
55 Decks, 592 Comments, 118 Reputation

I like the fact that you decided to take a break from the game (or at least, that's what I understood), but keep in touch with the community. I really appreciate it, because you seems quite the player and possibly have something to teach.

As for the deck, it's definitely something special. Great battlefield manipulation, and awesome assortment of cards to deal with any kind of situation.
What I would do here is adding Blood Artist, to fully take advantage of Grave Pact and Skullclamp suicides. I would remove fauna shamans (4 buried alive shall be enough in my opinion) or the elves (birds of paradise are enough too).
Other than that, really awesome.
Bravo Blackfire :)

Posted 30 October 2012 at 23:19 as a comment on The Last


Yes, I thought about that and about Coat of Arms, but I decided that it's better to have more Slivers instead of something that power them up.
I'm really happy you're looking my decks and enjoying them!

Posted 30 October 2012 at 23:02 in reply to #300556 on Sliver Power


What, no Nekrataal?

Posted 30 October 2012 at 20:12 as a comment on "Destroy Target Creature"


I love the fact that Jaya Ballard is in this deck. Really nice touch.

Posted 30 October 2012 at 20:10 as a comment on Madback


One of the best door decks I've seen. My only advice would be to play some tutor or some blue spell like intuition to fetch the door.

Posted 30 October 2012 at 20:07 as a comment on Winning


The Dragon is very good indeed! I'll replace the Rathi with it right away, thanks for the advice and for commenting back on my deck!

Posted 29 October 2012 at 23:56 in reply to #300232 on Red Essence


Well, for the way I thought it, you wouldn't even need to worry about enemy creatures, because that kind of combo kills you in one hit lol. It inspired me to make my own deck based on this idea, be sure to drop by one of these days and check it out :)

I'm glad to be of service, and don't worry, you helped me a lot in the past too, it's the least I can do. :)

Posted 28 October 2012 at 20:49 in reply to #299671 on Hugs Super Mill


I guess you want to go land ramping. In that case, replace Ranger's Path with Explosive Vegetation, and possibly Farseek with Cultivate.

Also, your lands are screwed. You have more green spells but less forests, I advise you to fix them. Also, they are too many,

Hope this helps

Posted 27 October 2012 at 23:15 as a comment on ramp ramp ramp


This deck looks very interesting. I like it for having 5 colored big creatures, they are really outstanding.
How do you play Progenitus with only 1 plains by the way?

Posted 27 October 2012 at 21:23 as a comment on Domain


Hello Beo,
Want to hear my 2 cents here?

I loved the idea, but I think you got REALLY carried away. Black shouldn't really be necessary, and here's why.
You are using Decree of Pain to draw cards and thus make the Archivist more effective. But first off, how do you save your own creatures? And second, isn't it too much?

This is what I'd do. Put in Stroke of Genius, make the opponent draw like 8 cards. Then start with the Archivist. If you got enough mana, you don't even have to worry about milling yourself, because the opponent would have the cards of Stroke of Genius already.

Hope this gave you some ideas.
Ciao :)

Posted 27 October 2012 at 21:13 as a comment on Hugs Super Mill


Remove Shrieking Affliction and play The Rack.
Also, I fear you don't have enough burn. I would replace 4 mind rots with something that costs X. My recommendation would be Soul Burn.
You also don't need the Stab Wound. Your point is to make the opponent discard, not play. And if they do, you have 4 dreadbore to control them. 4 incinerate could be handy, also you could use them to destroy creatures if you ever needed it.

Hope this helps.

Posted 27 October 2012 at 20:39 as a comment on R/B Burn Discard


Thragtusk is good here. Eternal Witness is nice as well, Elvish Visionary to draw.
I would focus on white creature control more than blue, adding swords to plowshares and/or condemn.
Blue has the evergreen mana leaks, arcane denial, and vapor snag. But still you don't have any real win cond, so it's more useful for you having some way to destroy creatures.

Also, a couple creatures with haste are necessary. Only one that comes to mind is Gaea's Revenge.

Posted 27 October 2012 at 20:18 as a comment on Deadeye Closet


Lmao Monty Python reference

Posted 27 October 2012 at 11:25 as a comment on Legacy - Elvish Inquisition


Bone Splinters is a poor choice here because of you having few creatures (and thus not being able to sacrifice one).
Dark rituals could also be useful for a 1 turn taskmaster.
Also, a couple Diabolic Tutor and/or Sign in Blood for fetching the taskmaster.

Posted 26 October 2012 at 18:15 as a comment on Lone Warrior


The deck is good, it has some interesting ideas that I've not yet seen in reanimate decks.
I just don't like the reanimate spell, my advice is replacing it with something that doesn't backfire so much.

Posted 26 October 2012 at 13:36 as a comment on Please Don't Exile My Graveyard


Good stuff.

Posted 26 October 2012 at 13:30 as a comment on Great Burn Removal Deck! (Standard) Humans & Devils!


It's not bad actually.

Posted 26 October 2012 at 09:57 as a comment on Mill deck (fail)


Things that could work well here:

- Enchanted evening for obvious reasons.
- SB circle of protection: red for burn decks (they work great against this)
- Ancestral Mask and/or Yavimaya Enchantress for having more firepower
- Rites of Flourishing and/or Argothian Enchantress to speed up the game

In my opinion you don't need the 4 Thragtusk.

Posted 23 October 2012 at 14:40 as a comment on Invincible


I think you might have some problem in flipping Erayo, especially if you play Rule of Law first. That way it becomes impossible. You may want to switch it with Curse of Exhaustion. Also, it seems like you have no real win condition other than small creatures.
Also, this kind of deck is slow so you'd probably need some way to gain time, for example counterspells, Capsize, and Fog Bank.

Please refer to my mono blue Erayo deck for other ideas, and drop a comment if you've time.

Posted 22 October 2012 at 20:59 as a comment on Stop the spells


Since you're not using millstones & such, I would add a couple traumatize & broken ambitions.

Posted 22 October 2012 at 15:23 as a comment on Mono Blue Mill


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