
98 Decks, 82 Comments, 16 Reputation

You should consider adding the planeswalker Davriel as well as the artifact The Rack. I know you mentioned you like enchantments, but the two cards I mentioned would be significantly more effective for a discard strategy.

Posted 16 October 2020 at 22:22 as a comment on Who needs creatures?


I was thinking the same thing, but eventually Sidar won't work if your tokens get beefy. Bruse is only useless with True Conviction in play, but I can hardly complain when TC does so much work. Hell you could "sideboard" Sidar if you really wanted to.

Posted 21 June 2018 at 12:35 in reply to #615668 on Tana+Bruse Tokenchantments


I actually just brewed up this list for a friend because he said he wanted to play a naya enchantment deck. Uril is boring so I came up with something totally on the other end of the spectrum. Thanks a lot though, if my friend builds it I'll see how smoothly it plays.

Posted 21 June 2018 at 01:56 in reply to #615668 on Tana+Bruse Tokenchantments


There's a lot of fat that could be trimmed from this deck in favor of more consistency. I would recommend ditching Asceticism, Nylea, Bow of Nylea, Joiner Adept, and Garruk for Heritage Druid. Iona, while powerful, also isn't really a necessary piece. Quest for Renewal is a cool card but again, not really necessary. You could potentially also splash black for Shaman of the Pack as well, which works especially when with Dwynen's Elite. Elite is an excellent card in the deck along with Heritage Druid and can lead to both a more consistent elves deck as well as one that is much more streamlined and often faster. Because of this Ezuri can often be enough to win the game. I'd also say Chord of Calling is probably a better option than Genesis Wave in the searching for specific elves (at instant speed mind you) can often be a better play. Collected Company is also a good efficient way to dig for creatures and generate value, also at instant speed.
There are established Elves decks in modern, I'd suggest taking a peek at mtgtop8 for some inspiration.

Posted 09 February 2018 at 19:45 as a comment on Modern Elf


not a merfolk deck with those commanders? Yeah, I'm unsubscribing

Posted 02 February 2018 at 23:26 as a comment on Crusty Cheese Nips


I don't think this is a very good modern deck.

Posted 26 January 2018 at 21:51 as a comment on All The Polyraptors V2


Yeah an extra alt-win con would be fine. Also Narset Transcendent would be some spice and maybe at least two more lands.

Posted 04 September 2017 at 03:03 as a comment on NO ONE GETS TO HAVE FUN.


Urborg is a good call but I decided against it at the moment. If I put just one more non-black source I'd definitely have Urborg in here.
As for Vial I feel like there's simply not enough room in the list.

Posted 09 June 2017 at 14:41 in reply to #601558 on Monoblack DevotGUN


Honestly I'd say ditch Furnace Scamp for Rift Bolts. I'd also say get rid of shocks and seal of fires for another mountain and 3 Spark Elementals.

Also fix your sideboard pls if you intend on using it. I assume the 8 Raze is some sort of mistake??

Posted 22 March 2017 at 18:09 as a comment on NOTHIN BUT BURN


both are good, I agree

Posted 22 March 2017 at 18:05 in reply to #597869 on NOTHIN BUT BURN


The difference here is that Atraxa is literally the most popular commander now, and Izzet Prowess is far from the most played deck when it was in standard and probably won't be very popular in frontier either.
But either way if you're gonna throw a hissy-fit over a passing comment I made then I guess I can't stop you.

Posted 24 January 2017 at 20:20 in reply to #594609 on Frontier Izzet Prowess GUN


I mean it's based off of a top8 deck when it was standard legal so you got me

Posted 24 January 2017 at 14:52 in reply to #594609 on Frontier Izzet Prowess GUN


There's unoriginal, but Atraxa is so overly popular that I can't help but groan every time I see a list. Like, there are so many god damn deck lists online now that it almost makes me wonder "why even bother making lists for her anymore?" Hell, I made an Atraxa list on here for my friend when she first got spoiled since he already had bant superfriends. It just kind of baffles me that after all this time these deck lists are still getting attention as if it were some new unique thing.

Posted 24 January 2017 at 14:51 in reply to #594556 on atraxa's superfriends


Hilarious and original

Posted 19 January 2017 at 22:01 as a comment on atraxa's superfriends


Needs more lands

Posted 08 December 2016 at 23:00 as a comment on YEEN STANDARD


I've already got Call the Gatewatch which is the more relevant one. And the deck doesn't really need tutors, and the friend I made this for plays slow enough as it is haha. So nah, I'm think I'm good on that front.

Posted 27 October 2016 at 19:49 in reply to #591817 on Atraxa Deploys the Gatesquanch


yeah my lands were all kinds of jacked up, thanks for pointing that out

Posted 12 October 2016 at 17:48 in reply to #591260 on Modern Naya Ponza Gun


People call it Naya based off the Shard from Alara.
Also I like the idea here but honestly Nahiri just works better in midrange or control. Mardue and Jesaki Nahiri decks have been doing very well.

Posted 05 July 2016 at 16:48 as a comment on mexican nahiri


Maybe we judge what "competitive" means differently, but I at least judge as something that's constructed to play in a competitive environment, such as playing in tournaments with the express goal of winning. Casual is something made for fun, and mostly just fun. While yes, a deck can be fun and competitive, if something isn't made to be playing at tournaments I have a tough time categorizing it as competitive.
Sorry, I don't mean to come off as rude. I just don't see how this deck earns that title.

Posted 01 March 2016 at 08:49 in reply to #576498 on R/W GIANTS


why is competitive in the tags if this is supposed to be casual?

Posted 29 February 2016 at 21:55 as a comment on R/W GIANTS


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