
6 Decks, 22 Comments, 47 Reputation

Racism doesn't belong in this glorious country. I'm glad there are more people like me who are on the side of equality such as you drakeraenes. Although I must criticize your hatespeech towards mtgblackman. If we are to achieve peace on this planet, we must be more accepting of others. Rather than attack mtgblackman, you could have simply stated your disgust towards the comment, not the commenter as well. We do not know his past and shouldn't judge him, for he might truly be oppressed in this world. The best way to get rid of an enemy is to make them your friend.

Have a nice day everyone.

Posted 12 May 2016 at 20:02 in reply to #582017 on Trump tribal


That's a shame to hear. I have some pretty mean parents too. Back in the day they took away my beautiful waifu bodypillows. Now that I live alone in my mansion I am able to collect as many bodypillows as I want, but sadly they can't replace the friends I do not have. Well, I truly hope life gets better for you, have a wonderful day!

Posted 04 February 2016 at 21:50 in reply to #574507 on EDH Scholar: Tasigur


Hey Ugandan Porno! Last time we met I remember you being an appropriate individual with expensive cards and multiple playsets of the Power 9. Has something happened that made you poor? Sorry if I'm intruding, but I am worried. Get better friend!

Posted 04 February 2016 at 21:40 in reply to #574507 on EDH Scholar: Tasigur


Haha very nice deck! I've managed to pull a playset of foil Hedron Archives and now I am ordering my playset of the promo version. I'm currently building my own casual brew around the card and I must say your deck has given me some good ideas. I especially like the Swift Reckoning to deal with those "land decks" in Standard, killing a land is just insane value and shuts down the extra turns deck very well. While I personally do think you should run fetchlands, I understand why some people prefer budget brews. Not everyone has a playset of every card in Magic like I do. Thank you for making my day brighter and have a wonderful day!

Posted 04 February 2016 at 20:54 as a comment on I summon Exodia


Nice deck my friend, I especially approve the name of the deck. This is not quite how I would build Karlov, but this has given me inspiration to build a fully foiled competitive French 1v1 Duel Commander deck with him as the commander. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Oh, and make more decks please!

Posted 04 February 2016 at 20:46 as a comment on Budget EDH: Gentleman Karlov


I know exactly what waifu means. I do appreciate your suggestions to the deck, but I just want to clarify that I was not in charge of making this deck. If I were to make a selesnya beatdown/tokens deck there would be many changes. This is simply just a casual deck. Thank you for the input however, and have a wonderful day.

Posted 13 September 2015 at 08:34 in reply to #562027 on Waifu's Adorable Tokens


I think white is good enough to splash just for Path to Exile. It's very cheap removal that I can use on big threats such as Tarmo, Rhino, Tasigur, Gurmag, etc. I would gladly use dismember instead, but sometimes paying the life is just too threatening, especially against Jund or Abzan. Damnation is a good card that you can use in this deck, but I don't believe it can replace early spot removal as it is too slow.

Thank you for your input and have a wonderful day.

Posted 11 September 2015 at 06:03 in reply to #561809 on Gentleman's Mill


I appreciate the kind words my friend.

Posted 11 September 2015 at 05:52 in reply to #561810 on Waifu's Adorable Tokens


I personally believe that if you have problems with those decks you switch to Grixis Twin, giving you more options to disrupt their game plan and they're heavier on the control side as well. This is just my opinion though and may be biased because I have had no problems with Infect or Zoo at my local game store. Then again I haven't seen them too often.

Thank you for your input and have a wonderful day.

Posted 06 September 2015 at 17:44 in reply to #561270 on Gentleman's Splintertwin


It's all meta dependent, but I do run two in my sideboard against control.

Posted 06 September 2015 at 10:53 in reply to #561270 on Gentleman's Splintertwin


Oh yes, very nice to see a deck that includes blue! Once again I must tip my hat to you for making this deck budget for newer players. While this isn't a direct mill deck I do enjoy the idea of completely milling your opponent out in a control mirror. This is definitely a place to start if you're a new player looking to play mill, while not making a terrible deck with sub-optimal mill cards.

Keep doing what you do and have a nice day.

