comments, 7 Reputation

Your win conditions need it, it really makes the deck faster at winning which the deck suffers from.

Posted 08 January 2021 at 05:06 in reply to #639104 on Clockspinning Aria Unstorm


is there a reason for Snow-Covered Islands and Snow-Covered Swamps, but just basic Plains?

Posted 15 November 2019 at 16:39 as a comment on Alela - Tribal/Artifactments


You should have your whole library in your hand and excess mana, if they can cast removal through Muddle the Mixture, maybe a single Dive Down or Mizzium Skin for Abrupt Decay. LabMan + Hexproof is a great 2 card alternative you can drop in the sideboard.

Posted 28 March 2018 at 04:02 in reply to #613444 on 3 Card Instant Win: Turn 3


You do realize this is not Infinite mana right, it's at most 1 for every card in your library, Manamorphose is not 'may'? I would add a simpler win condition, that can win through Ensnaring Bridge and such, and on the same turn you go off, just add a Laboratory Maniac, draw your library cast LabMan and then any other cantrip will do. It is also WAY cheaper as it doesn't need Emrakul nor Blightseel.

Posted 27 March 2018 at 17:56 as a comment on 3 Card Instant Win: Turn 3


Thunderclap Wyvern seems like a good fit for this deck.

Posted 01 November 2015 at 23:28 as a comment on (Modern) Budget Azorius Spirit


This needs a lot of Collected Company.... Plummet is a sideboard card.

Posted 19 October 2015 at 01:27 as a comment on Jund 'em Out!


I have tried 4 Flagstones for a while and it's legendary status is not bad (as in Urborg), you can extract white mana prior to dropping the second one, which more often than not lets me fix my mana for the next turns! (By fetching a Godless Shrine for free) you don't loose a land after all, and of course its amazing with Smallpox.

I really want to try Bob, but more often than not it turns on the removal of my enemy, and the T2 spot is really contested (More often than not I want to drop Bitterblossom or Inquisition after Filter+Flagstones, even Smallpox their T1 or T2 drop).

Elspeth is there because it is a HUGE threat in this deck, I've won several games topdecking her land drop bringing Bloodghast back and make him fly through the enemy for 5. She needs to be answer in 1 or 2 turns or its a game winner. For Sorin I found a lot killing myself with just 2, the third one makes more appearances to let me lifelink consistently 3-5 life or hold defensively vs threats, he also must be answered, I think more often than not Bob just eats a Bolt.

Posted 10 June 2015 at 22:31 in reply to #552992 on BW Smallpox


Come on!! If there is a format to Play Mental Misstep and you can... You should!! I love this new format. I built a Vendilion Clique and a Doran deck for this. Nice job!

Posted 12 January 2015 at 06:31 as a comment on GosT Tiny Leaders


Thought about it, incluided her, tested her, didn't make the cut :S
I'm still between sorin lord of innistrad and the new one, I'll have to test both till I found my best bet.

Posted 21 December 2014 at 20:51 in reply to #523997 on WB Tokens


Yeah I don't mean he's bad, he's pretty awesome, but in a lot of games I have played with the deck, dropping a creature turn 2 and letting your opponent untap without doing any damage at all I consider it slow, he will die to a bolt or to anything else in the format, we will be chump blocked next turn or whatever, thing about creatures like Hellspark Elemental (or haste in general) is that you can push up to 6 damage with one card in the right moments (when he taps to put board pressure cause you are all spells), most haste creatures do this. The Kiln actually just get worse in multiples, and at least Hellspark Elemental is not dead to Liliana's discard and similar.

Those little bits of extra consistency in burning your opponents life total specially during turns 2-3 are whan make burn competitive, if you trade a turn with a non hasty creature that will be removed or blocked a turn later (even while dealing burn dmg) it slows you down and your winning chances slim down. One thing to note is that depending on your hand, Kiln puts you in an awkward position while doing some "bad" choices, you usually want to put your creatures first on an empty board, then use the least flexible burn and leave your best for last, but Kiln forces you to burn when he attacks and with multiple Kilns in hand, become an awkward problem, as you might spend to much setting up without dealing any real dmg.

