
236 Decks, 150 Comments, 9 Reputation

Personally I would do the following:

-1 Ugin
-1 Council of the Absolute
-1 Grand Arbiter Augusting IV
-1 Massacre Wurm
-1 Liliana, Heretical Healer
-2 Eidolon of Rhetoric
-1 Languish
-1 Wrath of God
-4 Dakra Mystic
-3 Aegis of Gods
-2 Gitaxian Probe
-2 Ojutai's Command

+4 Supreme Verdict (strictly better sweeper with the colours you have access to)
+2 Narset (It is better to simply focus on 1 planeswalker than 3 different, and Narset is in my opinion the best for this deck)
+2 Dragonlord Oujtai (You need a finisher, I think the dragonlord is the most solid option here, so I bumped his numbers)
+4 Sea Gate Oracle (Here for their effect as a speed bump, and draws you a card)
+1 Go for the Throat (Rounding out the numbers)
+1 Mana Leak (Rounding out the numbers)
+2 Utter End (Rounding out the numbers)
+4 Wall of Omens (Replacing the Dakra Mystics, they draw you a card and are excellent speed bump)

The Reason Dakra mystic is bad is pretty simple, it draws your opponent cards, which is bad, so I decided to completely cut it.

These changes leans the deck towards heavy control as opposed to what it was before.

While completely changing most of the deck makes it lose some of the flavour you put into it I am speaking strictly from an efficiency standpoint. As long as you have fun playing the deck it is all that matters. Some of the cards that got cut could easily see sideboard play, so instead of cramming all you want into the maindeck and come out as an unfocused deck, it is better to streamline the maindeck and add answers to different problems in the sideboard. (in my personal opinion)

Posted 18 April 2016 at 01:26 in reply to #580157 on WUB Modern Control


*Insert random comment about "wub" "wub" being dubstep here*

On a more serious note, I think your deck lacks focus. By that I mean you got too many singletons and 2-of's. I think you will find it beneficial to cut some of those and add some more sweepers/removal/counterspells. Other than that it looks pretty interresting.

Posted 16 April 2016 at 02:26 as a comment on WUB Modern Control


I think you should add Immortal Servitude to the deck and cut the Demonic Taskmasters and Soulcage Fiends, and adding a few more apostles. Furthermore I would replace Tragic Slip with Doom Blade. I would also change Scroll of Griselbrand to even more apostles.
The last change I would do is cutting all the bigger demons down to 1 each and add more aposltes. So you have a more toolbox-esque deck, maybe add pestilence demon as well since it is good against weenie decks.

Posted 15 April 2016 at 04:26 as a comment on Demons


This deck reminds me of something I built some years ago.

I can recommend Damnation, Bad Moon, and Entomb as other cards. Basically take a look for additional knight choices as well, as I am too lazy to type them all out.

Posted 14 April 2016 at 08:24 as a comment on Shallow Grave


I just feel like he is one of those theory cards that wont work in practice, I haven't tested it out and he does combo with loam, but then we are still looking at a 6 mana recursive flyer unless he gets exiled, which is pretty popular these days. I just realised that he combos with the prized amalgam as well, so yeah keep the masterpieces, cut a bloodghast and a brownscale.

Posted 13 April 2016 at 14:57 in reply to #579898 on New dredgevine


Remove Geralf's Masterpiece. They are by far the worst creatures in your pool.

Posted 13 April 2016 at 13:52 in reply to #579898 on New dredgevine


2 questions:

Is there any reason for not running Vengevines?

Why not take advantage of the new delirium mechanic?

Posted 13 April 2016 at 12:27 as a comment on New dredgevine


I would argue for Echoing truth because it bounces any non-land permanent, which means that against prison decks and such, you can use it to get past their defences. It doesn't kill stuff, but it does have the added benefit of being able to save your horrors in response to removal. Personally I think it is more versatile.

Posted 13 April 2016 at 08:32 in reply to #579697 on Oh The Horror


True, I am in the other end with green being the colour I use the least and only splash when I need some effects or if I want a change of pace. I mostly play control, but combo and tempo are also deck types I enjoy playing. I did include Vampire Hexmage's offensive capabilities when I first thought about the deck, since I am quite a huge fan of the card.

Have you considered running Echoing Truth over Ratchet Bomb? Since the primary idea of the card will be nuking tokens, Echoing Truth can do the same and is more synergistic with Delver of Secrets.

Posted 13 April 2016 at 08:00 in reply to #579697 on Oh The Horror


I see the point of it being there, personally I would rather have had counterspells, since sometimes you need them to save your creatures from removal and such. If you are deadset on having the delvers, wouldn't cutting the probes and reducing the combopotential in favour for more defence in form of counterspells be the better course of action?

Posted 13 April 2016 at 06:10 in reply to #579697 on Oh The Horror


I am always a fan of decks that include Vampire Hexmage as that card is a severely underrated card. I am not so sure that I want a delver in this deck, but rather add some mana leaks or something. It might just be me, but I like having some counterspells when I play blue. Other than that, it looks like a fun deck to play.

