
11 Decks, 786 Comments, 6 Reputation

Noobs play BAD Slivers, Good Players play Control Sliver and win the Legacy Pro Tour at Gen Con :) Dont believe me? Look it up. 2008 Legacy Champion at Gen Con, Control Sliver.

Posted 03 October 2009 at 23:06 as a comment on Anti Slivers


Anti Slivers isnt a good strategy, Anti Creature is a good one. Hating on one creature type isnt going to be good in a Metagame. This deck is interesting because instead of being Anti Sliver, its more like anti creature with a very good creature at its Core. Plague Sliver is like Juzam Dijinn but ALOT less in cash but ALOT better aswell. if you want a Sliver deck, look at my Sliver Control deck,.

Posted 03 October 2009 at 23:03 as a comment on Anti Slivers


You asked for my help and honestly, you seem like the kind of person who is willing to listen to someone and think about what I said so do not think I am trying to be offensive here in anyway. I just like it call it how it is from a professional viewpoint. Underworld Dreams is a great card in its own mind set, but I am going to just say this outright and hope you understand: It is not a good card. Yes, it looks like something viable to play but in all honesty it just does not get the job done. Since you have a deck built around it though, I can give you a few guides to follow though to help you along. If I were you, I would build a control deck strictly like my Land Still deck I have posted here, and use Underworld Dreams as the kill condition and win the game over a long period of time. Play W/B/U Control, using Heavy Counter, Mass Removal (Wrath of God or Damnation), Spot removal (Path to Exile over Swords to Plowshares ONLY because this deck will win very and life total is something that rarely matters, but for this deck it is important), and NO things to speed up Underworld Dreams. Playing cards to speed up Underworld Dreams like Howling Mine and Mythos only gives your foe more fuel to win faster with, often enough to pump more than the 2-3 they are taking from Underworld Dreams. Next, Planeswalkers ARE NOT as good as everyone makes them out to be. They are easier to kill than creatures, always die quickly to smart players, and rarely make a difference in the game. They are a win more card, a card that basically makes winning easier when you probably already have the game won anyway, the only good ones are the self sufficient ones likes Garruk who actually have very cheap abilities, do not cost much, have a really low super ability, and can easily defend itself. Next, a control deck really does not need to worry about taking damage is another this, life in Magic: The Gathering only really matters once a player reaches 7 or so life. Your goal with Land Still and a deck I am promoting you to build, is to get Underworld Dreams out quickly and let your enemy walk all over you and only counter what you HAVE to counter. Then once you get down to around 7 life, clear the board with Wrath of God or Damnation and then use your Control cards (counterspells, spot removal, Vindicate) which should have been building up in your hand the whole game. My Land Still deck uses Standstill (its famous and key card) combined with Man Lands like Mishra's Factory to widdle down an enemies life total and act as blockers occasionally as minor threats and get around the Standstill activation. That is my advice, take it or leave, but at the very least try and think about what I have given to you as advice and try to apply it to this deck or possibly others in the future. Regardless +1.

Posted 03 October 2009 at 22:58 as a comment on Forced Dreams V2


To big, and no solid plan. Keep your decks at 60 cards with many duplicates to create a heavy consistency. Consistency, Reliability, and Effectiveness are all major things to consider when making a deck and when making decisions on what to include and exclude in a deck. Look at my decks for a example, you do not find to many ones, but what I do have one of you ONLY need one of. A good example is Rancor, you only need one of it because it keeps coming back to your hand and at the same time it is NOT a game winner, it is just a method of getting their faster and only as good as the creature you have to put it on. Life is NOT important in this game, the only time life is important is when you get to around 7 and life gain cards are horrid unless they have something added to them: Lightning Helix being probably the BEST example out there or Umezawa's Jitte. Even the new M10 3 Mana destroy target Artifact or Enchantment and gain 4 life is good because it has it added on.

Posted 30 September 2009 at 00:34 as a comment on Flying Rape


Planeswalker cards are unnecessary and a waste of a card in your deck, usually the first thing I cut if I even consider it. Planeswalkers have the SAME problem creatures have, to easy to get rid of.... honestly, ALOT easier to get rid of in all reality. Consider looking into cheaper and much more cost efficient. Really, white weenie is the way to go and not just soldiers.