Posted 05 September 2015 at 21:32 as a comment on Budget Decks: Spell Thief


Looks like a fun casual dragon deck. I can't see it really winning any modern tournaments, but it looks fun to play. I can't really say much about this deck other than it looks neat, but I will make a suggestion that I recommend Stormbreath Dragon as I think it's really solid and even sees some Standard play. I hope you have a nice day.

Posted 04 September 2015 at 18:29 as a comment on Dragon Invasion


I don't personally run shelldock isle, because I think it's a bit too slow. If it's working for you then feel free to use it.

Posted 04 September 2015 at 18:22 in reply to #561084 on Gentleman's Mill


Definetely good matchups would be slower control decks and combo decks, you start doing your shenanigans very early in the game so control may not have a chance to get a footing in the game. Combo on the other hand can be one of the easiest matchups ever, this is due to milling their wincon(s) and simply casting Surgical Extraction or Extirpate.

Bad matchups include fast aggro decks and "value" midrange decks, not really a surprise. Unless you sideboard boardwipes the aggro matchup is very tough. Midrange will just simply outvalue you in the long run and beat you down.

I've been doing well with this deck at my local game store, but it they aren't always as competitive or prepared as they should be. Thank you for taking a look at my deck, I hope you have a wonderful day. In regards to your statement about my waifu, yes I will.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 18:08 in reply to #561004 on Gentleman's Mill


I have played with the deck for many months now, using it in modern tournaments hosted by my local game store. The deck is very good at consistently fighting against almost all decks in the modern meta at the moment and can be easily tuned to fight in a different modern meta. It already deals well with early aggro decks and can have a sideboard to completely demolish most aggro matchups. Midrange is probably one of the easiest matchups if they do not contain black, it's always a dissapointment to see your opponent cast Thoughtseize on you turn 1, but unless they take away a key card recovering should be fairly easy. Now control decks are sometimes quite the pain, while this deck is control, it cannot easily beat down control decks when they counter your combo. This is a good reason to splash black to get hand disruption to stop this from happening.

I hope I gave some relevant information, I hope you have a wonderful day.

Edit: It seems you have deleted your comment, oh well.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 18:00 in reply to #560951 on How to Splinter Twin(???)


Thank you. I think it all depends on the metagame. In the past I did run Spell Snare to counter some decks, but I don't see those decks as much at the current time. It certainly is a viable option, thank you for taking the time to leave feedback and have a nice day.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:52 in reply to #560996 on Gentleman's Splintertwin


I see that you have been having an intriguing discussion about Splinter Twin and you have some interesting opinions. So I have decided to post my own Splinter Twin deck I own in real life. I would like to get some critique on it from you gentlemen if you wouldn't mind.

I hope you can take the time to check it out and have a wonderful day.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:45 in reply to #560951 on How to Splinter Twin(???)


Oh goodness what a deck. This deck reminds me of an individual who plays at my local game store, he too plays selesnya tokens. This certainly is a fun build, I must admit. I especially like the addition of Eldrazi Monument, very brutal. However I do have one small suggestion, you have Lingering Souls in the deck, but you are not able to flashback it. Instead I suggest using Midnight Haunting, it also creates two tokens, but at instant speed. Of course it has no flashback, but you're not using it anyway. Don't take my comment the wrong way, I'm just trying to help.

Hope you have a nice day!

Posted 03 September 2015 at 14:41 as a comment on Gather the Forces


A glorious mill deck I must say! I see that you too are a fan of control decks with obscure finishers. I actually own a similar deck in real life, but have no friends to play it with, truly a shame. However I did place second in a modern event at my local game store, now that was enjoyable. For anyone looking to upgrade this deck I recommend using Hedron Crab, it is a cheap blocker in the earlygame and passively mills your opponent quite well.

I hope you enjoyed my comment, remember to have a wonderful day.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 19:16 as a comment on Budget Infinite Mill


You seem like quite the enlightened individual. I do appreciate your help, but I am in need of no assistance. I have done extensive research on before joining the website and thus I am skilled in everything needed to converse here. Also your Karn recommendation is not something I personally enjoy, however If you like playing him in your Mono Blue Tron deck I will not judge. I personally feel his home is in R/G Tron.

I will be sure to check out your deck at some point, as the idea seems really intriguing. It was kind of you to leave a comment on my deck and I hope a friendship will blossom between us. Have a nice day.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 19:06 in reply to #560829 on Gentleman's Blue Tron


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