
11 Decks, 9 Comments, 0 Reputation

This deck kicks ass.

Decks like this have me considering running 4 Whipflares, 4 Naturalize, 4 Ancient Grudge, 4 Slagstorm, and 4 Arc Trail mainboard in my deck just in hopes of slowing this type of deck down, unfortunately that doesn't hardly leave any room in my deck for my own creatures. :-((

Posted 18 November 2011 at 19:54 as a comment on Shit your pants on turn 3


Well, tonight I when to the local MTG store "MTG Deals" and I got talked into playing a FNM tourney. I didn't really have a well prepared Standard deck so I thought what the heck i'll get rid of the Werewolves casual Legacy sideboard and replace it with a hastely thrown together Standard sideboard and see how it well it will do.

Well as you might of guess as my dad used to say "Anything done in haste is likely to go to waste".
I lost all the games I played thought I came close to winning in a few as someone told me close only counts when playing with horse shoes or hand grenades. As least I got a nice foil promo card for my time.

Hopefully I learned something from the humbling and I've made the following changes to the deck so in the future it might possibly win a few games.

Cut 4 Ranger's Guile added 4 Arc Trail this hopefully will help against all the free tokens generators
especially Timely Reinforcments.

Have put in a Standard sideboard

Posted 12 November 2011 at 10:50 as a comment on realdecks - R/G Werewolves Deck


Last night had pleasant suprise when this deck beat a deck that was built to abuse Pyromancer's Swath and which the player hoped to take to PTQ. This cheap werewolves made him change his mind.

Posted 11 November 2011 at 17:50 as a comment on realdecks - R/G Werewolves Deck


Hi agnorak262,

Sundial of the Infinite decks are so much fun. Not much wrong withthe deck except you can't have 2 assault strobes in the sideboard because that makes the total number of assault strobes 5 in the deck.

Would appreciate your thoughts on my Sundial Reanimator Deck. See how I manage to do a turn 3 Nicolas Bolas and keep it in play with help from a Sundial of the Infinite.

realdecks - black Ghoulcaller's Sundial Deck
Deck link:

Posted 11 November 2011 at 00:58 as a comment on [Ruling Help] Sundial Aggro Burn


Hi Blakroc,

You asked me to look at your deck and comment on it.
First off you haven't any bad choices in your cards. But you don't have a sideboard.

Here's a possible side board
4 Bad moons
4 Pyroblast
4 Red Elemental Blast
3 Pillage

I've never made a dragon deck but I do love to bring out big creatures super fast with thngs like
show and tell, tinker, polymorph, defense of the heart, oath of ghouls, entonb/exhume and for red there is sneak attack add sundial of the infinite and you can be bringing out a big creature and keeping it
after the turn ends.

So maybe experiment and cut the 4 geosurge and add 4 add sneak attack to your deck.

Posted 11 November 2011 at 00:33 as a comment on Blood and Thunder


Hi Edna,

Your comments are spot on. I have the same concerns this deck needing more card draw and replacing the elvish warrior with something either with more toughness and power or with great utility.

The orginal deck was an all commons deck just replace the winter orb and Bounty of the Hunt with more Symbiosis and Briar Shields and you have the orginal deck. But I got tried of it just barely losing
to more expensive deck. Though it had its share of wins agains decks costing hundreds of time more.

The deck really, really, really needs winter orb to put real pressure on the opponent.

Currently, I'm thinking of replacing the Elvish warrior with 2 Harvest Wurm and 2 Plant Elementals.
I've already tried River boa, Dungrove Elder, and Silhana Ledgewalker and wasn't impressed.

Another possible option is to replace the Elvish warrior with some mixture of the following cards Naturalize, Hurricane, Noxious Revival, Gixtaxian Probe, Mental Misstep, or Regrowth, or Sylvan Library.

I'll have to do some testing and then make the change.

Thanks for the input. If you have any decks you'd like me to check out and comment on post it here

Posted 09 November 2011 at 17:13 as a comment on realdecks - green stompy deck.


Hi shadowhide01,

Glad you like the deck. You have any decks you want me to check out post them here.

Posted 09 November 2011 at 16:18 as a comment on realdecks - R/U myr splinter twin deck


Hi RaiderKorn,

Thanks for commenting. I appreciate all the effort you have made. I'm not sure if a causal deck is worth
all that effort.

Some of your earily points as you have already noted were off the mark . There are more than 4 creatures in the deck.

Some of your points have some validity. For example "your draws cannot guarantee combos like Artifacts and Rebirth", but the odds are in my favor see explainaton below.

Some suggestions I not even sure if it is possible to make the suggested improvements without radically altering the deck. For example how to handle Viridian Emissary, I don't know Disintegrate, Demon Fire, Magma Spray, Red Sun's Zenith are all possibilities. I guess I could add a few in sideboard but honestly I don't worry to overly much about ramp decks they typically start to go off around turn 4 or 5 and I hopefully will have the opponent dead by direct damage by then.

