
805 Decks, 63 Comments, 12 Reputation

I actually was thinking about Drown in Filth, but that requires a different sort of build based on lands, and probably better suited for Modern or Legacy where land-oriented decks tend to pop up now and then.

Posted 27 November 2013 at 06:00 in reply to #415758 on Go-sac


Yep, I'll dig up (no pun intended) what I can find out of my extras and get them to you in the near future, thought I've already traded you the expensive part of the deck (the Tombs) lol

Posted 27 November 2013 at 05:59 in reply to #415765 on Pulling Graveyard


I like the idea, though the card choices could do to be consolidated a little bit and really streamlined to define the deck for what it is; a midrange-ish deck based on using the graveyard as the main resource to draw power from. You need a few more enablers to get stuff into the graveyard easily, but Undercity Informer is a step in the right direction. There are a few things in here I'm not so fond of, such as Tenacious D. - excuse me, Tenacious Dead. Rot Farm Skeleton, while a bit higher on the curve, would be nice here as a recurring beatstick as well as a graveyard enabler. Check out my list here that I made for you. It's only $8-$10 more than your current list here, and I feel like it would perform pretty well and be a really fun deck to pilot.

Posted 27 November 2013 at 05:10 as a comment on Go-sac


Just finished wrapping up a new EDH deck around Scion of the Ur-Dragon because, lets face it, who doesn't love dragons? Here's the list:

Any and all advice is appreciated, as I'd like to make this deck as good as possible before I start trading for or buying cards for the deck

Posted 11 October 2013 at 04:54 as a comment on GeneralM_ Read the description


Well, just saw that I forgot to post the actual link lol...

Posted 12 August 2013 at 20:47 in reply to #388184 on ive found the right sliverdeck


I'd definitely consider some degree of Boros Charms in the main deck or sideboard to serve as defense against Supreme Verdict. Slivers are a swarm deck, so wrath effects hurt them terribly, and an uncounterable one like Verdict is a pain, and Boros charm is really your only defense against it. I wouldn't run a full 4 copies of Megantic Sliver either. Way too high-cost to run that many here. I wouldn't even run ANY Battle Slivers at all either. Try to get some Sentinel Slivers, since the Vigilance in a swarm deck here is always beautiful.

Also, I run Domri Rade in mine. He serves as removal with his fight ability -2, and his + ability is bonkers in a creature deck like Slivers, plus his mana cost is low enough to support the low curve of the deck. Plus, if you DO manage to ultimate with him, it's practically game over.

For reference, here's my list that I'm drawing my advice from. I've been playing it extensively since M14 hit, so I've been able to tune it a fair amount.

Posted 12 August 2013 at 03:00 as a comment on ive found the right sliverdeck


So here's my changes:
-1 Dark Prophecy
-2 Ash Zealot
- 2 Encroaching Wastes

+3 Boros Reckoner
+1 Plains
+1 Mountain

Posted 22 July 2013 at 18:28 in reply to #381319 on Standard Dega Humans


I'd been debating on the Sovereigns vs Obedience, but thought that the Enchantment was both harder to remove as well as had the Extort ability for increased late-game reach if needed. I also agree on the Prophecies and Wastes. Thanks for the advice.

Posted 22 July 2013 at 18:22 in reply to #381319 on Standard Dega Humans


Working on starting into Standard again after a bit of a hiatus due to my value cards being drained in order to build a Cube. Now that it's almost entirely done, I'm starting to look at regular deckbuilding again! Here's a starting deck I'll try out at FNM:

It's a W/B/R Human tribal deck. Yes, it's missing big things like Champion of the Parish, etc. I wanted to make this deck "rotation-proof" so I won't have to swap a bunch of cards out in only a few months when Theros releases in October.

Posted 22 July 2013 at 17:58 as a comment on GeneralM_ Read the description


I feel like the Momentary blinks could be swapped for something else (Elspeth, Ajani, other soldiers, etc). Other than Captain of the watch, you have no ETB abilities on your creatures, and the Champion of the Parish is the only other thing to really benefit from flicker effects, so the 4x Cloudshifts should be plenty. Other than that, I like the deck.

