
11 Decks, 48 Comments, 5 Reputation

Ulitimate price would be good in this deck as well! I wish I had a couple of gift of orzhov's to give my creatures flying and lifelink. There is so much good that comes from that!

Posted 02 July 2013 at 03:25 in reply to #373143 on B/W Exalted (Standard)


Absolutely! I just play tested my exalted deck tonight and before I even had sublime archangel out I had a 16/14 creature ready to destroy anything in its path!

Posted 02 July 2013 at 03:22 in reply to #373143 on B/W Exalted (Standard)


I have an exalted deck built as well! It's actually revised now and I haven't made the changes on here yet, but I have two sublime archangels! They're awesome!

Posted 02 July 2013 at 03:19 in reply to #373143 on B/W Exalted (Standard)


I see. Well I have rogue passage that I can add, but I'll need another one. That's not a bad choice for a quick unblockable exalted creature. Yeah, I won't put whispersilk cloaks in there even though there somewhat alright. I could put the ring of kalonia in there. That's not a bad idea!

Posted 30 June 2013 at 13:13 in reply to #372215 on Human/Vamps Exalted


Yeah, I see exactly what your saying. This was just something I whipped together with what I have. I knew about the Cathedral of War I just don't have any. I don't need to have tainted fields in there anyways because its not in standard I just threw those in. Ill have to purchase falkenrath noble. How many would you say? I have the rings as well, I just used prophetic prism for kicks. Thanks for the advice!!

Posted 29 June 2013 at 22:33 in reply to #372215 on Human/Vamps Exalted


Please give any advice to help make this deck any better. I would appreciate it. I'm going to play with it in a tourney soon to see how it works.

Posted 29 June 2013 at 21:37 as a comment on Human/Vamps Exalted


True statement. Maybe some murders or go for the throats. O rings would be nice too, but just to keep the enchantments low cost I'd put some pacifisms in. Just a thought.

Posted 29 June 2013 at 15:50 in reply to #372122 on Exalted... Yes it is.


Since this isn't a standard deck I have a suggestion for your life gain since I have a life gain deck of my own. Wall of Reverence is a superb card that will go in combination with Rhox FaithMender and Serra Avatar. I would take a look into it. I also wouldn't have too many Serra Avatars in my deck. Two will work. I only use one because its more angel based. The gold nights are cool, but I took those out of mine and it became quite better. Gaining life is always good, but tricky if there is high mana costs because by then it may be too late. I would also try cutting your deck down to 60 cards. Especially if you only have 20 lands. Hope this helps and best of luck.

Posted 25 June 2013 at 05:02 in reply to #370278 on Super Epic Ultimate Life Gain!


I believe the pridemates that you have with the one drop creatures that trigger separately are an awesome combo, but I would focus on keeping this deck quick and to the point. Adding some cards that are cheap enchantments like Ajani's mantra etc. should do the trick. Also, I agree with the double strike idea. If you could get a silver blade paladin play set in this deck it would be sick! You also have an abundance of cards. 69 cards is a bit much. With 23 lands that may not have a good opening hand. I would take out those expensive artifact cards, get another sublime archangel, get another souls attendant making sure there is a play set, take out karn, put silver blade paladins, sit back and watch the beat down!

Posted 15 June 2013 at 02:05 in reply to #366058 on Life-Gain/Creatures/Empower


Think about Ajani's Mantra too. It's a two drop enchantment that gives you 1 life during your upkeep. This will ramp up you Pridemates. I would take out those angels mercy instants just because I think it wastes mana during your turn.

Posted 14 June 2013 at 18:09 in reply to #366058 on Life-Gain/Creatures/Empower


Very interesting. I didn't think that was possible since Ajani's Pridemates ability is you putting a +1/+1 counter for any amount of life you gain. If this is true about the different triggers then that's pretty awesome.

Posted 14 June 2013 at 18:07 in reply to #366058 on Life-Gain/Creatures/Empower


This deck has some potential, but the high mana cost for your artifacts, enchantments, and even a few creatures could end up hurting you in the long run. The Ajani's Pridemates are an awesome card for a two drop, but they only get one +1/+1 counter for the amount of life you gain. That's not bad, but it will take you to turn five or so to start working with those enchantments and instances. Akroma's Memorial is a nice legendary artifact, but you might just want one or even none at all. Consider smoothing out some of these high cost cards and make sure you have cards that will defend or sustain in order for you to gain life and destroy your opponents. Another thing I like to think about while creating a deck is the probability of pulling that card in my opening hand or at least before turn five. If you only have one of something in the deck it's very unlikely that you will start with it in your opening hand. Those battlegrace angels are aweosme and I wish I had two of them for an angel deck I have. Best of luck with this deck.

Posted 14 June 2013 at 04:35 as a comment on Life-Gain/Creatures/Empower


It's cool. No biggie.

Posted 06 June 2013 at 01:07 in reply to #362005 on Angel/Lifegain


I'll certainly work with the options. I actually had a playset of Defy Deaths in this deck once before and they do work well at times, but I end up spending five mana so I can't really play any other spells unless my Helard of War has enough counters on her to bring any angel in with two or three plains. I will take the advice and work with it before Friday.

Posted 05 June 2013 at 23:02 in reply to #362005 on Angel/Lifegain


I only have one oblivion ring. What if I take out the safe passages and replace them with a pacifism or arrest? I feel as if I need to drop both kabira crossroads because the greater my chances of getting seven plains will allow me to return creatures from my graveyard. Having six lands out of twenty being tapped as soon as they enter is kind of bad once you think about it. The play set of gift of estates I feel are best there to increase my chances of pulling them in my starting hand. If I do, then I'll easily have no less then five plains in five turns which will bring me close to playing everything essentially. This also improves my chances of getting seven plains in order to have emeria take effect.

Posted 05 June 2013 at 18:25 in reply to #362005 on Angel/Lifegain


I only have one oblivion ring. What if I take out the safe passages and replace them with a pacifism or arrest? I feel as if I need to drop both kabira crossroads because the greater my chances of getting seven plains will allow me to return creatures from my graveyard. Having six lands out of twenty being tapped as soon as they enter is kind of bad once you think about it. The play set of gift of estates I feel are best there to increase my chances of pulling them in my starting hand. If I do, then I'll easily have no less then five plains in five turns which will bring me close to playing everything essentially. This also improves my chances of getting seven plains in order to have emeria take effect.

Posted 05 June 2013 at 18:24 in reply to #361994 on Angel/Lifegain


Feel free to post any advice on helping this deck out. I'll be playing it soon in a modern FNM tourney.

Posted 05 June 2013 at 04:18 as a comment on Angel/Lifegain


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