
67 Decks, 507 Comments, 231 Reputation

but sweet baby jeesus this copy idea you have... cackling counterpart is an autoinclude in this deck now. Copy every creature you own for 3 mana! the same goes for like heat shimmer

Posted 08 November 2013 at 06:49 in reply to #410276 on Everyone's a Hero...


Hmmm... with artisan of forms... if you target it, doesn't heroic go on the stack, it becomes ink treader, but by then it's too late because the target has past? I think when you target something, any triggers occur because of the action of targeting, physically saying, "I target artisan", and so by the time it's a copy of ink treader the time has past for the effect. But i mean you could literally play clone or something.

As for Anax and Cymede: because it's a heroic trigger that's bomby as hell...? I just figure with the gigantic things you should be making due to all these counters, you may want trample. plus he is just disgustingly powerful.

Posted 08 November 2013 at 06:42 in reply to #410276 on Everyone's a Hero...


there seem to be two subthemes going on here, but not much linkage. i feel that if you linked them, gave them more synergy, you would be left with something more powerful. To that end, I would search for things to eke direct damage out of tokens, and things that create tokens based on burn.

The two additions i like best are 5 alarm fire and blood artist (instead of blood seeker, because it's significantly better most the time). With this many 1/1s and burn, both of these cards would be quite potent. In addition, to help those little 1/1s keep their value late game, you might try 2 vault of the archangels

Posted 08 November 2013 at 02:29 as a comment on Sanimancy


this is an excellent interaction. Well done! I would suggest mana dorks and anax and cymede, maybe instead of the artisan and the athlete

Posted 08 November 2013 at 00:45 as a comment on Everyone's a Hero...


This deck is interesting. I can see some of the subthemes pulling different directions, and the one i would want to pursue would be the one that plays the most tymaret. The one i like least is the elixir + buried ruins. The way this deck would seem to be built is as if it shouldn't care about life at all. Although 5 life is great, in this kind of deck playing another recursive creature or burning your opponent is greater. You have to look at the opportunity cost. buried ruins is cute with elixir, but this small life gain subtheme ultimately detracts from the burn power of the rest of the deck. I think another swamp and another mountain would be better.

If you're going for modern, I would replace the elixirs with boardwipes, as that may be your best way to beat creature decks that will surely be packing creatures much bigger than yours. I also would like to see more of a zombie subtheme. The reason I say this is that although your skeletons are doing their recursive thing pretty well, the tenacious dead is gone once it's in the graveyard, and you already are playing a zombie commander and a badass zombie beater. I would replace the tenacious dead with 4 gravecrawlers and the dragons and two magma jets with 4 bloodghast.

These changes together should make some sort of awful recursive burn nonsense that can't be beat by simply getting rid of the creatures and will beat other creature decks too.

PS- If you want more people to see your deck, add tags and mark it unloved!

Posted 05 November 2013 at 05:04 as a comment on Hell's Fury


although the effect is glorious, yes i would say that unless i was running a version of this more heavily focused towards black it would be too mana intensive. However, it would be good to have maybe in the sideboard for creature based decks, as if it did get cast it would just be GG... And my old version that was only blue and black would very much like that addition. Thanks for the input!

Posted 05 November 2013 at 04:26 in reply to #409527 on Heartless Shirei Modern Lock


Shirei > Jace the Mind Sculptor.

Posted 04 November 2013 at 21:48 as a comment on Shirei's Embrace.


if the green is for mana ramp, try growth spasm. It also combines with your parallel lives and sacs to produce more mana. Veridian emissary might be okay. Essence warden isn't going to do that much for you besides die during your boardwipes, and if all you're looking to do is start the blood/ bond combo try gut shot or attacking with one of your tokens.

Posted 04 November 2013 at 21:43 as a comment on Army of Zombies !!


Thanks for these responses. I am currently trying to play modern, and have made sure my current list is geared towards it. However, if i wasn't terrified of the many disgusting decks in legacy Imperial Recruiter would actually be the best card in the deck. The other draws to that format are abyssal gatekeeper (a beautiful sac outlet for you and an edict for them), bone shredder, and mesmeric fiend (with heartless summoning or a sac outlet you can stack the triggers so that the card is exiled forever).

i do like flamekin harbinger as a versatile tutor, but it is frustrating for it not to be able to fetch exactly what i want, making me have trouble finding what to take out for it. For now, it will not go in unless cryptic annelid proves itself unworthy. Also if there are more excellent elementals printed this could turn into an almost-elemental-tribal

Posted 04 November 2013 at 20:13 in reply to #408868 on Heartless Shirei Modern Lock


and I do have a decent few artifacts... thank you for your feedback! I will have to try and slot it in.

Posted 25 October 2013 at 05:40 in reply to #406785 on Competitive Angelic Accord?


Posted 24 October 2013 at 22:50 as a comment on GeneralM_ Read the description


oh okay i didn't see that. well that's pretty cool man, i would put that in the deck description

Posted 16 October 2013 at 18:53 in reply to #404502 on LegacyEnchantments!


no academy rector? you have plenty of ramp... and how does the helm of obedience fit into this deck?

Posted 16 October 2013 at 05:01 as a comment on LegacyEnchantments!


good idea. should help against combo decks too.

Posted 11 October 2013 at 04:07 in reply to #402804 on Dega Control


it draws you cards every turn... i mean you are going to put down one of those two the next couple of turns, aren't you? it's an investment. and besides, it can draw you into anything you are lacking. I would think it would be an autoinclude

Posted 08 October 2013 at 03:43 in reply to #402189 on Barter your life


actually i can see how packed you are on the 4 drop slot, so i guess i trying to add temporal extortion on top of that would be silly.

Posted 07 October 2013 at 18:17 in reply to #402189 on Barter your life


i was looking through your decks, and this might be my favorite that i can see. Like the punishment aspect a lot. It seems really focused on high cmc, and it doesn't seem like your actually able to do anything before turn 3... Have you considered howling mine instead of/ in addition to font of mythos? more things that might be good: kederekt parasite, killing wave, TEMPORAL EXTORTION, runeflare trap, incendiary command. i almost want to splash white for tainted sigil, but whatever.

mainly i would seriously think about 4 howling mines, two runeflare traps, and a temporal extortion

Posted 07 October 2013 at 17:47 as a comment on Barter your life


gruul war chant, legion's initiative, hero of oxid ridge, or (probably the best) goblin bushwhacker all might be good for the anthem

Posted 07 October 2013 at 17:27 in reply to #402172 on [Modern] Little Big Soldier



Posted 07 October 2013 at 17:21 as a comment on [Modern] Little Big Soldier


No problem dude. I give suggestions because i definitely like the deck. and i can see the power of devotion, most of my suggestions don't really have any kind of decrease in it. Mostly i just suspect that jarad's orders and erebos's emissary probably don't pull their weight in the competitive scene. Hey another thing i thought of is that if you can land an underworld connections that would be hella good for this deck and would up your devotion

btw i would put in the last lotleth troll, since he's like your mvp

Posted 07 October 2013 at 17:18 in reply to #401815 on Fear the dead


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