At last, Monastery Swiftspear can be saved from a blocking Snapcaster or a Bolt by burning your opponent, making him trade his options, Kiln can't do that, and Hellspark Elemental at least pushes 2 dmg through a blocking Snapcaster while being able to come back for 3 more. I'm not saying Kiln is bad, he's just IMHO not the best option.

Posted 18 October 2014 at 00:27 in reply to #510718 on Modern Burn!


Chandra's Spitfire and Chandra's Phoenix are too slow, specially in a format where Path to exile is the most widely used removal (with bolt). Kiln fiend could be a replacement of Hellspark elemental, but again.. too slow... Burn it's all about getting them to 0 as fast as you can, and the Kiln totally sets you back turn 2 with no dmg.

Posted 15 October 2014 at 05:58 in reply to #510718 on Modern Burn!


Actually it IS modern legal :P Monastery Swiftspear is amazing replacement of Goblin guide or even as guides 5-8, Im afraid BloodFire Expert is too slow and dies to anything in the format without actually doing anything.

The list usually runs 4 Goblin Guide in place of the Monastery Swiftspear, but the monk makes it a lot more affordable for some people trying to get into the format, with minimal to no losses on the dmg output (and without fixing their hand).

Posted 15 October 2014 at 05:55 in reply to #510136 on Modern Burn!


With 8 spells that deny life gain and do dmg, I think its covered, Stigma Lasher is slower and might have trouble pushing through.

Posted 23 September 2014 at 03:50 in reply to #505626 on Modern Burn!


Might be, but I do think Spellskite is better vs Combo and Control (afinity and infect too) and its easer to cast. Life Should not be a problem unless you start fetching into shocks for thoughtseize.

Posted 21 September 2014 at 19:24 in reply to #504997 on Abzan Doran


Then I could really see a set of Cavern of Souls to make your drops unstoppable.

Posted 06 September 2014 at 23:58 in reply to #500920 on Modern Doran Treefolk


Hmm I will... Trade Hierarchs for Aether Vials (less prone to removal, instant speed, more ramp, etc...), take out the birds to go into 24 lands. Looks awesome!

Posted 06 September 2014 at 01:10 as a comment on Modern Doran Treefolk


:O I left 3 Lingering on sideboard :D yay! Liliana problem solved

Posted 06 September 2014 at 00:56 in reply to #500635 on Abzan Doran


Treefolk deck is awesome, I already liked yours, Courser is amazing with Doran, but the real champ in the deck I think is Spellskite as not only can be played with any lands (consistency), fits the curve (turn 3 Doran, beats for 4), and protects Doran from removal! Spellskite also is amazing in the modern meta vs a lot of matchups just by itself (Infect, Auras, Twin, etc...)

Posted 06 September 2014 at 00:54 in reply to #500885 on Abzan Doran


Yeah Bob is amazing with this curve, although depending on the long run Arena might be better (and almost can't be removed in modern, you can Abrupt it yourself if needed). Lingering Souls was in, But I actually don't know if it fits the theme, the card advantage is good, but usually Courser of Kruphix demands a faster answer and in 2-3 turns gives you more CA that lingering souls (usually). I'd love to make room for Lingering Souls, I even tried the sideboard...

Any ideas?

Posted 06 September 2014 at 00:52 in reply to #500635 on Abzan Doran


Yeah Tarmo could be added as its awesome. But you normally want a set, and a full set costs more than the entire deck (a good budget does not mean unlimited budget). Also... I run 4 Spellskite main as it solves a lot of modern meta's matchups by itself (Twin, Auras, Infect, RDW, Zoo, etc...), protects Doran from removal, and its an amazing beater with Doran in game.

What would you take out for a set of Tarmo? Harbinger is pretty much Doran's 5-8 for consistency. And ooze is many times a way better card than tarmo if you already have your beater (Doran) he does Graveyard Hate, life, and can grow bigger, this deck should start top decking with the enemy so scooze is a nice mana dump too and answers Snapcaster perfectly (probably more played in modern that tarmo).

Anyway I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Posted 06 September 2014 at 00:49 in reply to #500431 on Abzan Doran


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