
3 Decks, 13 Comments, 2 Reputation

Overwhelming Stampede FTW! !! Makes all your sac targets just as big as your Bloodthrone and gives the whole team trample. Clearly in for Garruk. With mitotic slime would be a house.

Posted 11 April 2011 at 17:07 as a comment on Bloodghast Aggro


Since you are running Oran's and no Lead the Stampede, I would swap Genesis wave in for Oracle's. With only 20 land and no way to control the top card, the wave seems like a better fit to me. A sorcery speed win condition is a good plan B here. Good luck

Posted 06 April 2011 at 20:26 as a comment on Elves


Oh yeah one more lil bite, seems like you are missing some huge opportunities for shenanigans with basilisk collar and cunning sparkmage, since both are tutorable. Good Luck!

Posted 25 March 2011 at 17:11 as a comment on Naya Ramp


Why not replace GSZ with fauna shaman? turns all unneeded 1 drop ramp into bullets :) That change would make this deck scream for Lead the Stampede. oh and obviously shaman can fetch any color critter you like and you keep all 12 rampers. Give it a shot.

Posted 25 March 2011 at 17:07 as a comment on Naya Ramp


Is this deck supposed to be standard legal? If so, condemn or oust are fine replacements for path. Also was wondering how you like only 20 land? I always feel land screwed when I play that few lands in a deck with 4 drops. Love your tool box though. Silence is one of my all time favorite plays. Run 4, every time i have resolved 2 in a game early I won, too much development advantage to overcome.
Good luck

Posted 19 March 2011 at 02:58 as a comment on T2 Pure Knights


I would main 3 spitfires over unstable footing. Spitfires are another fine target for fling and can essentially end the game on turn 4 if you are holding a couple of burn spells.

Posted 10 March 2011 at 14:22 as a comment on Aggro Red Burn Deck


Where is adventure's gear?

Posted 17 February 2011 at 03:00 as a comment on This war is ours!


I like the flow of this deck. do you find yourself short red mana for turn 4 Oxid? i suppose Mox helps in that dept. I tried mox in my white atifact/battlecry deck. If you play against strong removal I find the mox can bite yah. Good Luck

Posted 15 February 2011 at 11:08 as a comment on R/W battlecry / metalcraft


Ok, I don't play red battlecry but I do play white battlecry, where is fling? i have pumped many a 1/1 or 0/1 to 5 or 6 quite easily. Many times fling dmg would kill a turn earlier, and few cards offer that kinda direct dmg for 2 mana. I figure if i want to play this card in a white deck, why wouldn't a red deck want to play it as well?perhaps in place of concussive bolt? Good luck.

Posted 14 February 2011 at 03:29 as a comment on Kuldotha Gobbies


I agree, Hero will be a house very soon. In a vacuum on the play she deals 18 before a titan sees play! Have you experimented with Contested war zones? A fine addition if you ask me. Just one in play makes Hero deal 10 first attack. I am currently brewing an all white battlecry deck myself, i am really liking more than 12 battlecry effects over all in the deck. Seems redundant, but if you can get 3 battlecrys in play, makes one turn lethal pretty regular on turn 4-5. This deck looks like a well tooled play, like the various evasion bonuses you slipped in with hookmaster and the steppe's. Good luck.

Posted 14 February 2011 at 03:05 as a comment on Soldier of Fortune


Pull the Days. If you are losing the creature control of the board this deck is losing anyways. I agree this deck wants Warzones, but i would keep the pests. It is your only one drop. 2 free slots if you yank the DoJ's Good Luck

Posted 13 February 2011 at 23:35 as a comment on t2 knights


I have been wondering if battlecry would be able to compete with or even replace boros. The i dea of combining them seems appealing. Perhaps try shedding the Teetering peaks for 2 Contested war zones. Recurring +1 seems better than colored land plus a single +2 activation (tapped no less). To ease some of the req. on your red mana, perhaps switch 1 Wardriver for an Accorder. Single white, seems more appealing with 2 less mountains. See how that does ya. Oh and Hero of the blade hold may be a fine 2 fer in there for 1 Emeria and one Hero of Oxid, more tokens and 2 less red cast symbols to ease the mana a wee bit more. Good luck!

Posted 13 February 2011 at 23:21 as a comment on Boros Experiment


4 Nighthawks out, 1 Viscera seer, 2 Bloodthrone, and 1 Blade of the Bloodchief in. This will limit your lifeloss to tutelage and increase the consistency of your combo. I might whirl Demon of death's gate in the side board, 3 for 3 with the tutelage. Otherwise looks pretty clean.

Posted 12 February 2011 at 02:11 as a comment on B/R Vamps v2.0
