
11 Decks, 786 Comments, 6 Reputation

Nomads enKor + Cephalid Illusionist ..... Yup.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 21:26 as a comment on en-kor please


It happens, and no matter what you can not control it. The thing is though, realizing when it is that or if it is you or the deck. Being able to look at your deck and say, this is why I lost is what makes people better.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 21:22 as a comment on dragonskull


Look at my decks if you want to see what I mean, comment if you like and rate them if you want to. Check back on em later and I will have answers for you and advice for why I do this or this. My deck ratings are not much of issue to me, most people do not like my stuff because it is competitive so I just already know they wont be high ratings.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 21:19 as a comment on dragonskull


Unfortunately, I do not play much of Type 2... BUT! I can tell you a few tips: Keep the deck Consistant, Keep it Simple (Best Plans are Simple and Easily Changed), Keep it at 60 Cards, Metagame like a BIATCH, keep cards with high costs a VERY minimum, Ask yourself why and how many?, Playtest, and of course my favorite: LOSE. When you lose, you think. If you win, you do not think. Kinda a funny thing isn't it? Even I am guilty of it (trying to get better), when I love I actually think about what went wrong and think of ways I can remedy the situation or even if what caused me to lose was not just sheer luck? Keep that in mind aswell, no matter how fine tuned and toned a deck is (Even my, I am above NO exceptions) you are going to lose and you ARE going to have bad draws and you WILL have one day sometimes where no matter who it is you are playing (better than you or bottom of the barrel) you are going to lose to them because your luck that day is just garbage. I always struggled with that problem the most starting out a ton. For this deck though, Invest in the new Fetchlands because they are a great opportunity for players who do not have the old ones and try adding more creatures with effects while keeping creature removal pretty high. I think you should have some evasive creatures that are not as easy to remove here, Troll Ascetic is a good example even though you cannot play him. If you are going for Aggro, add more creatures, if going for Control, leave it like this but think about your deck like I said to.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 21:15 as a comment on dragonskull


And thats a pretty long time, so long you will most likely be dead. Just being honest, atleast you see my points though. Even if you hold a counter for their counter though, they still get to untap and have a full set up before you have a chance to protect him again though.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 21:01 as a comment on dragonskull


I have seen them, infact, I own a near playset of all the Planeswalkers. I have seen what they do, but against a very good player, those abilities are never going to go off. I have watched players tap out all their Mana for their beloved Planeswalker, only to see if die next turn because of a few measly creatures. Or just seen it countered, or Vindicated... lol I loved the Vindicate event... so hilarious. Dont believe or think what I am saying is right? If not, look at the burn-ish deck posted on the new decks right now and look at the Forced Dreams V2 list under the Popular Decks section. People who usually listen to me or atleast think about what I am saying turn out a whole lot better. I do not want to smother you, I want to increase your ability and potential.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 20:55 as a comment on dragonskull


Exactly, another point, why bother with the Planeswalker cards? I usually ignore em anyway. I am just trying to make you think a little more in depth about how Planeswalkers work and their reliability. Especially playing 1 of a card you must have. Garruk is the best Planeswalker, think about it alittle.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 20:47 as a comment on dragonskull


If it was meant for fast paced play, then why would you play High Costing cards? Also, what does 4 of a card in the deck have to do with Mana Cost? This is a rule of thumb: If costs more than 5 Mana, and does not win you the game nearly immediantly... Then it really probably is not that good. Just throwing that out to you, not to mention Planeswalkers are so easily killed it is not even funny.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 20:42 as a comment on dragonskull


You sound like a person who has potential though, if you do not like Standard, then look in to Legacy. That is more up your alley, play with cards from any sets. No Restricted, just Banned. Or, you can play a format we commonly play where I am from: Vintage 2.0. Vintage rules, but Banned Power 9 so you can still use Demonic Tutor and Tinker and such. Think about it.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 20:40 as a comment on way cooler retarded deck


