
20 Decks, 81 Comments, 3 Reputation

This quest is a hard idea to get right but two free leviathans/krakens/whatevers from one turn to the next is well worth it.
Keep Inkwell, Wrexial, and Stormtide. Thats cruel. Grozoth is nice for the Inkwell, but its got no flying or islandwalk. stormtide is gonna be your key to success. Its gonna lock down most other decks and allow you to hit for some extreme damage. Protect them with Counterspells and Mana Leaks.
But you also have to protect yourself. The Hatchlings are cute but Guard Gomazoas are better.
And I'd run it all blue. High Tides will be a godsend for you.
Lastly you want to be able to proc. the enchantment as quickly as possible. This will mean doing quite a bit of scrying. It could honestly be as simple as a few sage owls. It's up to you. But Halimar Depths is a must.
As a last though, something kind of nifty I've thought about, Djinn of Wishes could be just as cool to run in a deck like this. I'd consider it.
At any rate good luck with this hope i didn't overwhelm you. This is a really nifty idea and it's well on it's way.

Posted 10 November 2010 at 11:51 as a comment on Ula's Temple


I have to go back to the haunting echoes. After a traumatize or even a couple mind funerals, done, no contest. Your opponent has what ever he's got on the field and maybe a couple others. Maybe. It's kind of a backup to the other combo, but if the first fails, then you're gonna need one. Another popular approach is Necromancer's Covenant, with an optional death baron and Lich Lord of Unx, but that may be too much of an entirely different direction. But haunting echoes i think is a must.

Posted 10 November 2010 at 11:15 as a comment on Mill Deck Wins


Arid Mesa and Marsh Flats only help you if you are running colors other than white. I'd pull em for regular lands and spare yourself the life.

Posted 07 November 2010 at 17:51 as a comment on WW quest


The MadPacman makes his appearance.

Posted 31 October 2010 at 22:55 as a comment on Member Database


I run a very similar deck. One thing I have learned is Bojuka Brigand had to go. Yes its cheap but not only can't it block, it adds no effect or ability for having ally's enter the battlefield aside getting slightly bigger. Running Hagara Diabolist on the other hand is why running black allies wreck. I also see no Join The Ranks, something that helps me out time and time again. Ondu Cleric is also helpful for life but not essential. I'd keep the other allies you have hands down. Since you run doom blades it may be worth running a couple Agadeem Occultist's. The Agadeem Occultist runs much better in the black blue deck tho, since you deck your opponent then steal his creatures, a bit more effective then waiting to kill them, but it does work well here, too.

Marsh flats are way better than Wilds or Expanse because the fact that you can use it that turn is crucial especially in an Ally deck. The loss of life is also irrelevant because Ally decks are fast and if you decide to run Ondu Clerics well..... enough said.

Check mine out if you would like some ideas as what one of these decks looks like after a lot of play and change. Also let me know if it would be more worth running Narrow Escape or Mimic Vat instead of Iona's Judgments and Unmakes

Posted 31 October 2010 at 22:27 as a comment on Ally Deck - Black and White


Platinum Angels May trump the tomb's drawback... although perhaps they would be easier to kill because they're creatures. The repay in kind is killer, so all in all very nicely done.

Posted 26 October 2010 at 19:39 as a comment on repay in kind


I apologize, must have missed all of the artifact lands. Sneaky bastards. You're fine on lands haha. Still not sure about those Thaumatogs tho. Perhaps another Fatal Frenzy and Second sunrise. Just at first glance.

Posted 18 October 2010 at 07:13 in reply to #93508 on Atog


Always wanted to do something with the Atog, and after this I just might. All I can suggests is the obvious more land, less thaumatog since you don't have many enchantments to speak of, love the second sunrise. Well done all in all for a surprisingly intricate concept. Feel free to check out my decks, just hit up my name below.

Posted 18 October 2010 at 07:06 as a comment on Atog


So I pulled the wrench minds for hymn to tourachs. The former weren't bad because no one runs bad artifacts so as a whole I win anyway, but I agree, do the most damage per card. I pulled the vampires bite's for another Painful Quandary and Liliana Vess, not for two more megrims. I already run 4 Liliana's Caresses and there is such a thing called over kill. Now I really like the Nezumi Shortfang idea, I have one and could easily pick up another. The problem would be who to take out for them. I would have to go with the plainswalker because I would have to protect her after all, not something easily done with this deck. So I guess the question is Shortfang or Vess.

Posted 17 October 2010 at 20:33 as a comment on Discard (Not of the T2 variety unfortunately)


Had to chuckle at the last couple creature cards, haha. There's potential somewhere in there.

Posted 10 October 2010 at 05:54 as a comment on Loxodon Lunacy


I absolutely despise this much life gain. That being said, Rest For The Weary. Good, God, haha. Its a simple addition but it would really help for combos with Cradle or Divinity of Pride. Hell if you decided to keep Felidar around I don't see how you couldn't win.

Posted 18 June 2010 at 02:06 as a comment on Cradle/Reverence Lifegain combo


agreed on the the first part. as for the inkwell... you could always go a different route and grab some of those big suckers that also have affinity for artifacts such as Broodstar but that might just be redundant. When it come down to this level, the only way of deciding is to play the deck and see whats good and what needs adjusting. Counter spells are always handy i find, leave em on the side board tho. Lemme know how it works out.

Posted 18 June 2010 at 01:52 in reply to #69694 on Midrange Esper


I keep forgetting that eventide is out. I very much wanted to play unmakes instead of iona's judgments.

Posted 14 June 2010 at 14:55 in reply to #69708 on Allies that actually kick-ass


Also skullclamp being illegal in almost all tournament play, I'd rethink as well. Its one of those cards that I hardly ever allow to play against even in casual play, just to much of a win button. Look into sensei's divining top, it's a likely candidate for replacement.

Posted 13 June 2010 at 00:37 in reply to #69694 on Midrange Esper


I like the idea, minimal but effective. Perhaps a Mycosynth Golem could help speed things up, especially where the Colossus is concerned, instead of waiting for just the plainswalker.

Posted 13 June 2010 at 00:21 as a comment on Midrange Esper


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