
5 Decks, 25 Comments, 1 Reputation

Deck was not made for efficiency! :) Also lots of changes had been made to teh deck after I put this up I just didn't edit. :D

Posted 26 May 2012 at 08:20 as a comment on Satin Artifacts


I assume you mean Creeping Tarpit. I could use him for a chump blocker if I need to, but I mostly enjoy the dual land aspect. Plus, if I use Tezzeret I can manage a normal kill if I need to. Secondary method is all.

Posted 04 March 2011 at 12:51 as a comment on Poison Control


Hey guys. I have made some adjustments, I like the suggestions here. I didn't see that there were any new comments, but I agree with quite a bit of the ideas. The only problem I've had is quick burn for my creatures. Dropping birds of paradise is an interesting idea. If I have that card I'm dependent on the mana (but I like to put adventuring gear on it), though essentially I shouldn't need the card. Plus, people burn that card so quickly I don't get to utilize the mana accel.

I've never played with devastating summons, comet storm, or the other suggestions. I'll need to look those up.

I'll try the whispersilk cloak. I like adventuring gear, but there's no harm switching things around.

Ouriel: the release went well. I killed with primeval on the field. I have two in there now and the baloth.

I really need to update my deck list. I'll see about that in a bit.

Posted 06 February 2011 at 22:13 as a comment on Dragonmaster Landfall


I recently drafted a deck with two prototype portals, a mindslaver, and a mimic vat. :) Was certainly a fun deck, but difficult to play.

Posted 23 January 2011 at 14:39 as a comment on Prototype Portal


I agree. I'll have to figure out what to remove. Perhaps one baloth and something else. Two Asceticism cards work well in the other deck. I doubt I'd need four. I'll have to update the decklist when I get home and have the cards in front of me.

Posted 07 January 2011 at 14:13 as a comment on Dragonmaster Landfall


By Joaraga treespeaker I totally meant Joraga Warcaller by the way.

Posted 31 December 2010 at 03:58 as a comment on Dragonmaster Landfall


After playing with the deck I've made some adjustments (see above), but I'm considering removing Scute Mob. Not quite sure what for yet. I'd like something faster Baloth Woodcrasher is by far my favorite creature in the mix.

Posted 30 December 2010 at 19:40 as a comment on Dragonmaster Landfall


Uh, Joraga Treespeaker is one of my favorite cards. The first deck I actually spent time on building centered around him and Gigantomancer. Then I decided I'd be more creative.

Posted 30 December 2010 at 19:10 in reply to #110806 on Dragonmaster Landfall


Trading usually is the way to go for most people. What else are you going to do with a bunch of cards you're probably not using? However, I usually buy since the prices are concrete, and I don't know much about card value and cost. Usually if I want to use the card I'll trade whatever for it so long as I get that card, even if I'm trading two Joraga Treespeakers for a common. I have never been good a trading...I bet it's something I picked up when Pokemon was popular on the playground.

Our new shop owner gets some pretty neat deals. I'm trading a Vengevine I don't use for a bunch of commons/uncommons and a primeval titan I certainly can use next week. Held a pretty neat league over a few months wherein I opened most of the cards I needed for cheap.

I had a friend studying in Israel for a time. He had a great learning experience.

Posted 30 December 2010 at 19:08 as a comment on Dragonmaster Landfall


Yikes! Wonder if they get a lot of business... Well good luck.

Posted 29 December 2010 at 14:43 as a comment on Dragonmaster Landfall


I like your deck title. Looks like a neat deck. How does it run?

Posted 29 December 2010 at 13:02 as a comment on you-Knight-ed


I reccommend removing Kuldolatha phoenix as well. Might want to consider putting in another Flameborn Helion or Arc runner for consistency. You don't have metal craft and if you're looking for fast games, Helion only costs one more mana and has haste/flying, and Arc Runner can do pretty much the same thing for three mana.


Posted 29 December 2010 at 12:58 as a comment on Hasty Burn Standard


I built the proxy. The deck functions extremely well, but I have to agree with the Zektar Shrine expedition. I've been able to get five or six lands really easy, and pretty quickly as well. The 7/1 trampler is really good early game, but I'd rather have Baloth in there.

I'll get the cards I need next week. Unfortunately I'm not as well equipped as far as cards go (especially since I share with my brothers), but luckily there's a good shop nearby. I'll test it out at Standard next fnm and see how it fares.

The first deck I put on this site (Hitchcock's Nightmare) received three comments, and only one was helpful. However, I learned more working with the deck myself over time, so I suppose that was for m y benefit overall. I try to comment but I'm not here a lot so it varies.

Posted 29 December 2010 at 12:49 in reply to #110308 on Dragonmaster Landfall


Now I should probably throw out some other things and get more basic land. I'm wondering if Baloth Woodcrasher should be removed. Thoughts? I initially but him in as a big scary bomb; however in theory, if I can get my other creatures working, I may not need him.


Posted 28 December 2010 at 12:31 in reply to #109935 on Dragonmaster Landfall


I'd rather have ascetisism over canopy cover but I want to see how the mana works first. I did buy some scute mobs yesterday and I'm going to try that out in the deck. I decided to forfeit the Llanowar Elves for Sylvan ranger, but I might switch around some other things and put Llanoward back in for quicker mana.

I've taken out Explore for now per your suggestions earlier. I'll see what teh deck looks like first, but I'll considering removing one Adventuring Gear, one Baloth, and one canopy cover for a cultivate. I'm going to make the proxy deck tonight and see how everything runs.

Who knows, Might just choose to scrap the dragonmaster outcast idea (though I have wanted to see him work since I started playing in March) and work on something a bit better. Can't know what willl work best until I get everything together, though.

Thanks for all the feedback, it's been wonderful. Usually people don't give as many pointers. Or they tell me what's wrong without showing me why. I checked out your G/W landfall decks. I think it'd be interesting to put our G/W decks against each other in a match.

Posted 28 December 2010 at 12:23 in reply to #109935 on Dragonmaster Landfall


(I'm a gal by the way. ;) )

I'll remove explore. I'm not going to play with the deck until I see how it functions, first. With my W/G deck, 22 is a perfect land count as the deck stands. Any more than that and I frequently battled mana-flooding. I gotta play the deck first before I work on the mechanics. Everything here is still in my head and not physically constructed yet.

In place of explore I'm considering Cosi's ravager. Not the best card, but if I'm going to have Red in there, I may as well have a bit of the color's core purpose: to burn. What do you think?

Thanks for the feedback.

Posted 27 December 2010 at 17:21 in reply to #109646 on Dragonmaster Landfall


I already have a splendid G/W deck. You can check it out if you like, but I just wanted to experiment a little with other colors. You're right though, the combo functions more smoothly with W over R.

Posted 27 December 2010 at 17:17 in reply to #109597 on Dragonmaster Landfall


Have you tried using Battlesphere Myr in this deck? I'm building a nice myr deck around that and Myr galvanizer. With two myr galvanizers and Myr Battlespheres you can do infinite instant damage.

Posted 20 October 2010 at 01:55 as a comment on Myr Control


Have you tried putting in more creatures? Looks to me you have four main attacking creatures and that doesn't seem to be enough. How do all the spells hold up?

How do you normally lose--stand off, overrun, diret damage, infect, etc.?

Posted 12 October 2010 at 21:10 as a comment on U/w help?


An easy fix. Thanks.

Posted 12 October 2010 at 10:58 as a comment on Satin Artifacts


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