Posted 11 July 2013 at 03:40 as a comment on Heard Your Army Likes to Blink


I'd probably drop the Dizzy spells for Brainstorms. With 4 Ula's Temples, you can draw one relatively easily, while Brainstorm can help set up to two consecutive triggers for the enchantment by placing a couple creatures on your deck.

Posted 09 July 2013 at 07:13 as a comment on Cthulhu Esque


The deck is entirely singletons, which makes it extremely inconsistent and hard to play smoothly at all. Also, why do you include Hold the Gates and not run any gate lands?

Posted 02 July 2013 at 22:46 as a comment on The Destructive Side of Peace


Well your major issue isn't ramping, it's having a massive deck and most of it is 1 or 2-of's. Try to cut it down to 60 cards first, and then start optimizing the list by getting more copies of the important cards. You'll find your deck will run a lot smoother and be much more effective as well.

Posted 20 June 2013 at 07:08 as a comment on Reign of Chaos


True, but I'm not building this deck as of right now. Mainly working on my cube. This would be an awesome one to complete later on though!

Posted 13 June 2013 at 05:39 in reply to #365700 on Dega Vampires



Cruncher meant it was an 8 life swing because as they lose 4 life, you gain that 4, which puts an 8 point difference between your two life totals. And we can't say that Ghost Dad is strictly better because both creatures have a lot of variance between them, and they don't play the same roles. And I'm not making this to be a tier 1 Standard deck that'll beat the top archetypes at PTQ's and SCG Opens, so this doesn't need to be optimized to fight against all of those decks. I'm not even sure as of now if I'll take this to an FNM, as a lot of the current vampires I own from this list have altered/extended artworks, as do the shocklands, which may not make them useable outside of casual games, depending on what my head judge says about them.

Posted 25 April 2013 at 03:54 as a comment on Dega Vampires


The blood baron is there because his dual protections guard him from more than half of the common removal seen in the format right now. His other ability isn't even a concern to me, as a 4/4 lifelink withdual protections is already a great deal for 5 mana. White gives me Sorin, Lingering Souls, and access to great sideboard options to fight a lot of decks in the meta. Vampire nocturnus is just bad for any semi-competitive deck, seeing as 1/3 of the deck are lands, which are colorless and wont give me any help. If I need the Lord effect, I have Bloodline keeper, who is much more reliable than the nocturnus.

Posted 24 April 2013 at 19:28 in reply to #344317 on Dega Vampires



Deadly Allure could work pretty well. The only downside is that it's a sorcery & can't be played on the opponent's turn if they try to attack. If you're worried about getting hit early, then a card called "Darkness" could help fill that defensive role

Here's the card. It's essentially a black Fog:

Posted 16 April 2013 at 22:48 as a comment on Sneaking


The deck's consistency could be drastically improved if you cut it down to cloes to 60 cards. I'd definitely remove the sleeps, since there's other alternative ways to get your assassins through for the kill. I'm also not sure what all the Nightshade Peddlers are accomplishing here, as all your creatures aren't ones you'd want to fight with much.

As for any additions, I'd highly suggest 1-2 Rogue's Passage. It's a nice utility land that can sneak your assassins in quite easily.

I love Vraska-centered decks though, so good job!

Posted 16 April 2013 at 21:38 as a comment on Sneaking


Yeah i can see why you'd say that. Tron decks usually run either the posts + Vesuva or the Urza lands. They suffer ad fold to Blood Moon effects, but generating mana isn't usually a problem with them lol.

Posted 13 April 2013 at 21:23 in reply to #341113 on Cheaty Artifacts


I like list and idea, though I should mention that Grasp of Darkness and Orzhov Basilica aren't Standard-legal.

Posted 13 April 2013 at 19:09 as a comment on Standard Cannabalism


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