
11 Decks, 786 Comments, 6 Reputation

By the way, did you like my Best Deck Ever - Seriously! Deck?

Posted 07 October 2009 at 19:42 as a comment on burn-ish


Rangers is nice, but Yavimaya Elder is so much better and has so much more card advantage possibilities. Sure, I will trade my 1 creature for yours and get 2 more cards or... Sure, I will Sacrafice him to draw a card and then get 2 lands (Yes, you can use the Get 2 Lands ability first because of the stack and THEN draw for a chance at a better draw)

Posted 07 October 2009 at 19:41 as a comment on fast mana, big hydras


Your welcome, if you want some more look that the Forced Dreams V2 at the Popular Decks below, I commented pretty hard on that one at the bottom.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 19:39 as a comment on burn-ish


If you want to play Underworld Dreams, play a control deck.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 19:24 as a comment on Incomprehension


Thank you, I am glad you see that I am not trying to be degrading, I am trying to be constructive. I have played competitive for a long time, and most people get offended because I make comments like this. That is not my goal, in order for me to have fun I have to have better players and competitive players. In order to have those, the players like me have to help nurture. That is what my goal is, not belittle. Thanks for looking at my stuff by the way! +1

Posted 07 October 2009 at 19:19 as a comment on burn-ish


Enlightened Tutor is better

Posted 07 October 2009 at 19:14 as a comment on holy night


Yes, skilled when playing with no restrictions. :)

Posted 07 October 2009 at 19:13 as a comment on dragonstorm


Want to win really easy? Mishra's Bauble and Booby Trap with Mishra out... good times.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 19:11 as a comment on mishra artificer prodigy request deck


Pandamonium and Sapraling Burst would make a interesting deck because if you have Pandemonium out and you Remove all the counters from Sapraling Burst it will do over 20 damage, but having cards to help interact with Pandemonium more would be nice. Norin would work in this case. Other cards that bounce creatures are nice aswell with it, Shivan Wurm and Horned Kavu for instance. You could even play Flametounge Kavu, kill a creature, and use Pandemonium to deal some damage, then bounce the Kavu using Shivan Wurm to deal more damage while holding onto a Flametounge Kavu to kill something else. Another good idea would be using Eternal Witness the same way.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 18:48 as a comment on Norin To The Rescue


Yeah you really need Dual Lands, Birds of Paradise, and Wooded Foothills for this deck badly. Harrow has always been a favorite of mine since Tempest so it is possible to play it but honestly you need to just run more lands in general. Keep the deck at 60 cards (Smart!) and just play it over and over again and figure out which cards really are happy for you to see and which arent that good and make cuts for lands.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 18:44 as a comment on fast mana, big hydras


Uhhhh Where is Goblin Lackey and Goblin Piledriver?

Posted 07 October 2009 at 18:39 as a comment on goblin, the killer


If you MUST play Red/Black (I suggest just playing Sligh or Suicide), then you need Dark Confidant to help with the Card Advantage. Decks like these run out of cards way to quickly and most end up losing because of it. Check my decks for a list for both the decks I just mentioned. Also, Red Black (I commented on another deck like this awhile ago) in theory is good... But when you do it on paper and play it, it ends up completely different. Hand Disruption plus Creature Control?! Holy crap its amazing! Turns out... Not so much.... Usually the deck runs out of steam trying to decide which is more important, disruption or removal. If your going to play Red Black, decide, do I want to play most cost efficient creatures with hand removal and control leading to a slower game? or do I want to play cost efficient creatures with lots of burn to control the board and win quickly? Thats the best idea you can run with.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 18:36 as a comment on burn-ish


Terminate is good, but card advantage is better. With the amount of lands being played in this deck and with the mill idea here, Chainer's Edict would be more useful than Terminate or Diabolic Edict (Hard saying this). Also, do please remember that Entomb just got unrestricted in Legacy... Something to think about there.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 18:32 as a comment on All Killer, Graveyard Filler


Howling Mine and Underworld Dreams are NOT good. Check out the Forced Dreams V2 on the most popular decks listed below. I have a huge explanation as to why at the bottom of that deck. The guy who built the deck asked for my help by the way, so do not think I am just bullshitting you. Anyway. the reason is because Howling Mine gives the other player fuel to ruin you with. Usually, because they get the bonus first, they will either use the extra cards to destroy it or power out creatures to overrun you. Howling Mine really only sees play in Stasis lockdown decks and even then, people are afraid to play it because it makes them end up losing.

Posted 07 October 2009 at 18:30 as a comment on Incomprehension


Yes, and have fun playing a skilled player then.

Posted 05 October 2009 at 22:19 as a comment on dragonstorm


Crystalline Sliver is a Static Ability, aslong as it is in play it is always on. It never Activates, and it never Triggers. It is just on.

Posted 05 October 2009 at 22:14 as a comment on Anti Slivers


Um... Pithing Needle doesnt effect Cyrstalline Sliver?

Posted 05 October 2009 at 22:13 as a comment on Anti Slivers


One card: Hermit Druid if you want to win with Mortal Combat. Its a combo deck, got played alot in old Legacy before it got banned. That combo really just revolved around a few lands in the deck, very few, and using a accelerator to throw Hermit Druid out and then mill your whole deck and then play out Sutured Ghoul for the win using a reanimate spell.

Posted 05 October 2009 at 21:52 as a comment on zombie mill


Standard sucks :P Legacy is where the best players are, Standard is for the new guys. Aslong as the deck is legal in atleast ONE format, I really do not mind. Its people who make decks with 4 Demonic Tutor and 4 Tinker that bother me.

Posted 05 October 2009 at 21:50 as a comment on Playing with Plains.


Helix is a interesting card, but unfortunately it will not see any play until something amazing happens to produce infinite mana right off the bat. My Worldgorger Dragon deck I have posted could even run Helix and win on turn 1. Its just a matter of time before they make something stupid with it in Legacy or in Vintage. Power Artifact + Grim Monolith for example... With the cards I have, I would make this deck completely different, but with what you have I suppose it will work.

Posted 05 October 2009 at 21:44 as a comment on twisted grin


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