Posted 11 April 2016 at 20:02 as a comment on Oh The Horror


The main reason I dislike FUTF is that you already got a lot of win conditions for a control deck, they simply aren't needed. Also, you might want some additional card draw, which was a thing I overlooked before. Dropping Kalistas, Silumgar, and FUTF, would allow you to add 4 Pieces of the Puzzle, which would add to your card draw. The downside is that it sends cards to the graveyard, but since you are running some Delirium cards as well, it is not all bad. Using awaken cards as a win condition also fits with Pieces of the Puzzle, since they don't fall into the graveyard.

Posted 11 April 2016 at 03:23 in reply to #579623 on Standard U/B Control


Sure, here is my problems with the deck, from simply looking at the list. Dragonlord Silumgar, Halimar Tidecaller, Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet. They are 1-ofs, which mean you are highly unlikely to see them in a game without tutoring.

I would simply scrap those 3 and add 2 more Thing in the Ice, and use the last one to add another Duress. You got no zombies, so I would scrap Compelling Deterence and Add 2 Ruinous Path, since Compelling Deterence doesn't fit in a control deck as it is a tempo card, hard removal would be better as it is not card disadvantage.

From Under the Floorboards is another card I would scrap for one more Duress (going to 4) and a Scatter of the Winds.

Posted 11 April 2016 at 02:44 in reply to #579623 on Standard U/B Control


While I like the general idea, I think the deck lacks focus. I would rather focus on having more consistency in form of more 3 and 4-ofs.

Posted 11 April 2016 at 01:35 as a comment on Standard U/B Control


Exchange Terrarion with Conjurer's Bauble. Terrarion doesn't work in eggs as it comes into play tapped. It will also improve consistency as you can put a Faith's Reward into you deck and reshuffle the deck with a Reshape or Ghost Quarter, effectively improving your chances of pulling off the combo and not fizzling halfway through.

Posted 30 March 2016 at 00:10 as a comment on Bitter Eggs


Here is what I came up with using that pool there. Since you are a good player, I believe you could have gone 3-2 with that pool, winning your 3 first games, then ending up getting rolled over the last two games. This is purely based on my own tournament experience with swiss and the opponents who top-8'ed. As it would be unusual to face 2 top 8 players in the last 2 rounds unless ou did good before that. I will assume you ended up placing in top 16, the most accurate estimate I can is 12th place, given you actually managed to win 1 round against each of the two guys.

Posted 20 July 2015 at 10:09 as a comment on Brainstorming: Another Thing!


Ok, there are several card choices I disagree with here. For example, I would run Emerge Unscathed over Stave Off, it is twice as good. I would also cut Spear of Heliod, Gift of Orzhova, and Glorius Anthem in favour of enchantment based removal. Like Journey to Nowhere, and Silkwrap. You need removal, and it fits the theme with Blessed Children. Since your primary win-conditions seems to be Blood Bairn, Tokens and Blessed Spirits, I don't feel like you need the Glorius Anthem, your tokens are probably ending up feeding a Blood Bairn anyway, but having vigilance never hurts. Also you might consider running Promise of Bunrei over Spectral Possession for massive Blood Bairn blowout potential, the tokens do not have flying though, which is a huge downside, however it makes the opponent's considerations harder and it is an enchantment. I also think I would rather run a full play-set of Blood Bairn over Forlorn Pseudamma, they are simply stronger in this deck.

There are a few tricks in this deck, you may or may not be aware of. For example if you cast Emerge Unscathed (Stave Off) on a Blood Bairn pre-combat and swing with it basically making it unblockable and your tokens too, you can sacrifice any blocked tokens and/or creatures during the declare blockers phase to your Blood Bairn netting you a hefty sum of damage without losing anything that would not be lost anyway. Another thing you can do is if someone targets your Blessed Spirits with path to exile or the like, you can sacrifice it to Blood Bairn and return it afterwards with Palace Siege, if you have no way of saving it.

Anyway, I like the idea of a cute children deck!

Posted 18 July 2015 at 13:13 as a comment on Blessed Children


The Rack is modern legal though.

Posted 18 July 2015 at 07:04 in reply to #556581 on Budget Decks: Torture


Pauper burn, only pauper deck that is almost the same as the regular legacy list. Although, I don't really like faithless looting in this deck. I would personally run 2 flame jab instead. I think that is a better way of using excess lands. Sure faithless looting got flashback, but if you need to pay 3 mana to flashback faithless looting, I think you have already lost anyway.

Posted 18 July 2015 at 03:43 as a comment on The Beggarly Pyro [PAUPERBURN]


My first thought is that there are not enough lands and a too brutal curve mana-wise. I would cut down on our 5-drops and add more lands.

Posted 16 July 2015 at 17:30 as a comment on Current Minotaur (Needs help)


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