
11 Decks, 786 Comments, 6 Reputation

Not a good deck idea, look at my Control Sliver deck if you want to see how true slivers are ran in competition. Your not even running the best Sliver, Crystalline Sliver.

Posted 05 October 2009 at 21:42 as a comment on Rampaging Slivers


Posted 05 October 2009 at 21:41 as a comment on Rampaging Slivers


Coat of Arms isnt needed, as stated above.

Posted 04 October 2009 at 17:43 as a comment on The Black Death


I agree, it is really overrated. In the long run it really is not a deck to play.

Posted 04 October 2009 at 17:41 as a comment on upon the cross


I have extirpated this deck at a Legacy tour! It was hilarious! Still fun to play with. Take a look at my Suicide deck for a mono black competitive play deck.

Posted 04 October 2009 at 17:39 as a comment on The Black Death


Hey ZombieFanboy! Good to see you posting again, if you have MSN or any messenger my account name here is my profile so I can give some more advice easier. Anyway, this reminds me slight of my Suicide deck based on the old 1.5 Format before it became Vintage. Have a look, and especially look at Carnophage and Sarcomancy.

Posted 04 October 2009 at 14:36 as a comment on Xathrid Zombies


You really should look at my Domain deck for something you could consider building for Standard. Use Fetchlands with Adventurers Gear on the Gigapede. A Domain style deck is what is going to be successful, Aggro with Burn and you have to take advantage of the Cheap guys with Landfall. I played in a Sealed and Draft event so I know whats going on with the Standard world. Check out my Domain deck for some ideas again, you usually listen to my advice so have at it. Best thing I can tell you, keep going back. NO MATTER how outmatched you are or how many cards they have in value over you, keep going back because LOSING is how you learn. Its why I am ranked at the top in my state today.

Posted 04 October 2009 at 14:34 as a comment on first attempt at a competitive standard deck (help please!!!!!)


This is casual play though, so it could be fun to play around with.

Posted 04 October 2009 at 14:31 as a comment on B/W Life gain


Vindicate?..... Vindicate Anyone? Gerrard's Verdict? Lifegain is not a viable strategy in Magic... it just is not.

Posted 04 October 2009 at 14:31 as a comment on B/W Life gain


Welcome to the boards by the way.

Posted 04 October 2009 at 14:18 as a comment on wizard and djinn fury


LOL its like a Hilander deck, because it almost is one. Cute, really cute. Its not competitive worthy... but its cute. Have a look at some of my decks if you wanna see competitive play decks from tournaments I play in and I play.

Posted 04 October 2009 at 14:16 as a comment on wizard and djinn fury


Land destruction is not needed here either, Mutavault is amazing. You need to realize something, you HAVE 4 Colors!!!!!!! You need to take advantage of what those 4 colors can give you and those are what I put above. Blue is the best color in Magic, but it just does not always get you there. When you use the Blue draw spells, what happens is pretty simple.... you draw in to what you would have drawn and go.... Oh... well... if I had just had this in my deck these would already been in my hand... and its just not needed. The draw spells work alot better in a heavy control deck.

Posted 04 October 2009 at 14:12 as a comment on WTB Delete Deck Button


Where is Goblin Lackey? I am a little confused... I do not see the best aggro goblin in existance in here.... Nor Gobline Piledriver.... Wtf?

Posted 04 October 2009 at 14:06 as a comment on Goblin WINS again


Oh, and do check out my Worldgorger Deck again if you want to see the combo posted.

Posted 04 October 2009 at 14:02 as a comment on Hymn of the Seventh Chorus


Why Idylic Tutor when Enlightened Tutor is so much better? :)

Posted 04 October 2009 at 14:02 as a comment on Hymn of the Seventh Chorus


Similar, but your deck is NOT legal in any format. Also, you need fetchlands. You do NOT need Brainstorm or Ponder, those just get in the way and are not needed in this deck. Just good old Daze and Force of Will for Counter of course. Swords is good but you should include Duress to hit the bad cards and Vindicate... cause well... it kills anything? Stripmine banned in Legacy and Restricted in Vintage.

Posted 04 October 2009 at 14:00 as a comment on WTB Delete Deck Button


Added the combo to my deck so you can see it now, it is explained and does work.,

Posted 04 October 2009 at 13:56 as a comment on "X" Marks the Spot!


not a big deal

Posted 04 October 2009 at 04:10 as a comment on Punishing Control


Your playing 3 of all these creatures, that you do not have to have. Take a look at my decks, look at each creature, and then think why I only run 3 of a creature if ever. My example, Dark Confidant. Bob has one me so many tournaments it is not even funny, people always ask, why only 3 sometimes? Because, it is a card you usually do not want more than 3 of. When choosing a number count for a card, you have to consider how many of this card you could draw and be happy with and how often. If you notice my decks, I play very few 1,2, or even 3 of a card because of the fact I KNOW what I need to draw in order to keep myself in the game. This deck also has a funky curve, you have barely any cards that are low in cost, but many at higher costs (Yes, 4 and above is pretty high costing) and you only have 18 Lands. Every card should be a specially picked and very well thought out card, not just, oh! This will be amazing in this deck because it fits a theme! Also, selecting cards is important because there may be better cards out there: Reverence, why would you play this over Ghostly Prison or Propaganda? You shouldn't.

Posted 04 October 2009 at 03:53 as a comment on Punishing Control


Way off balance? in What Way? A good deck consists of a few things: A Amazing Mana Curve and Fixing, Consistancy, and Reliability.

Posted 04 October 2009 at 03:36 as a comment on Punishing Control


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