
6 Decks, 17 Comments, 1 Reputation

Playing black you need hand disruption

Posted 03 August 2016 at 03:15 as a comment on Nahiri-Jiki Modern


Kiki-jiki + restoration angel is a infinite combo.. Kiki copy angel, angel bounce kiki, kiki copy angel again and so on to have a giant army of hasty flying angel.. I think he's trying to build a triple win-con deck.. Nahiri ulti + kiki angel + reanimate..

Posted 03 August 2016 at 03:13 in reply to #586827 on Nahiri-Jiki Modern


Azor's Elocutors!

Posted 23 June 2016 at 10:01 as a comment on Modern Paradox


I was thinking of making a similar deck but for modern.. Lol!

Posted 08 June 2016 at 05:35 as a comment on 2x the Strike, 2x the Horror!


By the way, copy enchantment will be good and Darksteel reactor is also alternative win con

Posted 08 June 2016 at 00:46 in reply to #583585 on Modern Paradox


Love the idea, I would max out on sin prodder and make it jeskai too.
White gives you tutor for paradox like open the armory and etc.
White also gives you an alternative wincon in Boros charm or Nahiri and cards like ghostly prison to slow the game for you to get more out of paradox. It also gives you more sideboard options.
Bolt snap bolt EOT to flip a thing in the ice when it only have 2 ice counter to swing next turn with Boros charm double strike = total 20 damage.

Posted 06 June 2016 at 22:34 as a comment on Modern Paradox
