
200 Decks, 365 Comments, 74 Reputation

How is the eidolon doing? I'm thinking about putting them into my deck as well... :3

Posted 15 June 2014 at 17:56 in reply to #471719 on Modern Burning


But your hate should help you against other matchups, while not hindering your strategy. The reason is, if your hate doesn't do something for you in a deck like burn, you are slowing your game down to hinder your opponent, which could ultimately help them in the long run, so if I were you I would take out the gutteral responses for another type of spell that is burn oriented that could help like maybe more lavamancers or some path to exiles if you splash white! :D While lightning helix isn't the best burn spell in the format, it can help you in mirror matches and when you are running just a little too slow in regards to your opponent! :D

Posted 15 June 2014 at 17:55 in reply to #471648 on Modern Burning


Alright Zaklax I'll check it out! :D S0rin guttersnipes are also out of the question, those are too slow for this deck as well, thank you though! :D

Posted 15 June 2014 at 17:51 in reply to #472182 on Dega Burn Modern Help Needed


Like I said in the description I had it mono colored to start with, and it just wasn't getting the job done. I would always come up short in some way, so I added the two colors to get more lower CMC burn spells. The fetches are in there to make sure I don't draw nearly as many lands late game, which is a huge detriment to my strategy, and adding removal other than burn is in the same vein, not much help in a burn deck. Blood Baron is completely out of the question too, thanks for all the suggestions though! :3 I may try maindecking a few lavamancers! :D

Posted 13 June 2014 at 16:22 in reply to #472182 on Dega Burn Modern Help Needed


Yeah I agree, Centaur Glade might be a good addition as a one or two of, it seems like there will lots of mana and nothing to do with it late game, so why not make more tokens with it? :D

Posted 31 May 2014 at 04:07 in reply to #468746 on Budget Duel: Tauros vs Centaur


Yeah significantly better, because they are more aggressive, which seems like what you are trying to be! :) Yeah if you don't want the shocklands that's understandable, but the Tempe of Plenty will help you ship later lands to the bottom of your deck and let you get to more combat tricks! :3

Posted 19 March 2014 at 02:26 in reply to #447582 on Selesnya's Heroic Stardard


Whoops, sorry Ninja meant the other guy... DX

Posted 16 March 2014 at 03:39 in reply to #447256 on Hey, Soul Sister


PhyrexianPossum normally I would agree that thinning your deck is a good idea, I just don't think this deck can afford to do so, since one of your main win conditions is to make serra ascendant a very large threat and swing in a bunch, fetching for plains a few times could actually hurt you by making your ascendant not able to become a 6/6 the turn you need it to. Just my thoughts on the issue, but honestly I love this deck idea, it's very cool and I've wanted to make it myself! :D

Posted 16 March 2014 at 03:28 in reply to #447256 on Hey, Soul Sister


Yeah but in a heroic deck, you are looking to kill your opponent as quick as possible, and while I think sunbond is bonkers good in some decks, I don't think it is in this one because that combo is too conditional on having both cards.

Posted 16 March 2014 at 03:22 in reply to #447583 on Selesnya's Heroic Stardard


Yeah I agree, Lightning Serpent isn't a very efficient aggro card, the only deck it really has a place in that I can see is the Food Chain Misthollow Griffin combo deck, when that's a creature that would just grow infinitely large and kill your opponent. But I do agree, it's just not what this deck is looking for.

Posted 16 March 2014 at 03:19 in reply to #447223 on Swing and Fling


I feel like that enchantment wouldn't be a good idea, yeah it gives him some extra damage but it would result in being two cards down instead of having another elemental that he could swing with, and if the elemental gets killed with the enchantment he would be two for oned instead of just one for oned.

Posted 16 March 2014 at 03:17 in reply to #446886 on Swing and Fling


You are missing some very powerful commons for this deck in the form of giant growth and Phytoburst, both of which were why I made my own GW Heroic deck. Mind you I wasn't based around the Eidolon, but I was able to kill turn 3-4 pretty efficiently. Also you could use some Temple of Plenty and Temple Gardens to help your mana base, since you are a deck that wants to hit your opponent very quickly, lands like selesnya guildgate and unknown shores are either too slow or don't work as efficiently as the lands I suggested.

Posted 16 March 2014 at 03:12 as a comment on Selesnya's Heroic Stardard


I would replace diabolic edict with Geth's Verdict, same effect except they lose one life. :)

Posted 14 March 2014 at 03:56 as a comment on FEAR ME!!


Also I think Worldfire isn't legal either.

Posted 14 March 2014 at 03:44 as a comment on Jaya Ballard, Task Mage EDH


I don't think Emrakul is legal in EDH... Maybe I'm wrong but I'd check the banned list if I were you... :)

Posted 14 March 2014 at 03:42 as a comment on Jaya Ballard, Task Mage EDH


I dunno if it'll fit with your strategy but why not Phyrexian Processor? :3 Seems good in a token deck! :D

Posted 14 March 2014 at 03:36 as a comment on Leaving Gifts Behind


Yeah, but that's not what he's trying to do with the deck. His strategy is to kill his opponents with mass token swarm, killing all of his tokens seems counter-intuitive to the strategy.

Posted 13 March 2014 at 04:36 in reply to #445504 on BW Tokens Modern


You're right, zero would be better since he is a token strategy. :)

Posted 11 March 2014 at 20:40 in reply to #445504 on BW Tokens Modern


Yes, but bloodline keeper will most likely never see the ability to buff the tokens, because he will get killed before doing anything.

Posted 10 March 2014 at 04:35 in reply to #445124 on BW Tokens Modern


Yeah I'd put in Brimaz over something like Bloodline Keeper, the buff to your Sorin tokens isn't worth it over the efficiency that Brimaz offers, plus he doesn't die to Lightning Bolt like the Keeper does... :)

Posted 10 March 2014 at 04:34 in reply to #444991 on BW Tokens Modern


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