
21 Decks, 85 Comments, 0 Reputation

with that broodmother id probably add a mycoloth as they whould work really well together

Posted 14 May 2009 at 03:46 as a comment on Bloodbraid Slayer


thank you for the mark of asylum suggestion it really works with the deck
i tried out a doubling season and its was just a waste of time by the time i had it out it was too late to change the game and just made it harder to cast other spells that whould have been usefull so no doubling season
the cards that i found worked where extirpate they play shock they are gone forever same with any card i dislike!

Posted 14 May 2009 at 03:44 as a comment on teysa goes infinite


its a work in progress tbh i need 2 more life from the loam but cant be bothered to buy them as singles there is also "wheel of fortune" that helps with the threshold
it doesnt work great yet but i can have threshold usually by turn 3 or 4
i wanted to put in "entombs" but again cant find them in my colection and dont really buy that many singles untill i play test with slips!

Posted 14 May 2009 at 03:27 as a comment on vampire threshold


i like the deck idea but id probably reduce it to 60 cards and then add taunting elf as a difrent gaze of the gorgon target! Apart from that nice deck, I whouldnt want to be on the receiving end of your 4th or 5th turn!

Posted 07 May 2009 at 03:58 as a comment on Creatures on your mind


in white and green there isnt a lot i can think of but if you where to splah red for simoon it whould take down most small elves and goblins
Instant, RG (2)
Simoon deals 1 damage to each creature target opponent controls.

Posted 07 May 2009 at 03:02 as a comment on Phantom


just another thought have you consdered running colfenors urn with some mass removal just in case you start to get swamped
or people are running agro loam decks with 4 the flame jab
not sure if that whould be a threat but i think removing 3 counters plus from a creature each turn whould be a bit of a killer
also disenchant is a great adition especially as a single everlasting torment whould end your game
really good deck hope ive been some asistance

Posted 06 May 2009 at 03:51 as a comment on Phantom


i whould like to point out that i do in fact have 7 glamerdye in the deck
i have added the 2 mark of asylums i own to this and will see how well it plays
the counters in this deck have up until now proved pretty effective at handling most burn spells
i also avoided doubling season and coat of arms not because they wont be decent but because i like keeping the mana costs low and 5 is far to high for my personal taste unless it wins me the game and if my oponent has no creatures then one token is quite often enough to win a game

Posted 06 May 2009 at 03:24 as a comment on teysa goes infinite


thanks for the help ill be posting up the deck in a bit so if your interested check it out

Posted 30 April 2009 at 03:12 as a comment on infinite land destruction


thanks for the help guys much apretiated ill make the deck tonight so if your interested itl be up here

Posted 30 April 2009 at 03:11 as a comment on teysa combo for infinite unmakes


if you cant see the comb here it is spelt out for you
teysa =sac three white creatures to unmake if a black creature hits the grave yard put a 1/1 white token into play
glammer dye changes the text of a spell or perminants colour text
use glamer sye to change teysa's second ability to white and you are finished

Posted 29 April 2009 at 05:27 as a comment on teysa combo for infinite unmakes


if any one knows of a card that allows me to gain life when land card comes into play etc whould be really great
as it is this combo can be played on the first turn but only kills around 11 landbefore my life total drops to low

Posted 29 April 2009 at 05:01 as a comment on infinite land destruction


a pretty good effort on what looks like a first deck
some of the cards your using are really strong cards but others seem a litle out of the way
the kirin and the kamis are really powerfull together but only if you focus your deck on them completely
id just advise you to work out how you want this deck to run and drop any cards that dont acheive this goal play a 20 or 30 card deck that just uses the best cards and then expand only adding the cards that work well with the rest of the deck
this is my preffered method of deck building and have found it to be really effective when improving a deck

Posted 27 April 2009 at 09:00 as a comment on Hand Destruction


this deck seems to be pretty ok but it really does as you say require you to know what your oponent is playing
just to make the deck more usable against any one i whould take out things like the "declaration of nought", "runed halo" and "medling mage" and splash black for "pithing needles" and then add some more counter spells
id also replace wind born muse for "war tax"!
over all a reasonable deck but unless you know every card your oponent has in his/her deck i dont think it runs as well as it could

Posted 27 April 2009 at 08:53 as a comment on Cripple


as well as agreeing with ashe id also suggest making it a lot more stable by boosting the numbers to at least 3 of each card this will make the deck a lot more stable and far more agreeable to play

Posted 23 April 2009 at 06:23 as a comment on Lords and Vassals


just an opinion i whould drop green completely and in favor of your putrify play unmake
i also think you arent playing enough land if it where me id lose discard and put in some creatures that are good against non white decks

Posted 22 April 2009 at 02:59 as a comment on BG Control


i whouldnt agree with lord cinderroe on that being you problem i whould say your problem only comes if an oponent drops an infest which if im not mistaken will kill all your creatures without a glorious anthem in play
apart from being fairly weak to burn decks i'd say this deck looks very effective although i whould try and find a new way to save your creatures

Posted 22 April 2009 at 02:51 as a comment on +1/+1


thanks for the comments i apretiate it but the deck isnt really a suspend deck its designed to reduce your oponents feild to nothing with reality strobe and reality acid
i did consider removing one of the paradox hazes but i have had trouble drawing them even using 4 so think ill keep them in
i have added however extra land and more cards to increase the number of cards i draw

Posted 22 April 2009 at 02:44 as a comment on paradox reality


instead of tar fire have yuo thought about goblin grenades ({r} sac a goblin 5 dmg to target creature or player)
also you might like to think about mog war marshals as a side board card

Posted 21 April 2009 at 03:40 as a comment on Blow your Load (Standard)Goblin Deck


like the deck but have to agree with superdork on the combo you could pull it off but whould depend heavily on the judge and other players you where with

Posted 21 April 2009 at 03:33 as a comment on The Asylum


i like what youve tried to do here but think it apears a bit weak i whould just run one side of colours not try to run both
hope im wrong and that this deck works out for you

Posted 21 April 2009 at 03:19 as a comment on LIfe link even tide


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