
67 Decks, 507 Comments, 231 Reputation

This deck aims to be pretty aggressive, so I haven't included it.

Posted 20 February 2014 at 23:50 in reply to #440749 on Standard Auras


You know what? I think Auriok Champion should be in the side. Screw your own life total. You're busy using that to buy victory. Instead, try some Tidehollow Scullers. Those are fantastic and are basically a 2-for-1. So maybe they wipe the board and get their card back. Okay, well it won't matter if you only use Sculler to hit things that are early drops and time sensitive. Then you just push the advantage you've already been building.

I think Sorin, Lord of Innistrad is actually an upgrade over Elspeth in a deck that runs this many tokens. He's great. But Hero of Bladehold is the best, I say you max out on that before even considering the planeswalkers.

But you don't need too much advice, looks like you already have a really solid B/W tokens deck going for you here. Good job!

Posted 20 February 2014 at 04:54 as a comment on B/W Tokens Modern


I've modified the deck some. I haven't entirely changed the way it plays like you wanted, but I did add Thoughtseize and I've made it more consistent. Although Spectral Procession gets a lot of tokens, I'll rarely be able to cast it for 3 cmc. I don't really have the faith in that card that you do and don't want to slant it that far white when I already have a solid Esper core. Also, since I haven't added all the 1 cmc hand disruption that you suggested, I'm both need and love Vendilion Clique and don't want to replace it with Spectral. As far as my modifications go, I don't know why I was lying to myself before, but Spell Pierce is not a hard counter. I just really wanted to counter boardwipes with only 1 mana, but I now believe it will be least useful in the matchups where I need it the most (America Control, GR Tron, and Splinter Twin). I still prefer the reactive, more counterspell oriented play though, and have replaced them with a playset of Remand (which is very useful, they're pure tempo). The Thoughtseizes that I put in should have been there the whole time. They give me more to do turn 1 and the confidence to play what I need to turn 2. But after testing, the Gitaxian Probes have also been overperforming, so they may stay in. They're really good because they let me check if the way is clear to resolve something like Zur or let me know when I should save mana for a counterspell. They're also obviously very good to help decide whether I should Clique myself or the opponent, and the best part is that they only cost me a paltry 2 life.

All in all I think this is the most competitive build yet. It is not budget friendly, but I really believe this brew could carry you through a tournament.

Posted 19 February 2014 at 16:09 in reply to #440163 on Competitive FLOCK


I like the deck, but there are some things that don't make sense to me. For example, the vast majority of your creatures get no benefit from the inclusion of Rakdos because they're too low cost. There's also no removal to help push Mogis along the right path. Like I understand that Rakdos and Mogis are both good, but you gotta cater to them a little bit. I would include some removal, or better yet creatures that double as removal like Fleshbag Marauder/Slum Reaper. I would get rid of Rakdos all together honestly. He's really just devotion for Mogis, and you're already running so many creatures that you probably have that devotion. But the inclusion that really thoroughly confuses me is Rakdos Charm. Which mode are you going for? Why is it here?

I like the core of Blood Artist, Kederekt Parasite, Goblin Guide, Mortician Beetle, and Mogis. But outside of that I'm unsure what you're going for.

Posted 19 February 2014 at 15:25 as a comment on Put the lotion in the basket!


It was more white focused when it started. I'll update it.

Posted 19 February 2014 at 05:00 in reply to #440147 on Competitive FLOCK


Yeah I have run into this, but the Vendilion Cliques help. I do need to make some room though. 3 cards is not disruption enough to take on combo decks.

Posted 19 February 2014 at 04:59 in reply to #440148 on Competitive FLOCK


No problem at all. And good catch with the Spirit of the Labyrinth. It doesn't have flying, but whatever. Sometimes you just really need a hate card.

Posted 19 February 2014 at 04:57 in reply to #439781 on Competitive FLOCK


I was kinda considering putting them in the main when I was looking for stuff to fill slots. They're two cmc flying cantrips. They kind of discourage boardwipes. That's it. I'll probably replace them.

(I would sell my soul for Baleful Strix in Modern)

Also there are up to 4 slots I am comfortable changing in the main. Those are the two Pride of the Clouds, and the Gitaxian Probes. Both good cards, but I feel they could probably be better. I also don't think the sideboard is fully fleshed out. So if you think of something really sweet, absolutely let me know.

Posted 19 February 2014 at 03:17 in reply to #439781 on Competitive FLOCK


After review, I'm going to respectfully disagree with your thoughts on Jace. See most the time when I play this deck, I need to be putting out powerful flying creature on turn 3 far more than I need a card advantage engine. Basically the cards in this deck are individually powerful enough that if I've completely run out of cards and haven't won, the game has seriously gone awry and I don't think Jace would fix it. That being said, of course I want to draw cards. I'm a competitive magic player. The two types of card drawing I would be most interested in are 2 cmc instant speed draw, or an enchantment Zur can grab for me. So the things I've considered for this job are a single copy of Phyrexian Arena/Dark Tutelage and maybe a couple copies of Azorius Charm. I like these cards, but they both have problems. One problem with the enchantment is that it costs 3 and if I ever take the time to hard cast it I lose a lot of tempo. So I would only use one copy, to reduce the odds of me drawing it. But the bigger problem is that I don't know why I would fetch it with Zur. He comes down a little late, and most the time if they let me swing with him I want to grab a Favorable Winds or a Steel of the Godhead. They cause the most immediate impact. And for long term card advantage I already have Bitterblossom... So that idea doesn't actually make sense. Azorius Charm is the better option, and it has popped in and out several times. I like it because it also can help make up some life loss from Bitterblossom by giving everything lifelink. But it only cycles, and I don't know that it's worth a slot.

