
95 Decks, 9 Comments, 2 Reputation

This deck just seems like a worse version of Weirdstorm (Blistercoil weird+Paradise Mantle). That deck can win turn 2 and is entirely filled with ways to find the combo or protect the combo.

Posted 27 October 2015 at 17:36 as a comment on Infinite Mill/Damage Turn 3/4


If haakon is in play, nameless inversion can be cast from graveyard repeatedly. Haakon specifies knight cards, not just knight creatures. Inversion is a knight.

Posted 10 June 2015 at 00:58 in reply to #552650 on The Dark Knights -Modern Maru


-Sorin/Helm RIP are the win cons.
-Abrupt Decay doesn't hit everything i need and the deck runs the late game very often so i run 3. Vindicate/pulse is better in every situation except vs heavy control decks.
-Goyf is terrible here. RIP removes all of its effectiveness and smallpox kills it. Deeds will hit it as often as your opponent's board.
-Lilly is back and forth. Shes good, but her +1 is often detrimental to this deck's strategy. I often end up with more in hand then the opponent, so I'm discarding just to make her useful. Thats why shes in sideboard vs the matchups i need her.

Posted 02 July 2014 at 17:10 in reply to #478469 on Legacy BWG control
