
62 Decks, 41 Comments, 3 Reputation

Thanks I appreciate the support and advice. I leave the Deathrite for reanimator and control and to target Gravecrawler and undying (messengers). I like some of the other advice though. I will continue to test and refine.

Posted 10 April 2013 at 07:05 as a comment on BUG Aggro


Thanks for the tip I will test her in.

Posted 10 April 2013 at 00:56 as a comment on BUG Delver (Standard)


I think Experiment One in substitute for the dryad, and Master Biomancer in place of Talrand. If you haven't seen what a biomacer does to the game you will be ear to ear smiling after you add it and play-test it. It is literally one of the single, most potent threats in standard.

Posted 03 April 2013 at 18:15 as a comment on Simic Delver


22 lands with this curve tells me all of your losses probably came when you got screwed on mana Your avg CMC is sitting around 3.4 and your average land draw per game is prolly about 7. This means you have two or three turns a game where you are playing no spells which is still a little on the inefficient side. I think if you could lower your avg CMC or raise your lands per game you may have an even better finish. Good concept.

Remember, the"professionals" spend hours and hours a day play-testing their decks so that they can play a spell per turn, and that that spell will have impact and synergize throughout the match.

Posted 03 April 2013 at 18:10 as a comment on The Red/White/Black show


Uhmm the islands need to be plains or you are really not playing the right game...

Posted 03 April 2013 at 18:00 as a comment on YOLO


You need Niv-Mizzet. He is the fire mind after all.

Posted 25 March 2013 at 12:48 as a comment on Wizards


Only 20 lands with that kind of curve? Yeek! 24 probably more appropriate.

Posted 25 March 2013 at 03:57 as a comment on Trostani's Army


I love it. Because it is different. Immortal Servitude maybe. Also maybe Favorable Winds. There is also a counter spell that generates Spirit tokens. I think in Innistrad. Great deck though. Drogskol Captain under-rated beyond belief. Then again who believes in spirits. See what I did there.

Posted 20 March 2013 at 05:25 as a comment on Spirits of the Doom


I appreciate the criticism. I build so many decks a week I lose track of all the comments, but thanks. I think I want to keep the color composition. I think splashing blue is too risky, but if I want to run Geist I would use my Bant aura deck instead. I did a sample draw and with one hand saw fifteen damage by turn three with a Boros charm in hand with mana available. Even against a control stopping some of that is possible but not probable since turn four is where most standard control decks stabilize.

Posted 20 March 2013 at 04:40 in reply to #323681 on Naya Aura Aggro


Looks pretty alright. I would say expect to need more enchantment removal by Friday. Assemble the Legion will probably be in two out of five rounds of swiss. I like Keymaster rouge better than the Deathcult. I actually like Invisible Stalker better than both of those. I played a UB rogue mill last Friday and I got killed by reanimator. Get two Graffdigger's Cage for the sideboard. I belive the most important thing you need here is to lock away your opponents graveyard while still maintaining the Consuming Abberation's power. Rest in Peace is not so good so stay away from that one. GL

Posted 19 March 2013 at 15:19 as a comment on Esper FNM Standard


This is OK Your Deathrite is a better card with things like Mulch and Grisly Salvage. Slitherhead maybe instead. Disciple is so good in my humble opinion, but what makes him best is a deck with pump, which yours doesn't have. Decks with wolf run or exalted triggers or +X/+0 until end of turn stuff. Not sure what is up with the Thrull Parasite still trying to figure that one out. It's not even that great in draft let alone a standard constructed deck. I could think of alot better one drops put there over this one. There are some OK control cards in black not so many in green. I would say wrong colors for a two color control, but I commend the effort put in here.

Posted 19 March 2013 at 15:06 as a comment on Golgari midrange


Too much spread too far apart You need to chose where you want to go with this deck. A Super Friends or a control. I see wheat you are trying to do here with all the draw, but a simple solution would be make the deck consistent to one archetype so anything you draw is useful.
Things like Mutilate and Mizzium Mortars are good board clear cards. Tamiyo not so useful in this type of deck. Counter spells needed. A turn 2 Geist of St Traft would ruin your night. That and all of the aggro decks that churn out creatures against a hand you keep with out a lot of removal.

