
107 Decks, 176 Comments, 11 Reputation

well. The obvious money cards for a deck in these colors are arid mesa and Ajani Vengeant.

Looking at your mana base I'm a little concerned that you have an even split to your color production, yet run nearly double the number of red mana symbols on your cards.
Considering as well you aren't running mana acceleration and are playing six drops my suggestion would be to cut something like two lava axe in favor of a couple more mountains.

Posted 29 May 2010 at 13:05 as a comment on red white


shouldn't matter, it'll trigger off cascade, or any of the other 24 enchantment's he's playing. I'd suggest killing the copy enchantments in favor of something like Aura Finesse or Vapor Snare.

The former in case you have to move a pacifism effect to a larger threat, the latter to boost your forces or again remove a threat.

Posted 26 May 2010 at 17:13 as a comment on Zur


What I have against traumatize is that I mill fast enough that it loses all of its efficiency to mana cost by the time I can even play it. If I can mill someone out by turn six then half their library on turn five is probably going to be something like 8-10 cards.

And sadistic sacrament is Great. I'd run four of them if I could actually Find them.

And Cakins. I didn't exactly design this with the expectation of taking it to the pro tour. But that's coo. I think its fun to play nonetheless.

Posted 24 May 2010 at 20:03 as a comment on My mill deck post-eldrazi.


When I say I don't feel it's special, I'm not in any way claiming it'll be ineffective. I'm saying it doesn't look very interesting to play.

On the note of effectiveness. I'd try to find the room for Oblivion Ring. If nothing else it would be a direct response to Planeswalker cards (though I've no idea how often they are played in your locale).

Posted 24 May 2010 at 12:10 in reply to #66720 on Hard-Kor


I don't think the deck is really anything particularly special. However I love the name so +1. ;D

Posted 24 May 2010 at 02:08 as a comment on Hard-Kor


I'd cut the sovereigns of lost alara and the sigil of the empty throne in favor of a playset of Aura Gnarlids. They play with enchantments just as well as the spiritdancers and get their own built in evasion. Also they aren't as crazy expensive.

Posted 19 May 2010 at 23:19 as a comment on Enchantress


disagree about haunting echoes and mind funeral, simply casting them in the reverse order that you describe will potentially cripple a deck.

Its an older card, but if you're not worried about legality than Bitter Ordeal is potentially better than Haunting Echoes specifically because it Can hit lands. Mill enough and you can filter all the land out of a target player's deck making Mind Funeral a straight up kill card. There are of course techniques that would make this backfire (like crucible of worlds) but it still works.

Posted 18 May 2010 at 03:15 in reply to #66077 on Modified Mill(Help)


How many cards do you think you are likely to have milled by turn 5?

If you think it's more than 20 than you shouldn't be playing traumatize. Either put in two sadistic sacrament (targeted exile for things like emrakul) or another two nemesis of reason which is just a plain strong card.

Posted 17 May 2010 at 23:26 as a comment on Modified Mill(Help)


needs more open the vaults.

Posted 16 May 2010 at 01:45 as a comment on Time Sieve Combo


While I'm sure that such a deck would be effective. I'm wondering if you'll have any actual Fun playing it. I'm sure you're opponents won't.

Posted 16 May 2010 at 01:23 as a comment on Linvala, Keeper of Silence


Given that you only have a grand total of six creatures I don't think that the Malakir Bloodwitch is a compelling choice. Given that you are playing hard control than you might be better off with Vampire Nighthawk's. They're cheaper and deathtouch is a huge advantage for any control deck. As is the lifelink.

I'd suggest also that there are few times I'd rather play mindrot over Negate. I don't think Deprive would be very good in this sort of deck because you can't afford to miss land drops or you'll lose the advantage of permission.

Posted 16 May 2010 at 01:22 as a comment on A Darker Jace


I love Kiln Fiend.

Posted 15 May 2010 at 13:58 as a comment on Red Burn


My suggestion would be to kill the traumatize's in favor of either some straight removal along the lines of executioner's capsule, or card drawing. Treasure Hunt is a good example.

Posted 14 May 2010 at 19:12 as a comment on Bruise Mill


If you are aiming to use Omnath, then you're going to want a Lot more mana accel than rampant growth and explore.

Posted 12 May 2010 at 11:42 as a comment on Green plants


Rather a pity you can't use scapeshift in this deck.

Posted 12 May 2010 at 02:11 as a comment on valakut combo.


I disagree about Kozilek, the draw four effect is of course good, but Ulamog can hit planeswalkers which depending on the meta you're playing in can be far more effective since the creature is usually big enough to win outright such that more cards aren't even necessary.

To the deck creator I say that spawning breath and growth spasm are worth consideration just because they pull out more spawn for cheap and can make brood birthing more potent early on.

Other than that Broodwarden and might of the masses were the cards in the set clearly aimed at making the spawn really effective. it might be expensive but Hellion Eruption sacks everything to put in a bunch of 4/4's this is great for winning, less so if you're trying to accelerate into a titan.

If you're looking out of set than echoing courage, strength in numbers and Dogpile would be my obvious choices for inclusions in any sort of token swarm deck.

Posted 11 May 2010 at 17:16 in reply to #64835 on Eldrazi Swarm Tank


so, what do you do if your playing versus a deck that plays its hand to quickly for you to force them to discard anything?

Posted 10 May 2010 at 15:59 as a comment on Mind Twister


yes, mindbreak trap is the one and only counter to the titans in this deck and I'm well aware of it. The entire point I was trying to make was that Traumatize is a very narrow card that only could see play in something like a deck like this which is nothing but control and a two card combo win.

Posted 10 May 2010 at 15:58 as a comment on I dislike traumatize.dec


I think this is good, but I have to ask if you think the splash for red is worth it. Rite of replication can probably do the same thing but in color.

Posted 09 May 2010 at 01:05 as a comment on Cheap Mill


Well, I'm sure you are going for a theme here. But Doom Blade is a strict upgrade to Terror.

Posted 08 May 2010 at 18:49 as a comment on Opponent's Self Destuction


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