
200 Decks, 365 Comments, 74 Reputation

No prob, though this deck still seems super broken even if you kept it with Darksteel Colossus... XD

Posted 16 January 2015 at 17:57 in reply to #528851 on You're Dead!


Is the creature in your deck supposed to be Blightsteel or Darksteel? You have Darksteel in your deck and Blightsteel in your how to play... X3

Posted 13 January 2015 at 23:57 as a comment on You're Dead!


Have you thought about adding Damia as either the commander or just put in the deck? She's amazing because of the card draw power she can give you, I would also recommand Jin Gitaxias for the same reason.

Posted 13 January 2015 at 18:09 as a comment on First Commander Deck


Right, but I have usually found that they don't do what I want, like let me draw cards because they can just counter the other spells I draw or have removal for the devil. Soulfire may actually swing that, and could actually make a deck on her own because of being able to make such large life point swings! I like that idea... Off to brewing! XD

Posted 10 January 2015 at 03:23 in reply to #526463 on White Flame


Also how has browbeat been in your deck? I always found that the card did exactly what I didn't want it to when I cast it because of the choice by the opponent, same with Vexing Devil.

Posted 10 January 2015 at 00:49 in reply to #526463 on White Flame


Dayum, this deck comment section went downhill fast... XD Also I tend to have the same mentality that you most of the time need to shell out a lot of money to make a deck good, while I don't really like it there are some card choices that are just better than others. This is why Netdecking is a legitimate strategy, because you can see what is doing well in the meta currently, and make deck choices based on what is doing better at the time. I used to get a lot of shit from my friends because I was "too competitive" and I was a "try hard", this doesn't mean you can't have fun playing a deck that isn't "sub-optimal", it just means that you may just have a different style of play than others. While I do spend a lot of money on my decks, I tend to do it because I like winning my matches instead of scratching my head and always thinking about how my cards seem absolutely terrible in comparison to other cards that are more expensive but maybe not as good. This is just me though, it does still irritate me when someone bashes on another persons idea (this didn't seem like what was going on here) instead of just trying to help them. Helping other players is something I take pride in, mainly players who are just younger or not as experienced, and I think that's what we all look to do as magic players; help those who aren't as "good" at the game as us in order to make our beloved game live on. There, rant over. X3

Posted 10 January 2015 at 00:47 in reply to #526463 on White Flame


I don't really need heirarch, you're right but he makes the deck just a little better, making it easier to get infect in while not using up spells to do so. I dunno I guess that depends on your definition of budget, when I think budget in modern I think maybe $50 tops. Don't see burn being able to be reliably good without using the spells that are good, but I could be wrong, sometimes going against the system can be a good thing. Dunno if that's reasonable right now, with modern being such a fast format, but I guess that depends on the meta.

Posted 06 January 2015 at 23:49 in reply to #526463 on White Flame


Honestly I have been considering making mono green or green blue infect in modern, but only if noble hierarch gets a reprint. X3 RDW isn't even very budget anymore, with eidolons getting close to $10, Guides at almost $20 and Swiftspears at $10 a playset it doesn't feel very budget to me (though I'm thinking straight competitively), plus the burn spells that are necessary for the deck to work are going above $1 a piece for the most part. I just don't think a good RDW list can even be considered budget anymore.

Posted 06 January 2015 at 23:04 in reply to #526463 on White Flame


Splooge knows how to pilot a burn deck, that's for sure! :D

Posted 06 January 2015 at 22:55 in reply to #526468 on White Flame


Honestly I think cruise can still be a three of and work just fine, I've been running a similar list for a few weeks now and can consistently run out my sideboard kor firewalkers and cast my cruises in the same game with little trouble (minus losing lots of life). While fetches are expensive for some, they are absolutely necessary in this type of deck that wants to be able to consistently run out red, white and blue spells, so the cost is worth it in my opinion.

Posted 06 January 2015 at 22:54 in reply to #526463 on White Flame


Why not two cruise? :3 Honestly I've been having a lot of success in my modern burn list running two cruises, maybe you could drop a browbeat for another cruise?

Posted 06 January 2015 at 14:02 in reply to #526463 on White Flame


Cloudshift doesn't actually work, when you blink kiki with resto it resets kiki so you can copy resto, which blinks kiki and allows you to create another copy of resto and therefore making infinite restoration angels. This is the same type of line used with deciever/pestermite/conscripts as well (minus the blinking and add untap effects upon etb) which makes the combo work. Cloudshift makes a single blink effect which does not allow for the infinite combo to work. Hope this helps clear up the understanding. Also how does this deck even combo off? I understand two galvanizers and a mana producing myr go infinite, but how does this usually combo off? Just seems like you don't have enough mana producers for this to be viable...

Posted 06 January 2015 at 13:27 in reply to #525850 on Splinta twin yo face with myrs


Why didn't I have future sight in here already along with the magus of the future? DX True, and polymorph triggers Talrand... Gonna add that in too... :3 The fountain seems interesting, I'll have to think about that one...

Posted 10 December 2014 at 17:20 in reply to #521813 on Talrand, Summoner of Counters


Right that's what I thought, but I've been hearing that this deck is like a combo deck, and when I used to play it back when theros first came out, it certainly felt like one as well. I guess you have a good point and the life really isn't worth it so I'll take them out. Thanks!

Posted 09 December 2014 at 14:11 in reply to #521798 on The Heroes Gotham Needs


Hmmmm... I remembered auriok champion and didn't run it for some reason, probably because Kor Firewalker is almost as good right now, so I may run those instead... :D

Posted 09 December 2014 at 12:54 in reply to #521554 on Puresteel Weenies


Yeah and I'm sure you made your opponent sigh after those amazing turn ones... XD

Posted 09 December 2014 at 12:51 in reply to #521534 on Whiteout (legacy lockdown)


Gotcha, I've been putting up really good numbers with my burn list still, I haven't not gotten within either top 8 or 4 at my LGS. :3 Maybe that's because helix is just really good against them, rakdos charm even better, I dunno delver seems really easy to beat with Mardu burn... :D

Posted 09 December 2014 at 12:50 in reply to #518331 on Suicide Burn


Also this deck is very reminiscent of MUD decks in vintage... :3

Posted 08 December 2014 at 14:41 as a comment on Whiteout (legacy lockdown)


This deck is absolutely gross, this seems really good right now with all the delver decks running around! Chalice on one on turn one, trinisphere or sphere of resistance turn two seems like scooping material... XD

Posted 08 December 2014 at 14:38 as a comment on Whiteout (legacy lockdown)


Confidant seems slow and out of place I guess, is he any good in this delver heavy meta right now?

Posted 08 December 2014 at 14:32 in reply to #518331 on Suicide Burn


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