Posted 30 September 2009 at 00:29 as a comment on Death before Dishonor


I do not see how anyone can argue with the power of this deck, considering it pretty much RULED the Type 2 domain AND it still is seeing play even more because of the addition of Cascade. This was a deck with the dredge land from Future Site BEFORE Cascade was even printed, so this deck has now survived through more than 1 block now and doesnt look like it will be slowing down until Swans is out of Type 2.

Posted 29 September 2009 at 22:50 as a comment on Cascade Swans


Not giving a negative because of the realization that Psychatog, Gifts Ungiven, and Fact or Fiction are being realized for their power in this deck idea.

Posted 29 September 2009 at 22:45 as a comment on Psychatog Deck


This deck is FAR from what made Psychatog so good. There are alot of changes to be made here, the best card is Gush but unfortunately in Vintage it is Restricted and in Legacy it is Banned.

Posted 29 September 2009 at 22:44 as a comment on Psychatog Deck


If you want to see tournament quality, look at my decks and decks just like this one. Those are what are going to take you to a Top 4 finish or 1st place. This deck gets a +1, even though people play this because guess what, its a GOOD DECK.

Posted 29 September 2009 at 22:42 as a comment on Cascade Swans


Excuse me, this deck isnt based on luck! It actually is a Type 2 Deck that sees tons of play, you obviously do not know about competitive play.

Posted 29 September 2009 at 22:42 as a comment on Cascade Swans


Need Sinkhole and Fulminator Mage. You need Wasteland aswell. Hymn to Tourach is good because it kills lands in the hand, on second turn this can cripple a player for several turns in a row if they had 2 or 3 lands in hand with no way of manipulating the top of the deck.

Posted 28 September 2009 at 23:24 as a comment on Land Destruction


Now that I know what type your playing, I can help better. I understand the whole no wanting to use tapped lands, but honestly, its just a great card for evasion. Mutavault is the same way. Its just a really evasive creature that gets buffs.

Posted 28 September 2009 at 22:48 as a comment on Best MTG Faerie Deck


lol exactly! so it doesnt even really matter. its just a goofy deck, so I cant really complain about it though.

Posted 28 September 2009 at 22:41 as a comment on Infinite Mill Combo


There is always Enlightened Tutor you could splash for. With adding white to the deck you can add the best spot removal printed to date: Swords to Plowshares. You could also add Wrath of God so stall the game till your ready to go off and win. You might want to consider cutting the combo concept back and adding counter aswell and playing Propaganda to slow down fast creature decks.

Posted 28 September 2009 at 22:40 as a comment on Colorless Dragon


Prosperity will make them BOTH draw which means the game will be a draw. You cant use Prosperity.

Posted 28 September 2009 at 22:36 as a comment on Infinite Mill Combo


You added Tinker... trust me, at first you wont like it but eventually youll start to realize how nice to have it around.

Posted 28 September 2009 at 22:32 as a comment on Colorless Dragon


No, I see what he is doing with Stroke of Genius. Stroke of Genius is the only istant blue card that you can use to force your enemy to draw with. He is going to dump mana into it to force them to draw out. Its like how Worldgorger Dragon + Animate Dead works to make infinite mana and then you hit em with s Stroke of Genius ontop of the stack.

Posted 28 September 2009 at 22:27 as a comment on Infinite Mill Combo


I play Legacy and Vintage competitively, so I can not help much as far as Casual Play. If you want to look at some good decks then check my profile. Your land base is good though for this idea, a deck that runs around this style of Land setup is Urzatron and Tooth and Nail, you should have a look at Tooth and Nail and see for yourself what you could be doing. Ill give +1 because your land base is nice and your one of the few to notice Vesuva and Cloudpost :)

Posted 28 September 2009 at 22:20 as a comment on Colorless Dragon


Why in the world would you not want to play Tinker? lol its seriously a 2 dollar card.

Posted 28 September 2009 at 22:16 as a comment on Colorless Dragon


You know you can win the game with Stuffy Doll and Guilty Conscience right? Its a infinite damage loop involving only 2 cards.

Posted 28 September 2009 at 22:12 as a comment on upon the cross


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