
4 Decks, 9 Comments, 0 Reputation

If Liliana's Caress is part of your win-con, why not run 4 instead of 3?

Posted 10 October 2011 at 20:33 as a comment on Liliana's Zombies Horde


I'm trying to figure out if i can fit Skaab Ruinator in here somewhere, or if it's even worth it. i'm not sure what i would replace, but he could be cast w/o exiling creatures if i've got Sun Titan out. Still, not sure if he's worth it here

Posted 10 October 2011 at 17:52 as a comment on Snap-Daddy Flare


Like the deck idea! Snapcaster is nasty! Peep this deck out, could be unto something

Posted 07 October 2011 at 20:37 as a comment on Spectral Blade


While I love Skittles, I wouldn't mix poison damage with regular damage, instead I would replace him with another Obliterator, he's just so good. If not another Obliterator then maybe a Wurmcoil Engine or Grave Titan. Also, since standard is so artifact heavy, especially with Tempered Steel being a popular choice of deck right now, I would replace GFTT with maybe something like Doom Blade. Just another opinion, but i would side 1 despise and 1 tutor and put 2 extractions in there just bc of the synergies it has with your despise, your exarch, and all the removal you have. I'm on the fence about Skinrender...I've been using him, and usually he does well, but the only downfall is if you cast him w/o your opponent having any creatures out he puts the 3 -1/-1 counters on one of your own creatures or himself thus commiting suicide :) I've opted to take him out of my own deck and add more Obliterators Mono Black is one of my favorite decks i've been using on MTGO. Maybe these ideas are worth consideration, enjoy!!

Posted 07 October 2011 at 20:19 as a comment on MonoBlack Control with Rings T


Actually if you wanted to keep Think Twice you could swap out Feeling the Dread

Posted 07 October 2011 at 15:10 as a comment on Caw Blade Never Dies.


I agree with Stinkweed. More O Rings and Day of Judgements. Also, Forbidden Alchemy is a great card that could work here in place of Think Twice. Also might want to look into a few Snapcaster Mage's as well.

-3 Curiosity
-1 Sword
-3 Think Twice

+1 O-ring
+1 DOJ
+2 Snapcaster Mage
+3 Forbidden Alchemy

Posted 07 October 2011 at 15:09 as a comment on Caw Blade Never Dies.


Except that Volt Charge also proliferates counters onto your Shine and Koth, allowing you to turn your mountains into direct damage one turn earlier

Posted 06 October 2011 at 16:29 as a comment on RDW


Instead of Brimstone Volley, how about using Volt Charge instead. For the same mana cost you can deal 3 damage while proliferating counters onto your Shrine and Koth at the same time. This will allow you to start tapping mountains for direct damage one turn earlier :)

Posted 03 October 2011 at 18:07 as a comment on Innistrad RDW


Most use Inkmoth to block your opponents Inkmoth anyways, so i think it works well here. Tempered boosts it to 3/3, great for late game win cond. Some sideboard ideas: revoke existence, celestrial purge, maybe oblivion ring, also maybe the spellbomb artifact that gives you a 1/1 myr plus card advantage

Posted 27 September 2011 at 16:12 as a comment on Innistrad Standard Tempered Steel!