At this point I am not running anything that lets me draw a lot of cards. But I'm not sure I need them. I have increased the number of cantrips and I have two home run card advantage engines already in Bitterblossom and Zur. So unless I've overlooked something big I don't think I'll put anything like that in.

As for protection for Zur, enough people have posted support for that for me to feel obligated to respond. My feelings on protection in Modern are that there is literally no way to keep anything safe with the diversity of removal in the format. The best deck in modern for keeping things alive is G/W hexproof and when you play that you're basically gambling that the meta is not playing enough boardwipes and Lilianas. Plus they have an entire turn to kill him... So for me to dedicate a slot to protect a guy that will gain me a lot of value in the long game (this deck shouldn't go for the long game) is pretty useless if I draw it, and forms a flimsy form of protection at best just seems like a mistake to me. Instead I use him aggressively, proactively. If they do remove him it's like good job, you used your removal, now deal with the rest of the flock. If they don't I'm about to ride him to victory. So that's why I don't bother.

Posted 19 February 2014 at 02:30 in reply to #439781 on Competitive FLOCK


You know I don't like Tromokratis. The word "Hexproof" is on him, but it doesn't really mean it. Like half the removal spells people play are instant speed. But maybe I'll put him in the sideboard for if I think someone's not running enough removal.

Posted 19 February 2014 at 01:29 in reply to #439375 on Simic Waves


Right? In the same deck as Favorable Winds, Steel of the Godhead, and a bunch of things that make me want to counter boardwipes? It's super powerful. And I'm glad you enjoy the deck!

Posted 18 February 2014 at 00:10 in reply to #439396 on Competitive FLOCK


I don't think I'll go that route unless I get more devoted to the faerie subtheme. As it is I don't feel comfortable with a sometimes counterspell, and I already have Spell Pierces/Judge's Familiar. But thank you for your thoughts!

Posted 18 February 2014 at 00:07 in reply to #439398 on Competitive FLOCK


I am considering putting in Felidar Umbra to make up some life, but I don't know if it's worth it with Steel of the Godhead in the same deck. And I don't think the other Umbras are good enough in this deck. What did you have in mind with the "protection from a color type"?

Posted 18 February 2014 at 00:05 in reply to #439571 on Competitive FLOCK


I still haven't eliminated that as a possibility. It's just so bomby in this deck it's unreal. But Zur can't fetch it and for 5 cmc I can wreck other creature decks even better with Godhead of Awe. And if the opponent doesn't have creatures I don't know if I can count on casting something that late in the game without it getting countered. And I also don't know what I would take out for it. Any ideas?

Posted 18 February 2014 at 00:02 in reply to #439463 on Competitive FLOCK


Well Underworld Connections older brother Phyrexian Arena might. The only thing that may stay my hand is I want to be able to cast it if I find it in my hand, and one black mana is easier than two. It's probably worth it though.

And I enjoy a fat Revelation as much as the next guy, but I don't think that I'm going to get into a long enough game for it to be the ideal draw engine. I'll test with it though

Posted 17 February 2014 at 05:55 in reply to #439349 on Competitive FLOCK


Nice. But if you don't have the black mana to flashback lingering souls, Midnight Haunting is an upgrade. So 4 of that, and 2 lingering Souls would be a better fit. The only card I don't really like here is Divination, because it has nothing to do with the theme of the deck and causes what would normally be kind of a tempo, fast paced deck to be more drawn out. For more ideas there's this:

Posted 17 February 2014 at 05:54 as a comment on Airplane Mode


I like the Hoofprints of the Stag, but I think it might be too slow. At least with the current level of draw power. As answer for the Beckon Apparition, I find that it is always good to have a surprise creature, and it serves as a bit of graveyard hate if I can't find Zur and get the Rest in Peace. Unfortunately (actually very fortunately) there are no flying Scavenging Oozes.

Posted 17 February 2014 at 05:40 in reply to #439343 on Competitive FLOCK


cool cool. Yeah I saw those theme decks you were making. The Alara shards with the Heralds? Those are sweet. I'm pretty psyched to see the Grixis one, not gonna lie. Just be sure to include Sedraxis Specter... I love that card.

Posted 17 February 2014 at 05:22 in reply to #439312 on Competitive FLOCK


I really have been looking to add card draw to it. Right now what I have in that department is just the Dark Tutelage in the sideboard. I might move it to the main. Luckily (since I've made this into a really tryhard deck) all of the cards have a lot of value just by themselves, so the idea is I never actually need to reload on cards, but all the same I'd like to have access to draw power.

Posted 17 February 2014 at 05:11 in reply to #439349 on Competitive FLOCK


Good deal on that price. Gotta love budget decks. But you know if you could find some Midnight Hauntings they'd be pretty great in here. Since you aren't running coat of arms or door to destinies you could branch out from birds, and those instant speed tokens are very fun

Posted 17 February 2014 at 04:25 in reply to #438655 on Flock


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