Yes, you're right I can not guarantee combos, but as long as I mulligan for 2 land the deck seems to
work pretty consistantly. Because of the odds of finding a combo or a fireblast is over 50% of the time.
See explaination below.

The deck is not completely crippled against protect red it does have Black Vise, but I think you have a point more artifact damage might be useful. Adding a few Cursed scrolls or Shrines of Burning Rage is a possibility, though I am doubtful that Shrines will improve the speed of this deck.

Please trying playing the deck with the draw sample hand link. Test the deck. Most of your suggestions are about trying to make this deck into some thing its not meant to be a creature attack deck. This deck is all about killing by direct damage.

There is very valid reason this deck has so few creatures and that these creatures are not meant to last long. I'm am trying to gain virtual card advantage by limiting the opponent's useful creature kill cards. Every creature kill card they can't use in their hand is kind of card advantage to me. Why should I care about blocking or attacking if 2 red mana can convert into 10 poiints damage with Goblin Gernade or 4 red mana can convert into 10 points damage with Shrapnel Blast?

Because this deck is all about direct damage to opponent I really don't care about an opponent's protection red creatures if I can kill the opponent by turn 3 or 4 with direct damage (only a few creature decks can kill by turn 3 or 4) and this deck does typically makes enough blockers and burn to remove or slow most early creature threats.

Now combo decks are hard to handle a Show and Telled Emrakul, the Aeons Torn is hard to stop in mainboard, but with a side board of basically 12 blue hate cards this deck does fine in the second game against many blue combo decks.

If you look at my cards all my instants an sorceries and compare damage to mana cost it
works out to and average of 2.36 damage (118 damage/50) per mana spent. So if I spend
on average 6 mana per 3 turns on instants and sorceries I should do on average 14.16 damage by turn 3. Add some Black vise damage (3-4 damage) or a Goblin Guide or Kulthada Rebirth attack damage (2 points) and the deck can consistantly do around 16-17 points damage by turn 3 and if I get lucky and I draw a Fireblast or a needed combo piece by turn 3 (greater that 60.7% chance see explaination below) that normally is game over if opponent goldfishes and doesn't counter any of my spells.

(4) 0 mana 4 damage
(4) 1 mana 5 damage
(8) 1 mana 3 damage
(4) 2 mana 5 damage
(4) 2 mana 4 damage
(4) 2 mana 3 damage
(2) 3 mana 5 damage

draw a Fireblast over 3 turns. 4/60 + 4/59 + 4/58 = 20.3 % chance
2 card combo (Goblin Gernade + Goblin Guide, Goblin Gernade + Kulthada Rebirth, Shrapnel Blast + Black Vise + Shrapnel Blast + Great Furnace) about 10.1 % chance per combo = 40.4% chance of getting a combo
thus total chance to get game ender card about 60.7% chance by turn 3
If my calculations are wrong please feel free to correct me I'm not a math major.

To summarize,

Your point about adding artifact damage is noted. I'll consider adding something, but it's hard to find
anything as good as Black Vise for a low mana deck and that wlll not slow the deck down.

Adding more creatures is unlikely unless it has haste, can't be countered, and is hexproof and can swing for more than three points damage. Thus adding Spark elemental is a slight possibility, but I'm not sure if its worth the loss of virtual card advantage this deck enjoys over decks that are heavy with instant creature removal.

Again thanks for the challenge of your comments. Hope I've adequately addressed your concerns about the deck.

Posted 09 November 2011 at 02:07 as a comment on realdecks - red burn


Hi RaiderKrom,

First off thanks for commenting on the deck even though I disagree with most of what you've written.
I appreciate the effort and it does force me to more closely look at my assumptions of how the deck should work and provides and opportunity to explain why I made the choices I did.

You may be new beginning player and not familiar with the idea of suicidal black decks. The idea of this deck is to swarm the opponent with too many creatures to respond to and reduce their ability to response by playing a variety of discard cards.

While Doom Blade is an excellent card and I think Go for the Throat is slightly better. Contagion with its ability to be cast for zero mana is superior to both. At one time I had 3 Dismember in the deck instead of Phyrexian Arena and Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon and one less land. Feel free to add Dismembers the deck does well with them, but this deck does better in the metagame environment I play against which is pretty heavy with creature destruct and red burn.

Liliana's Caress is an interesting idea and perhaps might help in certain situations especially if the
deck was more focused on discard. The discard in this deck is to support the creature attack.
Perhaps if I had more creatures or spells that caused discard then Liliana's caress would make more sense. I have made a deck that uses Liliana's Caress quite powerfully you might want to look at it.

Discard Kill Deck

Posted 08 November 2011 at 19:21 as a comment on realdecks - black discard deck
