
60 Decks, 522 Comments, 218 Reputation

But they are fair in standard . . . they're good in Modern, Legacy, and Commander because of complimentary lands.

Posted 20 August 2014 at 02:37 in reply to #496318 on Cards that should be reprinted


Many cards you could argue for a reprint, but in the end, Wizards has a lot of things to balance. Many old cards would be completely fair in Standard, but many would be obscenely broken. When you start asking for very powerful cards in Standard, the Standard format starts to look more like Modern. For instance, I believe Lightning Bolt and Mana Leak are not likely to receive a reprint soon. I was hoping to get Opt in Theros block, because they brought back scry; however, i guess Wizards suspected Opt would be too good in the Modern format, or would put W/U Control over the top.

A second reason Wizards would not reprint a card is because the card does not belong Mechanically or Flavor-wise. For instance, Snapcaster Mage, Shardless Agent, Birthing Pod, and Noble Hierarch cannot be reprinted alone because they belong in a set with other cards that have flashback (or graveyard matters), cascade, or exalted. Legendary cards are also restricted in their reprintability; we won't see a Standard Memnarch or Venser reprint, because they're both dead; we can't expect Angus Mackenzie in Khans of Tarkir; we didn't see Serum Visions in Theros because it doesn't make any sense -- what people of Theros are working with "serum?"

A third reason a card would not be reprinted is that the card was just unfair. This is different from Lightning Bolt and Mana Leak and Opt from above; though those cards have the slightly similar effect of being too powerful for a format like Standard, other cards like Force of Will, Hymn to Tourach, Animate Dead, Tinker, or Mishra's Workshop become altogether unfair. The reason Wizards would reprint these in eternal expansions (From the Vault, Commander, fun sets like Conspiracy, Duel Decks, Vintage Masters [MTGO]) would be to produce cards with new art and expand player awareness of these cards. Modern Masters is a perfect example of this, exposing new players to powerful cards, while still providing new players with attractions like Tarmogoyf and Aether Vial.

Cards that need or would Love a reprint: a ton.
Cards that have one that would fit beautifully in Standard: very few.

I personally think it would be reasonable for Khans to have the Zendikar cycle of fetches; I don't know if the Onslaught fetches will ever be in Modern, because even two-color players would play like ten fetches; just an overload of paying one life and shuffling. If you look at Shards of Alara, the other three-color block, they had a similar "comes-into-play-tapped, tap for one of three colors" cycle of lands, but on top of that, they had a cycle of Panoramas, which you sacrifice and get a land onto the battlefield. The main differences between this and the fetches is that it tapped for colorless, you had to pay 1 mana to activate the sac, and you got a basic land tapped. It's very possible that Wizards would do a cycle of land at uncommon and a cycle of land at rare in a single block (However, it's more likely the cycle will appear later in the block). Without shocklands in standard, the fetches would be pretty fair.

Why would Wizards want to reprint fetchlands? They're perfectly fair cards without Volcanic Islands to grab. Cheaper fetchlands would expand player bases in the Modern format, throw Legacy and Vintage a bone, and would kowtow to Commander players.

Posted 19 August 2014 at 15:06 as a comment on Cards that should be reprinted


Well, you could put in some enchantments or cipher cards. Shadow slice and Undercity Plague are both rather powerful. I prefer Mortify over Vindicate, just for the instant-speed power. Return to the Ranks or Immortal Servitude can buy back your small guys after a board wipe.

Posted 17 August 2014 at 21:26 in reply to #495548 on Shadow of a Doubt


Dude, you have a deck full of 2-power unblockable creatures. One of your fastest wins is, like, turn 6. Furthermore, you can't even block, so you're counting on Vindicate to do some heavy leg-work, even though it's at sorcery speed. Shadow is an abusable mechanic, and it's certainly unique, but a deck full of Tormented Souls isn't going to win you the game.

Posted 17 August 2014 at 16:28 as a comment on Shadow of a Doubt


Canopy crawler, then?

Posted 13 August 2014 at 10:14 in reply to #494141 on Budget Decks: Paragon of Beast


Feral throwback

Posted 13 August 2014 at 02:23 as a comment on Budget Decks: Paragon of Beast


Yo man, Necromancer's Stockpile all the way!

Posted 12 August 2014 at 01:56 as a comment on Friday Budget: Walking Dead


How about Lovisa Coldeyes?

Posted 04 August 2014 at 21:01 as a comment on Budget Decks: Berserking Bros


The Cloak and Dagger! Because . . . free equip! And shroud for your unblockable boyz.

Posted 22 July 2014 at 13:02 as a comment on Budget Duel: Rogue vs Druid


Gotta keep in Mutuvaults for the mirror, man. Also, Reprisal is a good sideboard card against Mistcutter.

Posted 12 July 2014 at 00:27 as a comment on Standard: Azorius Control M15


I'd suggest a full four Elvish Mystic and a full four Polymorphorous Rush. You can turn-1 Elvish Mystic, turn-2 Biovisionary, turn-3 Biovisionary and a one-drop (Hello again, Elvish Mystic!), and turn-4 Polymorphous Rush and win. Oh, yeah, more lands and less Anthousa. Also, cut Artisan of Forms and your Heroic enablers like Alpha Authority. They just gunk up your deck and sometimes don't even do anything.

Posted 04 July 2014 at 21:38 as a comment on Standard legal Biovisionary


Maybe one or two Boseiju, Who Shelters all so Scapeshift can't be countered?

Posted 04 July 2014 at 21:05 as a comment on Scapeshift


Oh, right, sorry, and you also already have the Feldon's Cane.
Nice build!

Posted 04 July 2014 at 21:02 in reply to #479218 on Pauper Fog [Only Commons]


KinsbaileCavalier and Student of Warfare

Posted 04 July 2014 at 20:59 as a comment on Knight Deck


You could play 2 Loaming Shaman or some Elixir of Immortality so you can reclaim your Fog effects.

Posted 04 July 2014 at 20:51 as a comment on Pauper Fog [Only Commons]


Whelming Wave

Posted 23 June 2014 at 01:17 as a comment on Taken by the Sea


Maybe Rancor as a recurring way to push through Damage?

Posted 22 June 2014 at 04:02 as a comment on Fat Zoo


Couple of problems:
You want to cast six- and fiv- mana spells off of 19 lands. That's not enough.
You want to cast a triple-blue spell off of two non-basic lands.
You want to cast Vexing Devil.
You want to invest in Guttersnipe.
You want to play Steam Augury.

These cards, while reasonable in general, are just too clunky or inefficient for Modern.

Posted 22 June 2014 at 03:44 as a comment on I will kill you until you die


Maybe Ulitmate Price or Doom Blade in for Hero's Downfall. First, it's double black, which is kinda hard to hit. Second, it's competing with other big three-drops in your deck like Fiendslayer Paladin, Banishing Light, and Detention Sphere. Third, your 6 enchantments do basically the same thing as Hero's Downfall, and you really won't need to take care of nine non-creature permanents.

Posted 20 June 2014 at 22:23 as a comment on Blood Baron Life Gain


Maybe a one-of Thunderous Wrath?

Posted 20 June 2014 at 22:20 as a comment on Budget Red Deck Wins


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