
10 Decks, 637 Comments, 111 Reputation

I would definitely run a set of bronze bombshell and maybe stomping slabs

Posted 01 March 2013 at 01:05 as a comment on The Auctioneer


Awesome! Curious, why aren't you running Jace, Memory Adept? Other cards you should consider (if you haven't already) are dream twist, curse of the bloody tome, chronic flooding, and Sage's Row Denizen.

Posted 27 February 2013 at 19:44 as a comment on A "mill" will be Ill


this setup is way too slow, you should seriously reconsider your creature setup

Posted 27 February 2013 at 19:31 as a comment on rakdos kill burn standard


how about crown of suspicion for the hell of it?

Posted 27 February 2013 at 18:37 as a comment on MY GOD..... SO MANY.....


I love this idea! The only thing I might change would be take out your lavaclaw reaches and akoum refuge and put in a set of browbeat and put back in a mountain and a swamp. This really reminds me of a deck build I had going but never fully built:
Would love your feedback.

Posted 27 February 2013 at 09:27 as a comment on discard and burn


Cool idea, though since you aren't running many creatures I would take out the lightning greaves, infernal plunge, and dual casting. Personally I try to make my decks OP, but in keeping it competitive enough I would replace these cards that i would take out with some weak burn cards like thunderbolt and annihilating fire

Posted 26 February 2013 at 04:29 as a comment on Flashback Burn


I love this deck!

Posted 26 February 2013 at 04:08 as a comment on Orzhov Tokens


Your welcome buddy, just don't go around buying all this crap with your bat credit card.

Posted 26 February 2013 at 03:54 in reply to #326088 on Green Swag


i can be a deck snob at times, but really you should always be running dual lands in cases of tri color decks or even dual color decks. Also as I said on your other deck, check that your mana curve allows you to run this deck fast otherwise you are going to fail most of the time, I can guarantee that.

Posted 26 February 2013 at 03:50 as a comment on Rocking Old School Infect


I love pretty much any burn deck I see. As far as your creature setup goes, it is pretty awesome though I would take out pyreheart and put in reckless waif. Your spell setup is great though you should work in a set of skullcrack (mandatory for any good burn deck) and increasing vengeance.

Posted 26 February 2013 at 03:41 as a comment on Red Deck Wins (RDW)


Ok, better job with the set up, but remember to always keep in mind your mana curve. You want to keep your 5+ drops to a minimum and a lot of 1 and 2 drops. I would take out giant solifuge, flameborn hellion, barbed shocker, and hellion eruption. Run a full set of spark elemental, groundbreaker, ball lightning, slagstorm, elemental appeal. Other cards you should look into are brighthearth banneret, elemental mastery, flamekin bladewhirl, flamekin harbinger, hellspark elemental, incandescent soulstoke, nova chaser, rakka mar, sunflare shaman, and zektar shrine expedition. Really just look into the lorwyn set and worldwake block for ideas.

Posted 26 February 2013 at 00:34 as a comment on Hellion?


I love this deck, it really reminds me of a deck I had made a while back:
Would love your input!

Posted 25 February 2013 at 20:21 as a comment on Red/Black Hand-Denial


I would keep to the theme of goblins and take out any non-goblin creatures and put in bloodcrazed goblin, crazed goblin, frenzied goblin, goblin bushwhacker, tar pitcher, and any 1 drop goblin that you can in the end either be unblockable or just sac it with goblin grenade to be annoying either way. Other spells you should consider are fling and artillerize. In all make it a goblin sac deck and might want to run leyline of punishment so that none of it can be countered. Hope this helps!

Posted 25 February 2013 at 20:12 as a comment on ...WHAT THE HELL!!!


I would take out the bloodcrazed and run a full set of exterminator. I have never built weenie decks, but I would encourage if this has to be a 40 card deck to bump up your mana count to 12 or 13, then run more 1 drops then your 2 or 3 drops. With that in mind, if you are wanting to keep this standard, that would be hard to do, but if you are wanting to go non-standard, put in 1 drop burn spells like lightning bolt, lava spike, etc. I hope this helps.

Posted 25 February 2013 at 19:49 as a comment on Vampires and Burn (get big) v3


Maybe my deck might give you some ideas:
Aside from what I have in that deck, I would say that you should condense your spells to thematically control your opponents field then swing all out for the win.

Posted 25 February 2013 at 19:38 as a comment on Izzet aggro/tempo


this is a great deck, I had built a deck on a similar basis but using green-red colors.
I would love your input and good luck in continuing to make annoying decks!

Posted 25 February 2013 at 05:26 as a comment on Painful Mana


I would put dual casting in if this was more of a creature-based deck, but prefer not. The idea of dropping the mana curve by using incinerate instead of pulse is a great idea, but there are many other better 2 drops for 3 damage than incinerate. And by changing the mana curve, i like taking out priest, but kiln is an ok choice, and spitfire is not the best choice either. I am going to try to fit in Chandra's Phoenix though. Pyromancer ascension could be a fun addition, but would be more for casual than competitive play. In all, thanks for the ideas and inspirations for reworking this deck.

Posted 25 February 2013 at 04:47 in reply to #326254 on Fire Everywhere


Fun deck! I would also look into running a set of spitemare.

Posted 24 February 2013 at 15:48 as a comment on Y U hurt yourself?


This is the most amazing deck idea I have ever seen!

Posted 24 February 2013 at 05:33 as a comment on Measure of Wickedness


I really like this deck idea so far. I would be really tempted to make this non-standard, but keeping to standard I would recommend looking for creatures that can automatically come back to the field (not undying) such as Deathpact Angel and Loyal Cathar, or Driver of the Dead and his ability to bring back creatures. Spells I would try to stick in would be faith's reward, cloudshift, grave betrayal, and orzhov charm. Hope this helps.

Posted 24 February 2013 at 05:27 as a comment on persistant orzhova


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