Posted 19 March 2013 at 14:51 as a comment on Grixis Open For suggestion


The curve is no good against everything played right now. Consider 1 drops like Tragic Slip, Pillar of Flame, and Rapid Hybridization. Get some counters in the main. Dissipate and Syncopate are both great in a control deck. They take away flashback and UnBurial Rites. Lower the number of planeswalkers by one each. If you can use one cost color spells over some of the more expensive color hungry cards for board wipes you will be more efficient, for instance Cyclonic Rift over Mutilate, Think Twice over Sign in Blood and Ultimate Price over Victim of Night. 1 Blue or 1 Black vs 2 black. You have the makings of some pretty potent control cards, like Olivia, but not enough of them and most are in your sideboard. Nicol Bolas can be a great finisher but ugh... takes forever to get to him. Olivia can do work early. So can Duskmantle Seer. I have a newly designed Grixis Control if you want to take a look. I also have a Nicol Bolas deck.

Posted 13 March 2013 at 14:36 as a comment on Bolas By Popular Demand


Good idea.

Posted 27 January 2013 at 20:54 in reply to #312782 on RUG Runechanter


Yeva, Natures Herald. Also for land thinning use your 4 Evolving Wilds. Also consider multiple Farseek for the same reason. Know that targeted creature destruction will always be your lynch pin. Having some Instants that give the Primadox hexproof may also be necessary. Still not sure though. These mid range decks are so iffy. The meta at your local store will really make all the difference. Fast aggro and control decks will always have a way to deal with one annoying creature.

Posted 17 January 2013 at 16:54 as a comment on Retired: People's Primadox 1.4


This is close to mid range. What your deck does in contrary to mine, which you commented on, is to control a far bit more, where as I believe mine shades more towards an aggro theme with the exalted triggers. Both will be competitive. I agree that in a more control heavy deck like yours you need the heavy draw. I have to balance my control with aggro and adding the draw only takes away from what I need to stay mid ranged. I would be very interested to see which of our two decks plays to a better advantage.

Posted 24 December 2012 at 04:56 as a comment on Bant. Needs Help


Yes! I got the idea based on the Bant planechase card. It talks about making all creatures exalted so I said "Huh, I wonder if thats how Bant was meant to be played?" So I did it. LOL. I'll check out your deck later and let you know.

Posted 11 December 2012 at 23:31 in reply to #309530 on Bant Mid Range Exalted


I struggled to consider Geist of Saint Traft and like alot of other people out there I beleive its day in the sun has set. There are so many aggro decks out there now its hard to find him as dominating as he once was. You can certainly play test him in your own variation of this if you like. The Detention Sphere will be situational for me in match ups.

Posted 10 December 2012 at 20:54 in reply to #309440 on Bant Mid Range Exalted


I would have given your criticism far more consideration was it not for the fact that you simply started ranting and did not even look at my side board. Uhh 8 removal spells. You know what deals with a Thragtusk? How is a Thragtusk doing against what will most likely be a 8-10 power trample? Your most credible comment was Cavern of Souls well because who wouldn't run that? Understand, there is concern with fliers, but almost every zombie deck survives without a need for how to deal with resto. Lets see wreath of geists in combination with a 6 power trample on turn 3 means oh... A 10-10 to 12-12 creature? I say go ahead and gain your five life.

Posted 06 December 2012 at 18:08 in reply to #308574 on Best Golgari yet!


First of all, lets dicuss the main deck. Sideboard and land in a minute. -2 on the Duress. You don't need them. -2 on the EE. The instants and sorcerys you run dont really synergize with it as well as they should. +1 Pillar of Flame, +1 Dreadbore, add Bonfire (its too good to not be run.) Now for sideboard... Think Nivix Guildmage, Vexing Devil, Counterflux. Land... take out the Cathedral of War. Put in another Mountain and one more Dragonskull Summit. Hope this helps.

Posted 05 December 2012 at 02:58 as a comment on My aggro v.3


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