
8 Decks, 107 Comments, 15 Reputation

add 2 chandra, the firebrand to youre needs 2 more anyways and she works great with sorin

Posted 14 April 2012 at 02:49 as a comment on br vamps


changes made to the deck youre right needed to tighten up a bit.

Posted 13 April 2012 at 20:46 as a comment on W/U Standard Aggro-Control (NEED HELP)


the problem i had with this deck at the FNM was more that it ran on tokens and the tokens were too wimpy the way i had them then the counterspells just wouldnt work so i changed it to the way it is now. also my sideboard wasnt constructed at the time. i posted what changes will be made to the deck when i have the chance. that will tighten it up

Posted 12 April 2012 at 20:42 in reply to #247057 on W/U Standard Aggro-Control (NEED HELP)


i see what youre doing there and i must disagree. that would make for a very pricy and generic deck and the people i tend to play with at FNM tend to have an answer for that type of delver deck. its one of the things i decided NOT to do when i started building this deck. i wanted a unique and cheap deck and made do with the cards i had and so far its looking the best that way i appreciate the line tho :) this apparently has become my most popular deck ever

Posted 12 April 2012 at 17:37 in reply to #247057 on W/U Standard Aggro-Control (NEED HELP)


well i had an idea for the lawkeeper but i wanted to use dungeun geists instead i need about 3 or so

Posted 12 April 2012 at 14:05 in reply to #246941 on W/U Standard Aggro-Control (NEED HELP)


i love how u snuck in lord of inistrad i had the idea of slidding him and ajani vangeant into a deck once but im a lack for the w/b hybrid land so oh well but i do have ^ that deck if u wish to see a similar yet halarious twist on vampires. only thing id maybe add is ...nope nevermind i was gonna say contaigon engine but it looks like you dont need them

Posted 11 April 2012 at 18:12 as a comment on BRw Vampires


and there's my B/R vampire deck if anyone cares to reference it. its been 2 yrs in the making and i believe i have it just the way i want it...for now :D

Posted 11 April 2012 at 18:02 as a comment on br vamps


my only advice i can offer at this point is maybe switch out ur 2 contagion clasp for contaigion engine it doesnt cost much more for the original cost, -1s EVERY creature instead of just one, and for the same price for the activated effect u get a second polliferate plus they arent that hard to come by

Posted 11 April 2012 at 17:46 as a comment on br vamps


i have ghost quarters and evolving wilds lets try it for the test of it. as for the blue removal ill take that to the sideboard. thanks so much guys i feel this deck is close to being complete! :)

Posted 04 April 2012 at 20:05 as a comment on W/U Standard Aggro-Control (NEED HELP)


ive talked to a friend of mine i can scrap up 2 honor of the pure and 2 day of judgment should i add i have a few copies of oblivion ring and i can get another cancel but i think i have enough counter im worried about removal because it seems like i have nothing to stop an aggro deck once they have those creatures out. i put it my curse in there for instances in which i couldnt counter it should i maybe add ramp? some stuff in this deck tends to be quite expensive and as my mana base is all basic practically i find myself in need of one mana color or another

Posted 04 April 2012 at 03:46 as a comment on W/U Standard Aggro-Control (NEED HELP)


so what makes it aggro control? too many creatures? i was afraid with the pace of this deck it would run too slowly and i would need the constant creatures to buy me the time and as for day of judgment i can try. i used to have a single copy but let it go before i realized i wanted to make this deck. i like the ideas for sideboard but im always confused about how to actually use them as in what to take out and what to put in.

Posted 03 April 2012 at 20:17 in reply to #245115 on W/U Standard Aggro-Control (NEED HELP)


>.< i get it now...i feel dumb for asking now derp! :P anyways im about to post a standard legal control deck and i could really use help on what it needs to function correctly so if anyone would drop a line on it, itd be great.... ._. i wanna go to tournement eventually when i have enough practice building decks and stuff

Posted 03 April 2012 at 15:12 in reply to #244789 on Immer, Ich Will Mit Dir Sein


what is nTh?

Posted 02 April 2012 at 15:24 in reply to #244789 on Immer, Ich Will Mit Dir Sein


O.o why so many haters? i thought mtg was about having fun pissing off your friends with an unbeatable deck then "challange accepted" they bring back a deck tht beats yours....its notbout price or watever else man...i love the deck it works. theres always new ideas and opinions so haters please STFU and if u think u can do so much better...GO DO IT instead of sitting here bashing on this deck. what are we all 10? grow up...>.> as for you deck maker...good work :) idc if u look at my decks but if u would i probally could use advice as i want to begin going to tournement.

Posted 31 March 2012 at 17:24 as a comment on Immer, Ich Will Mit Dir Sein


O.o why so many haters? i thought mtg was about having fun pissing off your friends with an unbeatable deck then "challange accepted" they bring back a deck tht beats yours....its notbout price or watever else man...i love the deck it works. theres always new ideas and opinions so haters please STFU and if u think u can do so much better...GO DO IT instead of sitting here bashing on this deck. what are we all 10? grow up...>.> as for you deck maker...good work :) idc if u look at my decks but if u would i probally could use advice as i want to begin going to tournement.

Posted 31 March 2012 at 17:19 as a comment on Immer, Ich Will Mit Dir Sein


drop the enchantments and the bloodseekers and go +2 olivia voldren and one altar of the the lost i think its called for maximum flashback use

Posted 24 March 2012 at 05:34 as a comment on VAMPIRES!!!


nice to see somone else using cards they own :/ unlike most ppl here who dont

Posted 12 March 2012 at 03:55 as a comment on Real


My big fat vampire deck. built around the concept of mixing ideas of aggro and control. my fave thing to do with it is to grab olivia + pennon blade + rakeish heir :3 i have loads of fun with this deck.

Posted 08 March 2012 at 18:02 as a comment on ADVERTISE 3!!!


seriously leave my contagion engine alone :/ it was perfect for the oozes...well when this was an OOZE deck :/ now it just looks like jund aggro...oh well im ovverruled now i guess nice deck but im done with it good luck

Posted 07 March 2012 at 06:16 as a comment on COMMUNITY PROJECT


ooooh ok thanks im new to tourny play im usually just casual but thats really nice to know

Posted 03 March 2012 at 16:47 in reply to #238388 on My First Deck--Any Advice?


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