I know where you are coming from aswell, do not get me wrong for one second. I have one goal though, and that is to nurture players to become better players. Without better players, will I ever have fun? Nooo~................................ That is why if you ever read my comments on other decks, I give other suggestions to things even if I do not like the deck. I give hidden purpose and ideas and tips within a suggestion. How did I get good? By what I am doing now. How did it start? Getting my A$$ handed to me every week for 2 years.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 20:33 as a comment on way cooler retarded deck


Yes, it is a challenge, but is it fair or fun? Not really, for me atleast it would not be fun. When I played Flash Hulk, was it fun? Hell no, it sucked hardcore to come in and win every week at events and walk away with cards I had won... Well, more like essentially just walked in and stole basically. It sucked, but I played it because I knew it was good. What happened when I lost my first game with it? To my surprise, everyone I had been nurturing learned something valuable. Building the deck for a Legacy which required extensive thought was fun, but in the end was it worth it? Hell yes, I learned what I needed to play and I learned how to be successful under restrictions that forced everyone under a fair playing field. A challenge may be fun, but when you do not stand a chance it is not. I have played people with Power 9 and won, why? Because they had terrible deck builds. If you wanted to play me with all my tutors and such and no restrictions, I would have no fun what so ever. I might not even play because of how unfun it would be.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 20:29 as a comment on way cooler retarded deck


if it was built around a card, shouldn't you run 4 of it? I am just poking at you, trying to see what your reasoning is in card choices.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 20:23 as a comment on dragonskull


Also, Black Lotus costs nothing if you win em.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 20:18 as a comment on way cooler retarded deck


And the creators put restrictions on them because they feel it is what is best for the game. The whole reason for banning or restricting a card is not because of how powerful it is, they do it only when it warps an enviroment to the point it no longer is what it is. Standard has been going through this ALOT lately, with the Swans decks and such that win off a near infinite loop, and no none of the cards will be restricted because outside Standard they are not much good. The point is, cards that are Restricted and Banned are so good that they really do not require any form of skill to play or any skill to deck building. When you add Banned and Restricted to the mix, you have to take in to account the fact you may not draw one of the cards that essentially duplicates the key card in your deck 4 times. When you play with Banned and Restricted, you begin to have a more in depth thinking process as to making a deck. EACH card, not just a few, are carefully considered and playtested over and over again until the decision is made: does this belong here? Then an even more confusing question: How many do I run? Adding 4 Demonic Tutor solves that problem instantly! Hell, I might as well run 1 of this card and 4 Demonic Tutor and 4 Vampiric so I have 9 of it in my deck anyway! :D Thats what I would do atleast if I wanted to play without those factors. Hell, why not just run 1 of Everything important and run all 4 of my Demonic Tutor, Vampiric Tutor, Enlightened Tutor, and Mystical Tutor in one deck?! :D (Yes I have them lol)

Posted 07 October 2009 at 20:17 as a comment on way cooler retarded deck


btw, my deck does win turn one :P with Mill so its cooler lol and its uncounterable thanks to the.... 10 pact of Negation! Dun Dun Dun!

Posted 07 October 2009 at 20:03 as a comment on way cooler retarded deck


Exactly! lol And that is how it would have all ended up being if it was not for the restrictions! Still, I like this because I can just see someone going: Are you going to play anything else besides Ancestral Recall or Black Lotus? Your going to run out of cards....... What Banefire? Wtf?

Posted 07 October 2009 at 20:01 as a comment on way cooler retarded deck


See! This is exactly my point for my there HAS to be restrictions!

Posted 07 October 2009 at 19:59 as a comment on way cooler retarded deck


Could you explain the Planeswalkers for me? Why you need em.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 19:56 as a comment on dragonskull


Oh I see, my bad my friend.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 19:56 as a comment on dragonskull


Need 4 more cards to make it legal, other than that, lot of removal lol! Not to sure why you need all these planeswalkers... but.... alright!

Posted 07 October 2009 at 19:50 as a comment on dragonskull


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