
290 Decks, 110 Comments, 29 Reputation

its usable i guess but i avoided it just due to how little basics we run and how hard it is to hit 5 mana in this list compared to 4, this list can eventually cast everything but getting to 4 super fast for the big land destruction spells means a lot and it's kinda tuned for that.
if i ever need another land ramp spell then yeah its an include, it just depends on how slow your ok with playing this

if i had to replace anything with it id replace plow under

Posted 21 December 2017 at 00:37 in reply to #609949 on Land Destruction EDH


unironically consistent in goldfishing
pretty interesting deck, interesting wincon as well

Posted 09 December 2017 at 21:00 as a comment on Legacy turn 1 all in 0 land


>veteran explorer without recurring nightmare
step it up son
you should also cut down the 1 ofs and go for some more consistency, like really take a look at waht is good and what you need especially since pod is slow and your not running a combo pod list (like melira pod or kiki pod package)

if you want to make it a ramp deck exclusively then you probably dont need or want pod
if you want to make it a pod deck then it looks like you just need melira combo and some better stepping stone choices and your golden because many of these creatures dont actually hold up well in legacy
your gonna want some glen elandra archmages, finks, melira, maybe venser (the creature), probably thought knot seer and some ancient tombs if you want the pod package

if you want the ramp game then get yourself to recurring nightmare + veteran explorer and use mostly fetches + basics with a win con as a big X spell or giant uncounterable dudes or even just gigantic walking ballistas would do the trick (probably ramp with 4 of ballista would be the way to go with ramp)

your deck is trying to do too much at once, focus man

oh also consider leovold for either build if you like this color combo

Posted 09 December 2017 at 06:30 as a comment on Gene Machine - Legacy


memes, spelling, >losing snapcaster mage, go back to reddit, etc.

Posted 09 December 2017 at 06:13 in reply to #609425 on Venser EDH


extort is reminder text, as for prime time ye w/e ill replace it with some shit

Posted 19 February 2016 at 14:11 as a comment on Bant Stax EDH


this happened recently fag, way after this was published

Posted 03 February 2016 at 09:17 in reply to #573917 on Pauper Insight High Tide


looking at this list the only thing I can see you cutting without touching anything else (since Gary is going to give you a million life anyways) is the whip

if you want to touch a lot more you can cut two diabolic tutors and change the last tutor to another way to draw cards, probably sign in blood or read the bones since read the bones can potentially dig 4 and for one less mana it can be more relevant than tutor. As for your creature base you have a lot of fun stuff going on and if you wanted to keep the tutors the only thing I can see being lackluster in a lot of matchups is blood artist since it has such a small back end (1 toughness) but I would need to play this list to see how integral it is to you winning.

Some things you are doing here are cool as all hell though, I would have never thought of massacre wurm for a MBD list, I tend to lean towards black suns zenith but if you can get it early enough it does WORK.

Also have you considered a split between mutilate, black suns zenith, and damnation? It might be worth it to do a 1/1/1 split since if your low on swamps but have a high devotion then zenith is fantastic, damnation may be able to hit things your mutilate cant hit at the time, but their are other times mutilate will do more damage per say than black suns zenith. If you do this you also make yourself better against things like meddling mage and surgical extraction for next to no detriment to your list at all. Especially since BSZ can also be used as a 3 mana tempo play against lingering souls tokens and bitterblossom against a faeries matchup (it kills a lot of their list at 3 mana).

Hope you have luck with this list, it looks fun as all hell!

Posted 16 May 2015 at 17:21 in reply to #549727 on Competitive Decks: Black Sac


this thing is just begging for bitterblossom

Posted 16 May 2015 at 06:35 as a comment on Competitive Decks: Black Sac


needs way more spell snare

Posted 16 May 2015 at 06:33 as a comment on USA Control


yeah, but then again this is a whole 'nother beast. Ive never seen anything quite like this before.

oh lordy gush in red! thats completely nuts. If you test this list more let me know, I love the hell out of aggressive mining.

Posted 14 May 2015 at 06:28 in reply to #549470 on Well, that's all I got


yeah I can see tithe doing tons of work in this list, especially since it can find your plateau and tundra.

need to ask though, how good is aggressive mining in this list? Looks like you can go nuts with it, especially with manabond

Posted 14 May 2015 at 06:22 in reply to #549470 on Well, that's all I got


i know how land tax works but at the same time man you wont always get land tax in hand. In many parfait builds I've seen they have at least 20 lands and scrying sheets.

Posted 14 May 2015 at 06:12 in reply to #549470 on Well, that's all I got


you should do a 2/2 split between dragon fodder and krenko's command since they are the exact same card but a different name. This prevents that card from being ripped by things like surgical extraction, meddling mage, and nevermore. Not needed but may one day come in handy since you lose absolutely nothing from the 2/2 split.

looks interesting as all hell tho, thats for sure.

Posted 14 May 2015 at 06:07 as a comment on jund attempt 1


18 lands for mox diamond? Your asking to have a dead diamond in hand.

Posted 14 May 2015 at 06:03 as a comment on Well, that's all I got


surprised you put both tezzerets in their over just the mono blue one since the mono blue one turns on vault and finds it too. Also no steel sabotage in the main?

Posted 14 May 2015 at 06:00 as a comment on I pass the turn-- to myself.


fiend is literally bad tasigur man, you should also probably go up to 4 goyfs and move the oozes to SB

Posted 14 May 2015 at 05:59 as a comment on Grixis Delver (Modern)


so the win is what, a gigantic sage?

Posted 10 May 2015 at 03:54 as a comment on Modern - Bant Combo


mudhole has been used in sideboards against lands before, when it was big.

Posted 06 May 2015 at 23:30 as a comment on Worst cards EVER!


descendants path and hardened scales seems really slow here and do nothing on their own. You would probably be better off with something like say domri rade and splash some stomping grounds or sacred foundries.
Then you could also run bolt or boros charm, probably boros charm since it does WORK in creature based lists.

Posted 29 April 2015 at 01:32 as a comment on Modern Allies!


the way reflecting pool is worded it would produce any color of mana after you drop cavern of souls or hive. Since you only run 1 fetch im guessing thinning is no issue so it seems like a fantastic addition to this. You could also try a 1 of ancient ziggurat and maybe some cities of brass if you really dont care about your life total that much.

Hivelord seems really out of place, you could probably get more milage out of opaline sliver so you can keep the gas going like no tomarrow.

Posted 29 April 2015 at 01:27 as a comment on Modern slivers


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