
805 Decks, 63 Comments, 12 Reputation

You know, Scornul Egotists is actually pretty sweet in Birthing Pod decks haha. Play him for his morph cost, flip him face-up, then sac him to a Pod and you get a free 9-drop bomb :D

You can do this extremely early too if you have some ramp in your deck.

Posted 01 June 2012 at 17:29 as a comment on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


Why not swap out a couple copies of creatures for some Treacherous Pit Dwellers? They're a [B][B] 4/3 with Undying, and Torpor Orb keeps them on your field instead of your opponents when they die.

Posted 13 May 2012 at 20:17 as a comment on The Dreadnought Orb


Here's a rough decklist with some changes that I came up with. Let me know what you think of this version.

Posted 09 May 2012 at 17:34 as a comment on Dread Forest


Your deck has an ok start, but you have a lot of 1-of's and 2-of's to it. Try to cut some of them that you don't need, then add more of the stronger cards that you mainly like using. It'll make your deck more consistent and therefore more reliable.

Posted 09 May 2012 at 15:48 as a comment on Dread Forest


For a human deck, you're going to want to have some means of removal for when big creatures that humans can't handle pop up in later turns. I'd add a couple of Oblivion Rings and/or Fiend Hunters. Also, since you're running blue, some Mana Leaks or other forms of countering would also benefit the deck. Just some ideas though.

Posted 09 May 2012 at 13:25 as a comment on URW Humes


For your request about gaining X life, look at a creature called "Oracle of Nectars." It's a 3-drop creature that can be played in with green or white mana with an ability you'll love. Here it is on gatherer:

And if you want to take a look at a W/G life-gain/mana-ramp deck for some ideas, check out mine here:

Posted 07 May 2012 at 17:51 as a comment on Green Mana Ramp


Kresh paired up with the Eldrazi's Annihilator ability is pretty sweet. I like this deck and I may try out a similar build sometime in the near future. +1 from me.

Posted 07 May 2012 at 17:11 as a comment on Kresh Eldrazi EDH


Thanks for the advice. As of now, the only reason I have Helvault in there is for the creatures and nasties coming out now that make things indestructible, like Sigarda, Host of Herons or Avacyn. I only have a couple ways to deal with indestructible creatures, do I have it in there just as an extra safety measure. And yeah, mimic vat + birthing pod is amazing

Posted 02 May 2012 at 00:26 in reply to #251953 on B/G/R Birthing Pod


Lol so for the Hex Parasites tip do you think you could take a look at my deck? I just got it uploaded.

Posted 01 May 2012 at 23:49 as a comment on Hell's trickery(Standard)


What are some options you'd recommend for him to add? And what exactly is wrong? You just said "they are wrong"...?

Posted 01 May 2012 at 18:48 in reply to #251719 on Hell's trickery(Standard)


Haha I'd always use some Hex Parasites in my B/G/R Birthing Pod deck back when it was packed with Undying Creatures, so the combo was still fresh in my mind when I was looking through this decklist :)

Posted 01 May 2012 at 18:33 in reply to #251698 on Hell's trickery(Standard)


If you want to be able to cheaply add in cards to remove +1/+1 counters to continuously use Undying, then why not add a couple of Hex Parasites? They're cheap creatures that eat the counters to bolster it's own stats at the same time, plus they can kill Planeswalkers easily.

Great deck though, I like the idea! :)

Posted 01 May 2012 at 18:25 as a comment on Hell's trickery(Standard)


I've always been a fan of RDW, though I haven't made one myself. The only thing I'd add are a few copies of Lightning Bolt. Maybe swap them out with your copies of Shock. They both cost [R], but Lightning Bolt does more damage.

Other than that though, it looks good :)

Posted 01 May 2012 at 18:14 as a comment on Another Cheep-ish RDW for Standard


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